
Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2019
The Plans For Extra School Characters

Note 1: It's my birthday today, so I'm posting this publicly!
Note 2: As with any commission I make I try my best to get reference images to base them off of. As those references are not my property I can't post them here, however, if you're curious I'll be posting them over on the game's Discord server.


Hi everyone ^_^

Things have been a little slow as I've been concentrating on fixes and planning the last week, so I thought now would be a good time to talk more about the planned additional characters for the school. These aren't all of the planned characters, as there are extracurricular characters, and characters for the ABDL Kindergarten, but these are the core content characters that I intend to add to the core school content.

So, without further ado, here they are:


Renata The Queen-Bee Sporty Student - Renata is a bossy 'queen-bee' like character, from South America, with long straight brown/blonde hair and lightly tanned skin. She wears a small blue and white varsity jacket with a white sports bra underneath, and grey jogger bottoms.

Her role in the plot will be to take on the position as the leader of the athletic students social group. She'll be involved in various sports, likely being the captain of the volley-ball team primarily, but having a role on a number of competitive sports teams. Depending on the player's school reputation and interest in sports, she can either be a mean-girl friend, someone you need to suck up to, or a potential bully.

Paige The Shy Sporty Student - Paige is a shy and quiet sporty girl, she's white but not too pale, with her brunette hair in a long over-the-shoulder ponytail, she also wears makeup. In terms of clothing she wears a blue (turquoise) sports bra and matching tight sports shorts.

Her role in the plot will be as a quieter and more friendly character in the school sports content. She'll be involved in various sports, such as being on the volley-ball team, however, she'll primarily be on the track team (running). Renata may bully her to some extent (more bossing her around than full-on bullying), with players able to either join in, or to possibly stick up for her.

Veronica The Over Competitive Sporty Student - Veronica is a bit over competitive, wanting to win no-matter the costs, even happy to get physical due to her muscles and height. She is a tall and muscular lighter-skinned black girl from England, with dark hair in two short braided pigtails, and she wears a school sports jacket with a cream sweater underneath, and pants that match the jacket colours/design.

Her role in the plot will be as sporting competition, a possible rival to the character in that content. She's primarily interested in sex wrestling, and takes her practice/career in it very serious, however, she's also on the school's football (American-style) team. Her ego and competitive nature could lead to issues with the player, along with leading to bets on the outcome of big sex wrestling matches, but equally she could end up being a friend if she considers the player to be serious about their sports pursuits (or knows to avoid doing sports if they aren't good at them).

Dae-Hyun The Aloof Sporty Student - Dae-Hyun is a Korean student who wants to just concentrate on his sports career, so remains aloof. He's relatively slender, with short (slightly messy) brown hair, and wearing a school sweater-vest over a shirt, tie, and pants combo.

His role in the plot will be related to the basketball and track teams, where he'll hold high positions in each. He'll be a quiet and aloof character, who doesn't particularly want to socialise, but who will soften up to players who he thinks are putting in the effort to his hobbies (or who spend enough time trying to get closer to him). He's a bit of a pretty boy, who has a lot of interest surrounding him, however, as with most social interactions he generally avoids that kind of thing.

Hector The Jokey Sporty Student - Hector is the class clown, and likes to pull pranks. He's a taller ginger guy, with kind of messy short hairdo that's neater at the sides, wearing a shirt and tie with school pants.

His role in the plot will be as a friendly male sporty character, who just wants to get along with everyone. He's not the smartest, but with an upbeat attitude and always looking for ways to make everyone laugh, he's hard for anyone not to get along with. Other than being attached to basketball content, and maybe the sex wrestling due to his size and physique, I see him being the centre of a number of classroom encounters, or just being someone to hang out with.

Bonnie The Rocker Girl Delinquent Student - Bonnie just wants to skip class and learn to play rock music, and is generally friendly and outgoing. She's a white girl with long black hair which she has swept to one side and in front of her, wearing a button-up shirt, tie, and pleated skirt, but all of them rolled up or loosened enough to be breaching school rules.

Her role in the plot is to offer a delinquent group character who is easier to get along with, and who can get the player into some mutual trouble. She's not a bully in any way, and will instead push the character more towards skipping classes and breaking into places they shouldn't. She'll also want to start her own band, giving the player the chance to learn music and have some fun. I also see her as a potential romance option.

