Ren'Py - Completed - The Princess and the Tower [v0.9c Public] [y.v.]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Kind of boring. Character designs are kind of unique in terms of proportions. Fair bit of grinding, scenes are infrequent, dialogue is dull. You wouldn't miss anything meaningful in this one if you downloaded it, browsed through the image file in the game folder, and then deleted it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    omg, I loved it so much... if you get used to the art, you can have fun for hours and days!
    The only problem is grindddiiinnnnngggg!
    There a much cheats common which makes it more playable. Without I would stop playing at a point. The second big thing is it is not fallowing a route. You can accidently scip hours of gameplay, because you didnt know to do one thing. The game needs a better navigation. And the opportunity to discover all the endings without play again, which noone would do because of the grind.
    Likes: Rolo
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 8/10
    Imagery: 9/10
    Gameplay: 9/10
    Kinks: 7/10
    Overall: 9/10

    One goblin to fuck them all.

    There's been a string of goblin themed games where you play as a lone goblin taking on the world, and this game is no different; well a little. (this game is actually good)

    The goblin here becomes the defacto teacher/trainer/corruptor of a tower bound princess, the blond bitchy princess is his to slow (and I do mean slowly) turn into his personal cock cozy. And even then, she'll never lose that bitchy attitude.

    Along for the ride is the evil queen who likes to fuck her dogs and can be blackmailed into serving as the goblin's cum bucket, a studious witch a la Hermione who can be tricked into studying the way of goblin reproduction, and a thief sent along by the shady guild our goblin belonged to at one point who ends up serving him in not only getting fat stacks but also swallowing his fat loads.

    The animation is pretty unique and I actually found it appealing, had a sort of clay doll feel to it, well modeled, and giving us some good sex scenes that might have felt a tad bit stiff but had their hearts in the right place.

    Aside from corrupting princesses and fucking evil queens, the goblin can also explore dungeons in a turn based strategy section that can be pretty damn hard at times. Trail and error my friends, trail and error, and back scrolling.

    Eventually the end result can vary, but if you're anyone who is someone playing this you'll want that harem end. Aquire the goblin artifacts and you'll earn this chance, resulting in all women being available for use by their new king and sex master.

    Put 174 in-game days into this, and while I don't see myself ever returning, it was a real fun ride.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This Developer has a unique charactor design.
    The game is fun to play but it is toooo grindy even if you use cheat it still grindy this is -1* for me

    The only bad thing about this game is grindy but it still a good game

    P.S. Princess is weird as fuck but I like her
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Long, varied, original and well done.
    Perhaps sometines you need the guide walkthrough.
    Highly recommended to use the mouse wheel.
    The best are the different ways to play during the game.
    I don't found any bugs.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    -You can figure if you like the art yourself. Personally its 4/5
    -Most of the gameplay is proper mini games, that are all of moderate to easy difficulty. Slowly falls apart the further you get into the game with the story providing less hints and more esoteric solutions and requirements that make it annoying to progress. 2/5
    -The story exists and is mildly comedic. It doesn't have any literary value, but it does add flavour to the scenes. Nothing egregious to actively reduce enjoyment. 3/5
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm very surprised this game is as highly rated as it is. If it were still in development, I'd be more inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt, but as things stand this is a barely held together game with very few scenes/renders compared to the grind/gameplay.
    Having a bad porn to grind ratio is not necessarily damning if the game is fun, but the mini games are very tedious and repetitive.
    I would give the dev's follow up a try, because I'm sure they learned a lot making this game, but I can't recommend this game to anyone.

    The good:
    I like the art style
    Corruption is fun
    Good diversity in harem
    Good story (though I wish Grex was more evil)

    The bad:
    Incredibly tedious, even on easy (I played both)
    Feels incomplete (got softlocked a couple of times)
    Lots of early ideas remain that have no purpose. Why is there an experience system? What do the levels mean?
    The RPG elements are really just gates to unlock the next VN sequence. But the point of RPG elements is customization (think early Final Fantasy). There's not some great variety of scenes to choose from that different points might unlock. So drop it!

