If we cant even customize the dick size why even bother....
Btw, how does Prostitution work in this game ?
Short version:
Prostitution in Toyomi is a business, just like a spa or salon/barber. You pay for the service, tell the person providing that service what you want, they provide that service at the place of business, and you go on your way.
Lore dump version:
Sex and prostitution has become as corporatized as most other aspects of life in the Empire, and it's no different in Toyomi. The Tachibana clan owns nearly all brothels and similar businesses, keeping the majority of these locations under the label of The Peach Tree, leading to prostitutes being referred to as Peaches in polite company, matching the company's job description (even when the Peach doesn't work at a Peach Tree location).
Not to say there are no independent sex workers - many larger cities, including Toyomi, have street walkers that will solicit other citizens for sex in return for payment, and often for a much lower rate than the premium charged by The Peach Tree. Why pay out your ass and go into debt for a girl that'll forget you exist as soon as you walk out the door? All the extra pink neon? A glass of your favorite poison that costs as much as the whole bottle? Just follow them a little further down the alley, and they'll give you something better than anything you've seen surfing for porn on the Grid. Real is always better than digital, baby.
However, these people are still prosecuted by Tachibana samurai - not for the nature of their work, but because of the effect on Peach Tree profits. Peaches are expensive because they're well cared for, and the same is not true of the people moving from customer to customer on the streets, their last customer still dripping down their thighs, sometimes not even having a room to bring their customers to for some privacy, and almost always lacking any sort of healthcare. It's much safer and much better to spend the extra Mon for a clean partner with all the amenities you could ask for. And if you can't afford it, The Peach Tree offers a wide selection of digital dates with an even wider selection of Peaches. All you need to do is visit their gridsite.
At least, that's what the ads say.