May The Gang Boss Delinquent Student - May is a gang boss of a girl gang, and has a high opinion of herself. She's a white French blonde with short hair in kind of bob-style cut, wearing a girly pink hoodie covered in patches and half-open, a short pink pleated skirt, and a tiara on the top of her head.

Her role in the plot will be mostly antagonistic unless the player is more criminally focussed, showing a different side of the delinquent group than Jenny and Artyom. She'll extort money out of any player she thinks that she can get away with it from, asking for regular payments with consequences (sexual and humiliating in nature generally). Equally, a more criminal player might be able to become her muscle, or even her partner in crime.

Xander The Grunge-y Delinquent Student - Xander doesn't want to be at the school, and much like Bonnie just wants to rock out. Difference is, Xander is less upbeat than her. He's a white guy with messy dark hair that hangs over his face, and wearing a band t-shirt (Altar Of Venus) with an open button-up shirt over it.

His role in the plot will be to offer a quieter delinquent character that you can get along with easier than some of the more aggressive ones. He'll be an easy friend to players, even if they become generally outcast by others. As with Bonnie, Xander will be a way to learn music and get involved in a band, though he's less of an active trouble-maker than Bonnie.

Florence The Naive Preppy Popular Student - Florence is a sweet girl, but one who is easily convinced to do things she shouldn't (which will likely eventually send her down a slutty path). She's a white girl with a blonde-brown fringed bob, wearing a button sweater with a button shirt under it, and a pleated skirt.

Her role in the plot will be as a character the player can either befriend and look after, or who they can take advantage of as she spirals into outcast status. Sweet and friendly, a number of different characters will attempt to bully her, blackmail her, or generally push her into becoming a slut. Whether she remains a popular girl, ends up an outcast, or goes a completely different direction with her corruption, will be largely down to the player's influence on her.

Tomek The Charismatic Bully Popular Student - Tomek is strong and influential, and likes to make use of that power. He's a big black guy with very short black hair, wearing a football team letterman jacket and pants.

His role in the plot is to be a popular male bully, the kind who is well-respected, attractive, and charismatic, but who has less noble intentions deep down. Tomek will be friendly, but will push for a more sexual relationship, then leveraging evidence of that as blackmail. He'll also be a potential bully for outcast players in general, quick to mock and humiliate them to look better himself. On top of this, he'll be a member of the football (American-style) team. Maybe a smart character could turn the tables on him though.


Hopefully that all was interesting to you ^_^
Happy Birthday! I hope you had and have a great time :3

I love what I read in those notes, especially (but definitely not only) a potential rocker girl romance. Something that just comes to mind reading that is a question I forgot to ask every time I write here: Are there any plans to add stuff like smoking and substances to the game? Getting some trippy scenes could be hilarious, especially when combined with the Goo stuff going on.
I feel like it would tie in well with some of the already present criminal stuff & also obviously fits the flair of some of the school delinquents. (by the way is there something I've been missing in regards to beauty corp? Can we interact withthem already or is that just stuff teased, but not yet delved into, by the events surrounding make-up training e.g.)

Also really excited about Florence & May, while Renata, Veronica and Paige are intriguing. Don't care too much about the male NPCs, as always, but I find their descriptions interesting and am looking forward to interacting (or arguing, lol) with them. :D
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Nov 17, 2017
I Have My Discord Back

Hi everyone ^_^

Thankfully, I now have my Discord account back. Really sorry to worry you all. I'm especially sorry to the people who were hacked (and I believe in one case extorted) by the hacker puppet-ing my account.

I'm not sure how to apologise for this, nor how best to prove that I'm really me. What I do know is many people were kicked and blocked from my Discord community, including many long-term fans of the game. I want to link a new Discord link here, but am slightly worried people will consider it suspicious given the circumstances.

Instead, I'd like to post some unseen artwork to hopefully make people a little more reassured. As such, I present:

Puppy-girl Sketch By NimbleTail

Sheep/Bunny (Couldn't Decide) Bonnet By LilyBlax

The School Hallway By Silverjile - Love that he put up the room posters here.


So, hopefully that makes people more comfortable that I'm really me ^_^

I'll leave the discord link here at the end, I've separated them into an original link and a new invite, as I'm sure I've been told that kicked people can't use the same link as previously.

Original ->
New ->


Nov 17, 2017
Happy Birthday! I hope you had and have a great time :3
Hi Orphanus, and thank you for the birthday wishes ^_^

Sorry for the slow response, it has been a weird week.

