Ren'Py - The Pleasuremancer [v0.4.02 Steam] [Mirrodin]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an amazing game, with a lot of different mechanics, and a huge amount of content, tons of hours of fun here, it really feels like a real game.

    I insist that I loved it, but I'm still going to list a few cons:
    - Since for a large amount of hours the character
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    the action consists of watching others have sex, there is an option for this not to happen, but then I imagine you won't see anything spicy for many, many hours.
    - The grinding is quite high and while I don't dislike it per se, the rewards are usually not very rewarding.
    - And the worst point for me, the sex scenes are quite mid

    Despite this, if what you are looking for is to experience a porn GAME with many mechanics, a good lore and a funny dialog, I strongly recommend it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Following this game from the very beginning and it kept evolving in great ways, The fact that it is a french team developping it makes it even better as the humor is always on point.
    Thrilled to see its completion !
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a game which takes your time and wastes it, for little to no reward.

    Some of the many faults in this game include:

    Hideous, unintuitive grinding.

    Bugs upon bugs upon bugs.

    Terrible balance and combat.

    Poor translation, which doesn't exist in many parts of the game.

    Clunky, shoddy UI which loves to waste your time.

    Very little content to award the time you have wasted playing it.

    Just a general lack of polish or care put into the game.

    If you are reading this, please go find another game to play. Don't waste your limited time on this Earth with a game as frustrating as this.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Happy to see an old game (a very good one) come back to life, I hope it will stay like that and I wish you good luck for the dev. I give 5 stars for the memories but I hope to see more of this game ;)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    tho this review may be biased since this was one of my first introduction to erotic games outside of web flash games, but this game is fantastic and now that the creator is back i hope to see this game going to bigger and more amazing heights
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A slightly less than okay game that could have been more enjoyable
    I think the art is great and there's some good concepts and story at it's core
    However for a game that's been out this long it's still difficult to play, as a combination of complexity that isn't really needed (doesn't add fun or meaningful challenge) and some language issues that are still there
    It's bordering a 2.5 and I might have rounded up earlier in it's life cycle but at this point I'm rounding down, I'm not sure it's game play smooths out and it's just not fun enough to bother with
    Another in a list of games I wish were comics instead, since the art is the main redeeming thing
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good game that needs some time/(grind) to reveal all its mechanics.
    The game clearly needs a lot of work until the end of the development but seems extremly promising for the future.
    Keep up the good work!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.3.21a
    • The art is good.
    • The story/writing is interesting and entertaining.
    • The RPG elements make some sense and are functional.

    • There is much of the interface and RPG elements that are unexplained. Fortunately there is a walkthrough that will show the basic operations. You will need the walkthrough.
    • The erotic content is rare and with looonnngg dry stretches.
    • To say this game is grindy is not really encompassing the horrible fucking grindy nature of this game. Why would a developer make a decent game so fundamentally unpleasant to make any progress?
    • Wait there is a cheat mode . . . locked behind a $10 a month paywall on patreon. Well that answers the last question.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    maxx mad

    I was quite hyped about the earliest versions of this game one year ago but i'm quite disappointed now

    Pros :
    - I love the art
    - Very engaging and original story
    - The tower intro is brilliant

    Cons :
    - Scarce adult content
    - Extremely grindy
    - You can't cheat to reduce the grind (would benefit from an official cheat menu)
    -- The gay scene when wandering at night on voyeur mode, at the very least, this should be optional (nothing found instead)

    Without that gay part, i'd rate the game 3.5 (so 3*), 4 if there is a way to circumvent the grind. Right now, it's a 2.5 ratings for me ...

    Disappointed by the nature of the game itself as well, the story deserved better.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.3.25
    Loved this game. (y)

    Characters are fantastic, story is good. Progression and momentum faltered towards the end of the content. Kept me entertained.

    Art: Is great. Consistent style of good quality.
    Game play: Good - I even joyed most of the grind. Completing one aspect of the game opens up more opportunities.

    Negatives: Some missing translation, but nothing that stopped me. Grind towards the end - but it is still incomplete.

    Other: At the start the main character is weakened and does not have a physical body, but is still authoritative and strong. Stick with him, he solves this problem.

    Will revisit but due to the "on hold" stage - and lack of new content I'll wait for a major version before playing again.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Graphics
    Interesting Story
    Orginal Artwork

    Bugs, Bugs and more bugs
    Translation is behind and kicks to french for parts of the game
    Saves are broken every other update
    Grinding gets repetitive and annoying
    MC is a cuck

    Final thoughts
    This game has always been a bug fest. When the game is full of grinding it's easy to lose interest and decide to not bother to give this game another play when you have to constantly start over

    This is the 3rd time the dev has broken my saves which is literally everytime I've attempted to play the game. I find it hard to recommend anyone play this game until the dev gets his coding issues sorted due to the amount of grinding involved which is hours.

    Also the MC is a huge cuck and upto now never has had any sex with anyone. It's a huge turnoff for those who are not fans of NTR.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    First, even though I'm very much involved on the discord of the game and on this thread, I dont work with Mirrodin, I'm just someone who loves this game and who make the guide to help other players.
    I really like the artworks. Being French myself, I enjoy playing in French, enjoy all the French expression used by Mirrodin. Some translation (yes I also play in English for the guide) remains to be improved because they have just been translated by the machine and not checked after. In this version (0.3.12a), I happened to skip the text without reading it (especially for the money, when we work for Willie or when we play against Ezmella), but usually I have YouTube open. Otherwise there are pictures that disturb me, as for example when Kulriz is sitting in the tavern, we dont see his legs when we should see them.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    The Surgeon

    First things first, the artwork is pretty good, not 5/5, but pretty good and charming. As for the game itself, it fails to deliver on many ends, sadly. First of all, the amount of content is rather low, barely a hand full of scenes. Secondly, the gameplay is really lackluster. It starts out okay, as you're exploring and seeing new stuff all the time, but after maybe 15-20 minutes, its just grind. Every task is basically divided over repetitive tasks, want to earn money? Work for it and play this dice game... a couple of dozens to hundreds of times. Want to collect planks? Why not click onto this forest for a dozen days in a row, with nothing new added to it. After the first, pretty dense, part of the game, it feels like there is 45 minutes of content left, padded to multiple hours with repetition of the most boring tasks.
    The dialog is okay though, so thats a second plus.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    We rarely find a game with both an interesting interface, a soundtrack adapted and original, a humorous scenario full of reference and a unique graphic style, neat and beautiful.
    We feel on the part of the author the desire to leave the beaten track.
    Moreover the game is not limited to a single language which allows to appreciate all the subtleties of the dialogues when English is not your native language.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I think I have been playing this game for a little bit longer than a year and it has been improving nicely. I like the premise and the fact that there are different choices to select in the intro that have an effect (if I recall correctly, I haven't played the intro in a while).
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall a good and enjoyable game if you like this type of graphics. Has a few problems tho:
    - Occasional French text, even when playing with English selected
    - Quite grindy, could use some ways to make it quicker (dont remember if it had a cheat system)
    - Overall a bit of slow pace, MC doesn't even have a body yet to fuck with
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    - The plot and dialogue is quite interesting. A good game with rpg adventure elements and challenge instead of simple visual novel.
    - Graphic is so fine as 2dcg game.
    The content is still not that much, 5 star will be given if it can remain its quality.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great gameplay and interesting challenges. I'd say it's a good balance between quest, rpg, dating simulator and nice storyline. I'd say it's a bit too long and there are parts that are too dependent on money.