Hey everyone ^_^
Apologies for the silence, things have been crazy busy as I finished up my Master's Thesis. Everything is good now, and I'm catching up with everything I've missed in my absence, so thank you for your concerns and your patience
I noticed this error after hanging out with Alice in your room.
View attachment 796010
Hi Cboy ^_^
Thank you for the bug report. That was a good catch, it seems the legacy code I use for the decision making in hanging out scenes (as there are always two responses in that section regarding rumours) doesn't like CSS tagging for colours. I've dealt with this now, so it should be fine for the next public version of the game. Thanks again
I found a small typo when meeting Marcus at the gym:
View attachment 800707
Hi again Cboy ^_^
Another good typo find, thank you (and fixed)!
Sorry if somebody already showed you this but I found a picture that was missing!
View attachment 801284
Hi Pooploser ^_^
Thank you for the bug report. I think the issue you're highlighting was solved in the last Patreon version, as it's a result of me messing up the image name for red hair styles. This is fixed now, but thank you still for letting me know (especially for including a screenshot as that helps a lot)
Sorry if it's already reported, but when being visited by the trainee if you examine self and the go back to game, it will show a different message than the previous one.
Hi erEFX ^_^
Sadly because of how the game works by deciding on random elements within the scene (rather than in the lead-up to scenes) by entering the examine window and leaving it the scene can change. There aren't really any good ways of dealing with this without causing other issues, but thank you for the bug report, and my apologies that I can't help you out better.
I hope everything is okay with the author of the game.
Hi Alieksandr ^_^
Thank you for the concern. Don't worry though, everything is okay, I was just extremely busy. Thankfully now that all is sorted I should have much more time to develop the game
I noticed a small indent sign by Mari's quest:
View attachment 813808
Hi again Cboy ^_^
Another wonderful bug report, thank you very much. Have fixed this now, and it should be ready for the next public build
Just checked the patreon and I can’t believe we’re finally gonna have the Clothing Overhaul when version 4.10 finally comes out I can’t wait for people to finally make fun of me for just wearing a diaper!
Hi Pooploser ^_^
Glad to hear you're excited about the planned Clothing Overhaul. I'm not sure how big an effect it'll be to start with, but I'll try my best to have it pick up on ABDL players (along with Pet-Play players), when it detects the style (as previously it would just detect; slutty, bimbo, stylish, cute, and degraded)