I love what I read in those notes, especially (but definitely not only) a potential rocker girl romance. Something that just comes to mind reading that is a question I forgot to ask every time I write here: Are there any plans to add stuff like smoking and substances to the game? Getting some trippy scenes could be hilarious, especially when combined with the Goo stuff going on.
I feel like it would tie in well with some of the already present criminal stuff & also obviously fits the flair of some of the school delinquents. (by the way is there something I've been missing in regards to beauty corp? Can we interact withthem already or is that just stuff teased, but not yet delved into, by the events surrounding make-up training e.g.)
Glad to hear you're excited about Bonnie, I am too! A few of my characters slid around into new niches since I originally envisioned them, especially Catarina - who was meant to be more friendly/social and less shy, Celeste - who came out much nicer and more playful than I originally planned, and Jenny - who was meant to be more grouchy goth and less straight up thug (who also is a grouchy goth). That gave me some room for Bonnie in-particular, as I like the ideas I've been coming up with for a rocker girl, and the kind of trouble/mischief that can involve :)

As for drugs, I'd have to create something in-world, as I don't know if I want to bring something as real-world heavy for people into the game. Tripping scenes would be fun though, like the easter-egg in the unicorn poster (if you have bimbo issues).

When it comes to Beauty Corp, that's an as yet unfinished story-line which only has hints about it (mainly hints from the makeup seller, the makeup training, and one of Felicity's secret notes). I consider that story to be one of the major plot-lines going on within the facility, of which all of the executive council members have one related to them ;)

Also really excited about Florence & May, while Renata, Veronica and Paige are intriguing. Don't care too much about the male NPCs, as always, but I find their descriptions interesting and am looking forward to interacting (or arguing, lol) with them. :D
Yeah, I think Florence and May both have some really interesting content directly attached to them (not to mention how much I like the reference images I used for both of them and Bonnie). Florence as a kind of malleable character with multiple ways she can turn out should be something new for both me and player-base. Meanwhile, May as a straight up girl-gang gang-boss should be a more openly antagonistic character (with all the sexy implications), that also makes playing that delinquent/criminal play-style more do-able.

Then there's the sports girls, who I think should really round out the students, giving me a few new types of character to play around with while also giving players who have more sporty aspirations some people to hang around with (something not really in there before. Got some fun things planned for them too, especially the sex wrestling content ;)

As for the male characters, I get that. I find people often comment that they are interested in the female characters more by far, and I think I do too. Now, I do like giving options for everyone, and I do like writing the male characters, but most of my favourite characters in the game are female. Maybe with the school content though I'll get some really neat male ones too :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2019
Hi Orphanus, and thank you for the birthday wishes ^_^

Sorry for the slow response, it has been a weird week.

Glad to hear you're excited about Bonnie, I am too! A few of my characters slid around into new niches since I originally envisioned them, especially Catarina - who was meant to be more friendly/social and less shy, Celeste - who came out much nicer and more playful than I originally planned, and Jenny - who was meant to be more grouchy goth and less straight up thug (who also is a grouchy goth). That gave me some room for Bonnie in-particular, as I like the ideas I've been coming up with for a rocker girl, and the kind of trouble/mischief that can involve :)

As for drugs, I'd have to create something in-world, as I don't know if I want to bring something as real-world heavy for people into the game. Tripping scenes would be fun though, like the easter-egg in the unicorn poster (if you have bimbo issues).

When it comes to Beauty Corp, that's an as yet unfinished story-line which only has hints about it (mainly hints from the makeup seller, the makeup training, and one of Felicity's secret notes). I consider that story to be one of the major plot-lines going on within the facility, of which all of the executive council members have one related to them ;)

Yeah, I think Florence and May both have some really interesting content directly attached to them (not to mention how much I like the reference images I used for both of them and Bonnie). Florence as a kind of malleable character with multiple ways she can turn out should be something new for both me and player-base. Meanwhile, May as a straight up girl-gang gang-boss should be a more openly antagonistic character (with all the sexy implications), that also makes playing that delinquent/criminal play-style more do-able.

