3.70 star(s) 18 Votes


Dec 14, 2017
Love the game, but is the gem growing influences by stats? Can I have any tips on it, because I only got 1 big ruby and lots of small, I need more "seeds" and dont know where to get more.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
I haven't played in a while, but my memory of the game is that gem size is dependent on time. The longer they are in the jars, the bigger they get. Once they reach full size (by visual appearance), they still need more time to get to "big".

Of course, then the risk is high that the jar breaks and you get nothing. Best bet, fill as many jars as you can and leave one or two for a few days longer than the others. Try harvesting those one day after the other to find out how long it takes.


May 7, 2017
if the jar is starting to break (you will notice scars on surface) its time to take everything from there

Version i dwloaded from mega is 3.6, could some give new link? thx :)


New Member
Jul 19, 2017
Bug (Public version 0.3.1.h PC - downloaded from the patreon site)

When clicking "Train Camilla (3/5)" (which is the 4th training; after getting Vlad to agree - same night I recruited Vlad in case that matters to reproduction.)

Bug trace report in spoiler below
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New Member
Jul 19, 2017
if the jar is starting to break (you will notice scars on surface) its time to take everything from there
While the above is definitely good advice, you CAN push your luck with cracked jars, and sometimes this is worth it, sometimes it is not - that's a judgement call. The specific mecahnics (at least last I saw the dev comment) is that a cracked jar has a 50% chance of its plant dieing each night. Specifically, that comes from the following post:
Change about the greenhouse system in 0.3.2
How is it happening in the facts ?
Every night, your plants have about 60% chance of evolving.
If she does, she will consume a small amount of mana (depending on the type of plant, between 1-5 mana).
If there is not the amount of mana necessary for her evolution, she dies.
Every evening, the glass jar that contains a plant, about 10% chance of cracking.
When a jar is cracked, the next night, it has a 50% chance of breaking and rotting the plant inside. It is therefore up to you to monitor the jars with care.
However, it is no longer possible for the plant to die randomly inside an uncracked jar if the reserve of mana is sufficient.
Here is it :)
Do not hesitate to tell me what you think.


New Member
Jul 19, 2017
Bug (Public version 0.3.1.h PC - downloaded from the patreon site)

When clicking "Train Camilla (4/5)" (which is the 5th training; after getting Vlad to agree the second time - same night I recruited Vlad for the second time in case that matters to reproduction. - Also, I "ignored" the previous bug in order to let the game progress.)

Bug trace report in spoiler below
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New Member
Jul 19, 2017
Bug (Public version 0.3.1.h PC - downloaded from the patreon site)

Clicked on "Headbutt" in character ability screen.

Bug trace report in spoiler below
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Just curious - not criticizing - but if you downloaded this from Patreon, why wouldn't you post the bugs there? Wouldn't that reach the dev quicker?


New Member
Jul 19, 2017
Just curious - not criticizing - but if you downloaded this from Patreon, why wouldn't you post the bugs there? Wouldn't that reach the dev quicker?
Fair Question, to which my fair answer is: I don't have a patreon login, and therefore cannot post to the Patreon page. :)

And since it looked like bug reports were being made here, and I saw several responses from the dev on this thread, I assumed it'd be easier to post here. But if that's inappropriate for some reaon, then I appologize, and would be happy to use whichever method is prefered.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Nope, as I said, I wasn't criticizing. The dev does come on here reasonably often. I assumed if you downloaded it from Patreon you must, by extension, be able to access Patreon. I am confused by your answer, but not bothered by it.

Take care!


New Member
Jul 19, 2017
I actually just got the Discord channel up and running, and will report there. Since those posts take up a fair amount of space, would you prefer I removed them to keep the thread cleaner? I would have no problem doing so, or if an admin would prefer to do it themselves - feel free.

Sorry if my reply was confusing. You can download from public posts on Patreon without having a login/account. But to post to a Patreon page you need to sign up - which I haven't done. Also, I didn't mean for that reply to sound at all bothersome, sorry if it came across that way at all. I wasn't bothered at all by your inquiry either, it was honestly a perfectly sensible question if you aren't familiar with how this slightly obscure Patreon case works.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
If you're finding bugs, then I think putting them up in multiple spots only increases the opportunity for them to be noticed and fixed, so leave 'em be!

One thing you can consider in the future, though, is putting all that type in a "spoiler" box. In the "old" days (as in 2 days ago) you accessed this from the + (plus) button. Now it is the ... (ellipsis) button - called "insert".

Select that, choose "spoiler" and paste your text between the two spoiler brackets and voila, all your text is packed away behind a little red box.

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If it were blue, it could be a Tardis! Bigger on the inside!


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
if the jar is starting to break (you will notice scars on surface) its time to take everything from there

Version i downloaded from mega is 3.6, could some give new link? thx :)
Workupload link is also 3.6. Not sure why thread is labeled as having 3.7.


Dec 4, 2017
Je ne dispose pas de mes godelins lorsque j'attaque dans la forêt !

I don't get any godelins when i attack in the forest.

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Nov 15, 2017
anyone have console commands for this one?
You probably already know this, but if you type dir(store) you can see all the variable in any given game. This game can be a bit harder to read through because the variables are in the original french still.

Most games use "player" for all the player's stats, but in this case it's "joueur" (which is french for player). If you type in dir(joueur) you can see all the variables that can be altered for the player there. It includes things like "intelligence" which is pretty straight forward (joueur.intelligence=x) or endurance. Dexterite seems to be the word used instead of dexterity. Take a look yourself and experiment with a few things if you want.

Cash is stored outside "joueur" in the inventory container inventaire_joureur. Specifically it's inventaire_joureur.credit=x. You can also try expiramenting with some of the other things in "inventaire_joureur" if you want. The french language makes things a bit more difficult to parse.
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Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Thanks for the feedback, bug erased in futur release.

Je ne dispose pas de mes godelins lorsque j'attaque dans la forêt !

I don't get any godelins when i attack in the forest.

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Did you use an old save or start from begining at this version ?
If you use old save it's normal.


Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Please report bug only if you start a new game in the last version => public 0.3.7, patreon 0.3.8
I waste so much time searching if the bug is because old save or not.
Thank you :)
3.70 star(s) 18 Votes