Could you add a baby rattle? I think that would be quite cute.
Hi Pooploser ^_^
I can look into something like this, but it might be tough. Not only would it probably require me to add in a held item slot, but I'm not sure how much I'd make use of held items within content. I always appreciate the suggestions, and I'll do my best to think things over for logistics, but this one I'm less sure on than other suggestions you've made to me in the past.
Sorry about that, but thank you for feedback
Could you also add terry nappies? (You know the ones with the pins?) I think that would be quite cute. And maybe even nappy rash and also nappy rash cream to treat said nappy rash. (Unless of course nappy rash is already in the game haven’t played it in a while.)
Hi again ^_^
That sounds nice. I can probably arrange terry nappies for the ABDL content, though it might take me a while. As mentioned before my ABDL artist doesn't do clothing and accessory images really, and the other person I had who was handling those things has disappeared on me sadly. I'll do my best to try and get some more diaper styles arranged though, thank you for the suggestion
As for nappy rash ... hmmm. Haven't thought about this previously, but it's an interesting idea. I'm currently working on a big piece of content for the diaper-related section of the game (reworking the Diaper Racing mini-game into a tournament with 13 different opponents with special rules and eventually a special ending - followed by adding in potty training). Thanks again for the suggestion, I'll make a note of it and put some more serious thought into it when I get the chance ^_^
I haven't played this game for a long time
umm... how do you get the ending for the pony play scenes? or is there any?
I just keep getting the same scenes over and over
Hi Rhaegar Targaryen ^_^ (love the name

Yes, currently there does exist a pony-play ending on the Pet-Play Trainer content. It can be a little confusing to get to sadly, largely because I've been delayed significantly over the last year or so making some major delays on the Pet-Play content (will go into the plans for that a little more below).
However, on the matter of the Pony-Play ending you need to get enough complaints against you in the second stage of the Pet-Play Trainer content by either not wearing the required pet clothing at bed time or by refusing to go through with the lessons presented to you. After doing all of that, then you'll come to a scene where you're allowed to select a Pet-Play related ending, with there currently being 4 (Puppy, Kitten, Bunny, Pony).
In terms of what I still plan to add for the Pet-Play Trainer, the intention has always been to add about twice as many nightly encounters as there currently are, with some that are specific to the type of pet you've selected. I even have artwork for some of those scenes put together, including a pony cart scene. I'll also be adding in a task system where some days the trainer will set you a task within the day, and you'll get Pet-Play Trainer complaints for failing it (along with a punishment), or rewards for completing it. Finally, I am making some early preparations for a Pet-Play job, though as of yet I've not got into the matter of planning out the Pony-Play section of it.
Thank you for the question, I hope all of that helps ^_^