Then there's the sports girls, who I think should really round out the students, giving me a few new types of character to play around with while also giving players who have more sporty aspirations some people to hang around with (something not really in there before. Got some fun things planned for them too, especially the sex wrestling content ;)

As for the male characters, I get that. I find people often comment that they are interested in the female characters more by far, and I think I do too. Now, I do like giving options for everyone, and I do like writing the male characters, but most of my favourite characters in the game are female. Maybe with the school content though I'll get some really neat male ones too :)
Nothing to apologize for, if your previous post is any indication you had a lot of stoopid things to deal with. x.x

I like getting some insight into the process on your end, so Celeste actually wasn't meant to be all that likeable? xD Also, personally, I think there can hardly ever be too much as far as grouchy goth girls are concerned, generally I like that combined with thug things, too. Quite a bit, in fact, though probably not necessarily in real life, since the latter type of people aren't the healthiest to be around, to put it mildly. o_O
Jokes aside I am pretty sure the content revolving around these character is going to be 1 of my favorite things.

To elaborate a bit on the drug part: I agree that it shouldn't be something as dark as it would be in real life. Obviously it has to fit your game world specifically, but I can definitely see people inhaling some funky sort of sticks that are an aphrodisiac + relaxant, probably related to the bimbo stuff as well. You know, basically a unicorn poster that you can smoke, coming in all sorts of glittery colours and producing glittery & glowing smoke or something along those lines ;) At least i could imagine that, doesn't have to become a thing of course, I don't doubt you have a ton of things planned as is already, without additional stuff like that!

Speaking of bimbo stuff I would like to know if there are any downsides to that, does it make it impossible to refuse certain advances? I haven't dared diving into that because I don't really know what it entails.
(Also I kinda dont wanna disappoint the lovely trainer, she doesn't seem to think too highly of it & I am unsure if getting the bimbo stat high locks me out of a positive relationship with her. (Will she be intimately approachable in the future by the way? Going by the interactions I saw (which aren't all but I think most of them, on her preferred training path) I get the impression she might actually like the player character, of course she wouldn't just go for a roll in the hay)

I'm curious about the Beauty Corp stuff, not gonna lie, the make-up job is cool (Anna is cute, is it correct that there were or are plans to advance her relationship at some point in the future or is that outdated info?) and I kinda would like to save those poor, involuntary, models. :oops: No need to spoil stuff, obviously, I'll enjoy being surprised by how that part plays out.

Well, I won't say getting claimed by a gang boss sounds a lot more appealing than it should, but...:censored:
Also yes, adding to the delinquent playstyle sure is a good thing, it has it's practical uses for making money, but not all that much content going on that's really related to it, if I am not mistaken.

Being able to nicely guide Florence also sounds really good (or being naughty, for those inclined), being nice tends to result in cute scenes in your game. :D

Well, if that is part of the sports girl content it sure will be something to take a closer look at. :D Not gonna lie, it already piked my interest when you initially mentioned it.

As far as I'm concerned it is always great to have choices for people of different tastes & as long as you do enjoy writing the characters it is definitely a good idea to stick to that! :D
May 10, 2020
Nothing to apologize for, if your previous post is any indication you had a lot of stoopid things to deal with. x.x

I like getting some insight into the process on your end, so Celeste actually wasn't meant to be all that likeable? xD Also, personally, I think there can hardly ever be too much as far as grouchy goth girls are concerned, generally I like that combined with thug things, too. Quite a bit, in fact, though probably not necessarily in real life, since the latter type of people aren't the healthiest to be around, to put it mildly. o_O
Jokes aside I am pretty sure the content revolving around these character is going to be 1 of my favorite things.

To elaborate a bit on the drug part: I agree that it shouldn't be something as dark as it would be in real life. Obviously it has to fit your game world specifically, but I can definitely see people inhaling some funky sort of sticks that are an aphrodisiac + relaxant, probably related to the bimbo stuff as well. You know, basically a unicorn poster that you can smoke, coming in all sorts of glittery colours and producing glittery & glowing smoke or something along those lines ;) At least i could imagine that, doesn't have to become a thing of course, I don't doubt you have a ton of things planned as is already, without additional stuff like that!

Speaking of bimbo stuff I would like to know if there are any downsides to that, does it make it impossible to refuse certain advances? I haven't dared diving into that because I don't really know what it entails.
(Also I kinda dont wanna disappoint the lovely trainer, she doesn't seem to think too highly of it & I am unsure if getting the bimbo stat high locks me out of a positive relationship with her. (Will she be intimately approachable in the future by the way? Going by the interactions I saw (which aren't all but I think most of them, on her preferred training path) I get the impression she might actually like the player character, of course she wouldn't just go for a roll in the hay)

I'm curious about the Beauty Corp stuff, not gonna lie, the make-up job is cool (Anna is cute, is it correct that there were or are plans to advance her relationship at some point in the future or is that outdated info?) and I kinda would like to save those poor, involuntary, models. :oops: No need to spoil stuff, obviously, I'll enjoy being surprised by how that part plays out.