    Game would have benefited from being edited down into a shorter VN.
    You'll have more fun re-playing an Akabur game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game all around. Good humor, decent story, pretty girls and enjoyable scenes. There is kind of a weak point in that the minigames don't feel very polished and can get a little repetitive, but I'm willing to look past that because the rest of the game was strong. I gave this game multiple hours to get all three ends (with the guide) and I'm happy with that choice.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The Princess and the tower is a very interactive VN with a lot of management mechanics, items, currency, time, and a couple of fun minigames. You get thrown in a scenario with an airhead princess and slowly get your way through her and a couple of girls. Instead of quantity the game is heavily focused on quality of interaction with each girl. It is a fun game and setting, leveling up and showing the princess and the others new ways of interacting with items and such. The art and the teasing got me fixated on the screen. But there are also some significant problems to consider, mainly the repetition and the lack of scenes. Considering it is a management game you have to do and redo many of the same actions over and over with very few differences that would make it more palpable. Another aspect is the lack of interesting scenes. Despite having plenty of teasing, the game falters with actually deep content that would be the payoff for many hours of repetition, this alone hurts the quality of the game significantly. And as you go through the three different endings, you notice the gallery does not properly save your endings, meaning you actually have to replay the game three times, something crazy considering the amount of grinding for each run. A terrible design for any game like this. The gallery does not show the scene but a single picture of the scene, and some you can never see again ingame because of progress. Also, by the end, your focus changes from the princess to other girls. Personally I did not enjoy it as much as the simple beginning. It's a nice game but not something you are not missing much, it had potential for much more.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the game, encountered a few issues with not being able to progress and resorting to restarting game at a later point, (Gwynn didn't give me the key to enable Nix to access the castle in the magic squares ACT).

    Very unique art style (cutesy!), some bondage themes, some funny dialogue ("like totally"), a few different mini games.
    I feel like this is an under-rated game.
    Only minor complaint, I think the game would benefit from more renders, would still give it 5stars, good job!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Played the final version.

    I follow this game around for a while (and the reason i create an account in F95) because the art style, simply i love it.

    I like the gameplay, it's really funny and entertainment, and the options in the difficulty are good.

    Mini-games in general are really good, they are entertainment and enjoyable.

    The story and art are (at least for me) the most i like, the game have multiple endings to complete and are good, art and renders are just perfects.

    Congratulations on doing an amazing first game, i will follow your next projects. Good luck with all your projects and keep going doing that amazing job.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    It has nice art design and the general premise is good. I like a lot of the trainer ideas to it but it just feels like an insane grind to actually get anywhere in it.

    Can't say I recommend it though it's not terrible either just needs pruning for the endless tedium of grinding each day.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The models are nice and imo the grind is not so bad once you get the mechanics, the writting and characters are fun as well.

    Now I still give it only 3 stars since the sex scenes are barebones at best but unfortunately most of the time worse. Often you have only one or two pics with no real text to describe the scene.

    It is disappointing because evrything else for a good game is there but it has no payoff / reward whatsoever since the porn falls completely flat,

    Shame, it has way more potential.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I love the trainer games.

    But I don't have nice time with this game.

    I think the good things about this games is the optimization (is the best), the art and the idea.

    The bad things I think is the easy frustration 'cuz the game is so scripting and so easy be lost. You need search in the thread topic and the walkthrough (this walkthroughs result useless for me)

    The art is good but the animations is "meh" the voices dont help... ins't a fappeable game.

    The minigames are fine but the dungeon with 5 or 6 sorcerer's is SO ANNOYING and easy to get angry.

    I don't recommend this game, maybe i try again when the game are finished 100% and polish 100% but now result a waste time for me.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good and entertaining, I started with this game on the 0.7 release and can say I have not regretted following it further, the story is certainly not groundbreaking but far from bad.

    By far what I have enjoyed most in this game is the gameplay loop, which some have described as friendly, about that, I won't deny it, if you don't know what you need to do, you can certainly spend way more time than necessary doing minor tasks with little reward, and that can be pretty annoying, however I haven't experienced it but I digress.

    The porn and scenes are generally really vanilla, with some scenes scattered with slightly more kinky stuff, although never to a significant degree, the animations are far from perfect, but still enjoyable; the art is really good for the 3D render stuff, which I generally avoid due the uncanniness of many other games.

