Hi everyone ^_^
Been a bit behind on things again, but catching up better than previously. My apologies for being slow to respond over here. Development is going fine, and I'm hoping for a new build to be done within the next few days
Speaking of which could you add swim diapers to that outfit selection?
Hi Pooploser ^_^
Thank you for the suggestion. Swim diapers could be possible, at least in design terms, though there has been a couple of set backs relating to ABDL art/items lately (the extra artist I had has had to take some time away from drawing) so I can't say for sure. Will add them to my suggestion list ^_^
Interesting. If the author introduces potting training into his game, for example, for 3,000 G.G.P. First lesson. Your character just sits down on the pot. Second lesson. Your hero sits on the potty and stains the diaper while sitting on the potty. Third lesson. Your hero sits down on the potty without a diaper and does his business in the pot.
Hi Alieksandr ^_^
Seeing as there was a conversation over what I might have planned for the potty training content I thought I could just quickly go over my plans here. Things might change a little, but my currents plans are as follow:
- Diaper Wetting/Messing content players will be able to purchase a potty for their room. This potty will be usable as long as they don't have a diaper locked onto them and they are close to needing to wet/mess, avoiding certain embarrassing scenes.
- Players will also be able to start potty training if they have been diaper trained. Every time they successfully use the potty over wetting/messing their diaper they'll increase their potty training score slightly, though wetting/messing their diaper will instead decrease that potty training score. The higher their potty training score the more infrequent wetting/messing accidents will be.
- Players will be able to pay for potty training sessions, which will bring with it a special potty training skill. This skill will make potty training (by that I mean getting to the potty in time) more effective (so a bigger potty training score boost), will allow players to tell when they're close to needing to wet/mess (so it's easier to avoid accidental messing/wetting), and will give a boost to the potty training score.
- Even if fully potty trained, players who are forced to have accidents will lower that potty training score, putting them back into a state of incontinence.
Effectively, players who end up being forced to wet/mess will have a way to get out of it again, but it'll be tough to do and will take time. They'll also have to be cautious not to end up wetting/messing, or else they'll lose a lot of that progress they make to dealing with the problem. By getting the skill up players will have an easier time combatting the wetting/messing issue, but it doesn't directly solve it.
Hope that explains things a little better ^_^
happy you are feeling better.
This is all i can ask

. I am sure with a game as fun as this one you most likely have a mountain of requests both paid and unpaid.
Hi Orannis ^_^
Thank you again for the well wishes. I'm feeling a lot better now, and am much better able to concentrate on working on the game. Hopefully there should be weekly (or every other week) builds going forward, though I am going to be dealing with a few more complex areas of coding (clothing overhauls, piercings, pregnancy), so I can't say that for certain
Whilst I do get a lot of suggestions/requests, both paid and unpaid, I try my best to work on them all when I get the chance. Suggestions often end up giving me some really good ideas, which go a long way to helping improve the game. So, if people have suggestions/requests I'm always happy to hear them ^_^
I noticed a small typo while working at the cat-girl cafe.
View attachment 852008
Hi Cboy ^_^
Another great find. Thank you very much for the bug report, I'll get on correcting that right away
I found another typo where it doesn't show the name of the furry transformation store owner doesn't appear. I forgot her name.
View attachment 852013
Hi again ^_^
Thank you for the bug report. That does read a bit weird, will get on top of that right away