Well, I won't say getting claimed by a gang boss sounds a lot more appealing than it should, but...:censored:
Also yes, adding to the delinquent playstyle sure is a good thing, it has it's practical uses for making money, but not all that much content going on that's really related to it, if I am not mistaken.

Being able to nicely guide Florence also sounds really good (or being naughty, for those inclined), being nice tends to result in cute scenes in your game. :D

Well, if that is part of the sports girl content it sure will be something to take a closer look at. :D Not gonna lie, it already piked my interest when you initially mentioned it.

As far as I'm concerned it is always great to have choices for people of different tastes & as long as you do enjoy writing the characters it is definitely a good idea to stick to that! :D
I liked your idea of smoking sticks with aphrodisiac and relaxant. As for the Bimbo protocol. This can make it difficult to go to work or complete a coach's assignment. Sometimes you can wander into interesting places instead of work or coach assignments.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2019
I liked your idea of smoking sticks with aphrodisiac and relaxant. As for the Bimbo protocol. This can make it difficult to go to work or complete a coach's assignment. Sometimes you can wander into interesting places instead of work or coach assignments.
That does mean, however, it doesn't come with forced sexual encounters like in some other games with Bimbofication, if I get you right? And it gets the protag to places otherwise not accessible? If so I know what I'll try next time I start over :censored:


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Just found this game. Sounds interesting I'll be taking a look. Sounds like there will be a lot of fetishes covered, but what are those currently available in game? thx.
May 10, 2020
Just found this game. Sounds interesting I'll be taking a look. Sounds like there will be a lot of fetishes covered, but what are those currently available in game? thx.
ABDL, initial level of Sissy and feminization, pregnancy, initial level of human cows, initial level of human pet play, hermaphrodites, sex robots, bimbo. P.S. The list is incomplete.
Last edited:
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Nov 17, 2017
Quick Progress Update

Hi everyone ^_^

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. The hacking incident ended up knocking my confidence more than I thought, and it took a while for me to get back into my stride with the writing. However, the good news is that I'm over the block and very nearly done with the build.

Expect the new build within the next 48 hour!

Thank you everyone for your support and patience ^_^

P.S. I'll be doing a proper weekly update after the build post.


Nov 17, 2017
Hi everyone ^_^

Sorry for the long wait, but I finally have a new build here for you.

You can find it here ->

Hopefully a shorter wait before the next one.

Happy gaming ^_^
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2019
Still gonna wait, since I'll start over once again next time I play, but I really like what I read in the patch notes once more. I have a few questions though:

Am I correct to assume that the secret stuff of the roommate content is not yet in the game?

Is there a way to get the ballet lessons on the good girl path (or more generally speaking as a female who started as a female) as well? Or is that planned, at least? (And is the ballet teacher the same Laura who is training the player character? If so I will go the United Nations if you lock out getting all touchy-touchy with her on the other paths :mad::ROFLMAO:)

Most importantly tho welcome back & whew, it's good you got back in the mood and vibe for continuing development, would have been super-duper sad if the incident had crushed your resolve and enjoyment. :c
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Jun 24, 2019
My tomboy was disappointed to find that TRP has next to no male clothes. There's not even a single way to go shirtless (i.e. only pants).
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Feb 23, 2023
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New Member
Aug 9, 2021
hi sorry if I am bothering you but the game has an error in the fertility part for the player (
Fertility: 19
Error: cannot find a closing tag for HTML <else>
>Not Fertile )
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Active Member
Feb 12, 2019
Is abdl kindergarden content in the current version?
If so, how do you proceed? No matter how much I play, it doesn't appear.
No, and it's currently like a fourth priority, so unless dear jp comes up with some divine inspiration and productivity, it will be a few updates before it's added.
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Jul 25, 2022
Can you have male roommates? Or is it just women; and if it is, will that change in the future? Would be nice (if that hasn't changed yet) since the roommate system goes completely ignored by me atm and I'd be interested in using it but already try to avoid interactions with female charas as much as I can, since they don't interest me.
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