    The endings are alright, but I can't stress enough how obtuse the whole spider amulet thing is (Which is a real shame because that is what opens the, IMO, better endings), once you get it and manage to give it to the princess it is pretty straight forward.

    Overall, a fairly good, fun and entertaining game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked the game. The author has a lot of ideas and a great implementation. There is a moderate fetish. Quests sometimes make you think that it is also very good and brings the game to a high level, do not let it fall to a banal clicker. The plot changes with different characters from good to bad behavior, which also gives zest and gives a new look. With pleasure I went through the game several times to open all the scenes. I recommend to all"!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    First off. Congrats to the dev on finishing the game. that in itself is worth 5 stars.

    I really enjoyed the game. The characters we unique and extremely sexy for me. Irith's nipples are to die for!!

    I loved the game mechanics, they way it's presented is all top notch.

    But I just feel there is something missing. Some of the character developments seems a bit off (Nyx becoming a stripper and working girls, came outa nowhere)

    Irith and Gwynn characters were much more consistent.

    The endings for me was also a bit bland.
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    The game was relatively bug free, but there was a totally out of sequence event (Involving a training plug), that occurred in my playthrough.

    So, was this a good game? Absolutely! I would recommend anyone reading the review to play it.
    But it just does not have all the finishing touches for a 5 for me.
    A very good 4 from me.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    At first glance, the game looked intriguing to me.
    I've put a lot of hours into it up to the point where for every progression I want to make, I need to look outside the game how to progress, rendering the game not intuitive at all and not guiding the player in a satisfactory manner. I had to look for answer to the riddles in google, searching a lot of time in the forums for how to progress the game and what was the last straw for me is unlocking the burrows, which I couldn't manage to do (even after searching here for the answer, which talks about some spider amulet that I have no idea what it is, or who is this goblin girl that should be in the brothel etc.) and thus just dropped the game.

    + The game has nice models. Not the typical models that you see in every second VN here.
    + Progression in games is always fun (up to some grindy point), so it was nice at the beginning progress and unlock stuff.
    + The game adds new mechanics as you progress and manages maybe to keep from the game being bland faster.
    + Good option to skip mini games. Some of them are pointless and have no reason to be put in the game to prolong it.

    - Grainy renders
    - The animations are just few key frames
    - It takes a lot of hours to see insertion in the H-scene, if you will see it at all. I played up to about 100 days and didn't see even 1 insertion scene where YOU ACTUALLY SEE the insertion.
    - You can skip time only in the main hall, forcing you to go there so many times just to skip time and go back to where you have been before.
    - The biggest con is how unintuitive the game is. I was stuck soo many times. For example, I had no idea how to send stuff to the queen at the first time, and then again with the crystal plug, which I found that is "registered" as sending only after you "chat" with the queen. Then unlocking the burrows which I didn't manage in the game. Then again in the riddles in the Hall of Wisdom... so you see..

    Overall, I felt very frustrated by the game up to the point it was hard for me to continue.
    Kodos to the dev for completing the game. I'm sure you next game will be much better if you take the various points different people point out.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty stock standard trainer. honestly would have liked for them to go more into training mechanics
    Played Version : v0.9B
    The Good:
    • Good models
    • novel gameplay loop
    • solid scenes
    • ok writing
    The Bad:
    • the novelty of the gameplay loop can get boring (details in spoiler)
    • Would have liked more corruption/ training
    • could have more scenes
    Here be Spoilers
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  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Besides the annoying early game grind fest!
    The game is likeable and fun!
    It has its flaws like very game!
    But with the state that the game is in at the moment of righting this:
    - The game has very little in the way of good scenes (every subject is hardly explored)
    - Dungeon layout is some what interesting the first 100times! But after that is ... Yeah i have to grind for "insert name" and then same dungeon same enemy. You can just make a skip button that takes us to either the full clear or to the point where the new stuff is?
    - There is huge potential in this game that is unexplored!
    - The endings are not very interesting.
    - Every little interactions with Nyx in terms of you know ;)
    - Late game its just boring... I had over 300 of every imaginable thing! Nothing is a problem by then!
    - The game is ok so play it people!