RPGM - Completed - The Ruins of Luxoria [Final] [Mijiishi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It was interesting to play, but art, bruh

    Gameplay: 8/10 - nice fighting RPGM system with interesting farming and skills
    HGraphic: 3/10 - it is just bad, better than text-rpg, but it is bad
    Kink: 8/10 - yeah, ntr, ntrs, dp, rape, love, many routes, it is good
    Story: 8/10 - great story with REAL RPG. Many choices many endings.

    Not recommend to play if you here to fap.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A fantastic cuckoldry game, perhaps one of the best, where the storyline seamlessly intertwines with the mechanics. The writing is superb, and the game operates smoothly overall, offering an abundance of content, scenes, and diverse approaches.

    However, there are aspects that I found less appealing. Having to visit the MC in the barracks daily can be time-consuming. The game lacks sufficient hints on achieving each ending, and Mishishi appears to struggle with the artistic aspect, resulting in occasional naivety in the art style. Additionally, the protagonist's development could have been more robust from the beginning.

    In summary, this game boasts extensive content, excellent writing, solid mechanics, nah art, and a few minor issues. Nonetheless, it remains a standout choice for enthusiasts of cuckoldry or netorase themes.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an absolute gem. You want to not have relationship that could give you headache and just want the fun time with fmc? You can! You want to get ntrd but still have loyal wife? Or you want to get surprised with one of the ending that you bust the hugest nut (ending 11)? This game is the game for you. I would keep this game just from the gallery, but this kind of game need to be played to actually understand the h gallery. But boy this game doesnt disappoint.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    First, yes the art is bad and I take one star out of my review for that, this makes this game a 5/5 instead of a 6/5, yes it is that good.
    This is one of the best Netorase games ever made, has good characters, decent plot of world building, a lovable heroine and tolerable protagonist, the Netorase is integrated into the plot, there is slow corruption to make the girl lewder, but even when she is fully drugged with aphrodisiacs taking orc dick she still remembers you, she still loves you and returns to you.
    I can't do this game justice with this review, just trust me, if you are into Netorase it is worth going through the boring default JRPG combat and tolerating the bad art, you will love this game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The art in this is pretty much as you see - not great

    The combat is kinda meh.

    The real draw here is the story, and the way that it actually does a reasonable job of netorase and corrupting the main heroine. If you arent going to read the text, go play something else.

    The translation leaves... a lot to be desired in some scenes, but other scenes appear to be completely correctly translated. Probably one of the best Netorase games on the site
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    So I played this game for three hours. In that time I beat the third dungeon boss, unlocking the yellow dungeon (fourth floor). I also did some side quests, like the snowy mountain and bandit forest, and got to see some sex scenes. Was this worth spending three hours on? No, frankly. Most of that time was grinding mobs. In a super boring way. That's terrible game design for a porn game. Why waste time on that? Come on....
    Likes: ubira
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 492881

    There will never be another game as good. Few can barely imitate what this does in a good manner.
    I replay it ever few years, it's what got me into NTR.

    The fact you can literally not get NTR'd at all, the constant competition, the fact you can ask them to bang other guys, and they make you watch sometimes.
    It's a blast
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Couldn't get all scenes because I can't figure out how to do some of them, especially the endings but still a worthwhile 15 hours of going around, exploring, and doing whatever I felt like. Unfortunately, there seems to be no New Game+ option so restarting takes even longer especially with how hard the enemies are if you play it normally. So... I just gave up and got the complete save.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Vampire

    Mijiishi games are usually always a charm. Despite the amateur looking art, their scenes are no less erotic, one of their strongest point. The other being a moderately complex story for an H-game, with ~10 endings and a few parameters to express the main heroine's sexual interest.

    This game is mainly netorase; the MC encourages the heroine to cuck him, and while she does (and can act pretty slutty about it later on) she is still loyal to him. There is only one character route that fails this rule (she gets semi-NTR later, and it is a pretty good route too, not the typical dick-her-once-and-she-falls shit). Some other fetishes/genres you might encounter in this game includes tentacles and orcs (some scenes are required to progress), and a lot of optional human x human scenarios, all age range. This is by no mean a hardcore fetish game by the way, so don't come in to expect 10 monsters gangbang or something.

    Tip: If you want to beat the dungeon, remember to lend heroine to the blacksmith for a while so he can give you access to better weapons (if you don't want the NTR, then don't finish his route). Don't be like me and grind literally the whole 4 dungeons with beginner-tier weapons (which is basically getting near endgame), then start the blacksmith route and find out he gave you more options to buy...

    That above leads to my first disappointment with the game: It's quite vague with little hints. Sometimes I don't know if I'm heading in the correct path to finish a route, and sometimes I don't know if the game bugged out. It's pretty hard to follow the "logic" of the game in some areas, usually when you want to progress H-event. What's more, the CG room doesn't give any hint to unfinished events at all.

