Ren'Py - The Ring's Destiny [Rework v0.3] [Zian]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    graphics are good
    story is good so far,
    Game mechanics need a lot of work,
    pay-walling any good content doesn't help.
    Save protection not necessary and easily avoided.
    And there is very little content considering all the time spent in production
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5
    Well story is not really that great, but what really annoyed me was the transitions between pictures or when a character changes possition and such, it constantly blinks to a black screen which simply just annoyed me.

    Im also not a fan of big tits and it has quite the heavy focus on that, there are atleast some more normal LIs so thats good.

    After a somewhat shot prologue your trown into the sandbox where you will have 0 clues where to go or what to do?
    No questlog to tell you anything, i tried going to the sisters room but apprently she was taking a bath, then i time skip forward tried again and she was still taking a bath? oh well

    Its also one of those brainless fuckfest sandbox games, where your forced to follow one LIs questline before you can do others and questlines will result in a sexual relationship with you without having any choice what so ever, so theres 0 freedom and game is just pure kinetic.

    Quests are also bugged, tried doing strenght quest but after getting 1 str i tried again and no matter how many times i clicked the right picture it did nothing...went up to 70+ and nothing.....

    Couldent see all content either since going to the bar at night never worked for me, tried every day of the week but could never click on bar/tavern.

    Girls 2/5
    Cant say they where that hot to me, mostly just bland and boring.

    Animations 2/5
    Only saw a boob job which wasent that good.

    Choices 0/5
    Its pure kinetic questline, cant say no to relationships which means forced LIs, forced sex scenes, forced fetishes.

    Sandbox 1/5
    Standard type where you need to skip time constantly, no real questlog, idiotic mini-games spam mouse click shit for one, questlines tied together, no freedom, boring and pointless and dosent help that its bugged so you cant progress.
  3. 3.00 star(s)



    + Character models are nice enough, they wont blow your mind but they are pleasing to the eye.
    + The sandbox is still in very early stages, but that maps looks ambitious.. and It feels like the when more content is added it could add a lot of interesting choices to the game in the form of activities
    +Optional trans content :) (the game indicates that is a trap, but traps do not have boobs, come on game)

    + Silk smooth animations, the loops are not perfect and you can see the jump between the last frame and the first frame, but in general it look great,

    - Boring generic story.
    - Ugly goblin/orc models, I mean, they are supposed to be ugly but these fuckers don't even look like goblins, they just look like bald green humans
    - The writing is very bad to be honest, it felt like reading a very bad isekai novel written by a 15 year old. All the characters had just one personality trait and that's their whole thing. And all the reasons to have sex scenes are all pretty lame.
    - Besides the character that can be trans. There is no really great variety of body types.

    In conclusion, the game has potential because it looks pretty good and has ambitious goals for the sandbox content, but the writing needs to improve dramatically in order to make this game anything more than a "fap game".
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I couldn't play more than 5 minutes, Beautiful UI, smooth graphics. bOOOORING STory. Great CG tho, I rarely play 3d games, but this might be worth it for some. but personally i feel like this story is too played out.

    Obviously, No disrespect or hate towards the dev, it's still a game in progress, so maybe in the future it has a twist that makes it worth it.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.2

    Not sure why so many sandbox games do this, but having a rushed prologue only to drop you randomly into the sandbox with no direction is not good. It's never good.

    It's the mediocre sandbox experience really. I'm already forced to time skip and grind up a stat in order to start an event with a character I don't really care about. Besides that it's barebones. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt on that part though, since it is very early in development.

    The biggest reason for the lower rating however is the dialogue. It's incredibly stilted. Events feel rushed and abrupt, characters lack character, MC is forgettable, grammatical errors, no redeeming qualities about it really. None of the love interests are sticking with me.

    Plot is almost nonexistent. Very generic fantasy setting about you suddenly being told you're the one who has to stop a great evil. Lets go join the adventurer guild in the meantime. Seems like the game just wants to be a sandbox more than telling an interesting story.

    Despite the love interests lacking personality, the character models do look good. I'm partial to fantasy so I'm liking the environments and the general setting. Animations aren't bad either. Sex scenes do very little for me though since I feel no attachment to any of the characters. The renders are there, but everything else isn't.

    The main issue for me is again the writing. If nothing improves I'd rate this lower and say you're not missing much by avoiding it. I'll probably forget I even played this in a few days. Hopefully time does this favors.