    My second is more of a nitpick for the translation. It's still very awkward and unedited at place at the time of this review. It is better than MTL but definitely not something that I can read without losing immersion.

    Overall, a strong game that display the creativity of the devs in the story and scenarios. I can usually tell when a game is created to make quick bucks off of the H-scenes, and Mijiishi never have any games like that, this included.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The best netorase game i've ever played. Even if the H content is 98% netorase (2% netorare).

    The game is very long, has minimal grinding (do you really still grind in H games in 2020? That's what cheat engine and save editors are for!), and the corruption is steady through all the game. The amount of events is massive.
    The main story is well written as well as the characters.

    The only thing that might not spike your interest is the art style, but don't repeat my mistake and ignore the game for it! If you like the genre, you will like the art more and more as the game progresses!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite hentai game so far! If you're into netorase specifically then u need to give this a try.
    The art is definetly not profesional but the situations and the choices you have make me love this game.
    The NTR is almost if not completly netorase(consenual cuckoldry), so i didn't feel betrayed or hurt at all
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    So close to greatness...

    MTL: So this is the obligatory MTL section for MTL games. Basically, its readable other than some of the usual weird MTL kinks. It's definitely nowhere near normal translations...but its way way better than moon runes or agth.

    Gameplay: I like how the game rewards sex with powering you up. This is in line with the previous game. Honestly I think its possible to clear the game without any H scenes but why the heck are you here then? Grinding can get annoying, despite sex giving work arounds. The dungeons can also be god awful long and painful near the end. But its all minor flaws in the end.

    H-Scenes: Oh boy....this is basically like Amor Academy. Your boi MC-kun hooks up with pink hair girl. Somehow there's a magical curse that makes it so that sex will make you stronger, but its more effective if your gurl is cheating on you. The upside? Your boi loves netorase, so its not really like Thug Hero Party where he's angsting away. Is it really bad if he likes it and it makes them more powerful? Your decision.

    That said, I preferred the previous game. This game has less scenes and less variety in terms of girls. Not only that, the last game had an awesome dynamic with NTR. Your girl could be taken, and your MC would enjoy it. But he also enjoys doing the reverse. Now that your girl is taken by the other guy, you can now go cuck him back, or any other female in the game can be NTRed away as well. In this game, you're just receiving it I guess. All in all, it was good, but if you want a good Netorare/Netorase game with male MC, Thug Hero Party is better for NTR and Amor Academy (same publisher) is better for Netorase. Otherwise, good time waster.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    Downloading and playing it now. Got a few hours so far which in most MTL games is rare. Looking in the gallery there is a lot of scenes, about 20-30 or more.

    The art is very similar to Amor Mayo Academy, the general story is the same to be honest, cheating sex is a quick and easy way to become more and more powerful. What I like about this game is you won't get anything unless you forge a personal connection first. I.e. you have to take her on dates every night and talk to her, choosing your responses carefully and listening to her and who she is, who her family are,were etc and her hope and dreams. I'm not kidding. Eventually you can date and really become a lover to her. That is something rare in NTR games, a build up and emotional connection. You can even name her whatever you want to further have that personal connection.

    Scene story is quite varied, you have a guy who uses aphrodisiac on her, you have a trader that loves boobs. OH and there is a character called Rodrigo. You can ask him to 'train' your girl and you'll see ever more corruption and degradation at his hands but then the end of that OH WOW! Dude is such a loyal bro to you. I've NEVER seen that in NTR games.

    The machine translation is actually understandable apart from the odd hilarity., gameplay is the essential conquering a dungeon while your girl is also being explored at night. Now the ruin itself radiates potent demon sexual energy at night so that's when most of the events are. Easy mode is difficult enough, especially if you do not train yourself or cheat by making your girl bloat up with semen (which because of some mystical link also gives you points to spend on your stats).

    The NTR in this game is, so far Netorase. I.e. you are aware and allow it, you are basically pimping her out to make use of that mystical connection to become the most powerful being that ever lived. Now there is a debate, if cuckolding is a beta male thing then what is it if it makes you the most powerful alpha ever? See the game is that good it even introduces philosophical questions.

    If you can get over the art this is a really good NTR game, albeit in the Netorase sub genre. I still haven't unlocked everything. It main points are it's build up, some might think it grind but it's actually enjoyable, at least for me. BUT I am more a fan of the sneaky netorase and netori type. But this is okay too as far as open and in your face goes.

    But yeah that whole Rodrigo branch sealed it for me, not saw that in most NTR games, most are about humiliation. That's when after a few hours I thought this is good. I'll review it.