VN - Unity - Completed - The Rural Homecoming [v1.02] [NTRMAN]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Now LIKE i said before this game was nice to ''play'' But still it was borin The VA was nice but just that. The story is just the normal NTR history and just like that means that the Cg is the main entrance but is kinda borin and not fapable at all soo 4/10 i think, so i dont recommend it.
    (sorry for my bad english)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A little worse than it's second part but NTRMAN still delivers his exellent content. In this case we have typical for this series family member type NTR based around a character of father of MC. I played it a long time ago so I won't tell you the details tho
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A wonderful author. Another good job by him. Good plot development. There are practically no complaints about the dialogues. The visuals are very good. Intimate scenes are not stretched to the point of absurdity, and for me this is very important.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    NTR For Live

    I think this is the first game of NTRMAN which I almost didn't feel at all.
    The story was written in a very strange way and the housewife didn't turn me on very much.
    Good but I think that is also a matter of interpretation for everyone.
    So if you really expect exactly what's on the thumbnail, you won't be disappointed.
    This time there weren't that many scenes in it like you're used to in other games of him.
    All in one i can say that this was probably the dumbest game I've played from him so far:confused:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, 5 starts out of 5. Would have been better if it had all the scenes, some are missing because the author didn't wanted to draw them, but compared to the 2nd one, this one is absolutely amazing.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The Rural Homecoming [v1.02] [NTRMAN]
    Cute art, along the right, is not boring, but two things I didn't like.
    1) Akemi submits too easily, she has no character.
    2) Too linear. I always appreciate when a visual gives a minimum of gameplay, such as choosing where to move through a map, an inventory or even just being able to click around to read something. I don't like when you just have to click a button and go.
    Beyond that, I recommend the game. Obviously it does not have a story that makes the masterpiece scream, indeed, it is not even beautiful or innovative, but it fits. Same for the artwork, music, and structure, very mundane but still ok for a visual novel.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    And with this, I have finally played every game by NTRMAN as of the time of this review, or at least the completed ones. My conclusion is exactly what you might infer from my score. Let me get straight to the point. This game isn't worth the effort.
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    On the bright side, the anticipation that this game provided me was enough to at least make me horny enough to go read and jerk off to something else. In a way, I technically cucked this game. The fucking irony.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't get why people praise this game much when I read the reviews before playing it. It's just bad in many ways, I can't really find a pros out of this game. This is basically a VN with medico art and boring story. It's just not engaging at all. I pretty skipped the dialogues the whole game except initial part. And choices don't matter much anyway, just choose all top or all bottom choice in 2 playthroughs and you will get all the CGs which is very modest already.

    The real question is why do some people praise this game? Is my standard too high? The only fair point is most of the H-games are bad, and this one is not an exception, it's just worse and cheap.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    My main gripe is just the fact that there are two sets of choices that lead to the same destination, with seemingly only one exception. You interrupt your Dad getting handsy with her early? Well, she still decides to stay back and gets overpowered by an actual senile midget. You decide to go shopping instead of changing the sheets of your bedroom? Guess what, she got fucked off camera.

    Why bother having them at all if there's naught but a superficial change? It's not even giving the players an illusion of choice since there are just a couple of dialogue changes if you're lucky - it's downright pointless and renders the replayability the same as the wife's power of will, i.e: nonexistent.

    My other issues are the scenes that are just glossed over like all of the ones that have to deal with the Bossman (RIP big man :cry:) and a few with the wife and Biden, case in point her sneaking out after the husband cooms at the mere sight of her collarbone.

    This would really work better as a kinetic novel and with the gangbang scene illustrated. Just feels like the game loses its steam halfway through.

    The art is pretty good though.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Played it. Well all in all some nice game but with several flaws sadly which made it a bit unenjoyable for me.


    - solid drawstlye even i would love to have more details and a more serious art
    - nice girl which looks a bit like android18 which is GREAT but could have a bit more curves
    - old men :)
    - cheating and corruption
    - nice music
    - choices


    - you have to get blackmailed by the husbands boss...
    - you don't see ANY scenes with the boss...
    - there should have been more sex scenes with goro especially in the week they want to impregnate her... too few positions...
    - sometimes there should have been more choices in general
    - drawstyle could be sometimes a but more detailed - especially for the sex scenes
    - too few tit sucking (but at least a bit)

    i hope to see more of this - and at best with improvements like more scenes an improved drawing style - and something similar with android18 would be my dream. i would give it a 3/5. i am really unsatisfied for how long the game is with the scenes and that you cant see the scenes with the husbands boss...
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    In my opinion, the developer simply grew impatient and released this game unfinished. This whole thing shredded at least since the personality decisions you made with her were plainly ignored through most sex scenes missing out on any context whatsoever.
    You'll have more fun with your anticipation than the actual cheating scenes.
    Of course, the art is enjoyable and the intelligent ideas are appreciated, however, The Rural Homecoming deserves a much better polish especially since it relies so much on these longterm build-ups which don't seem to fulfill their potential at all. In addition, this universe has a lot of potential for an ongoing development if it's going to be enriched with more flexibility and personified contexts.

    The ending idea is good and makes you look forward to more. I just hope NTRman works on his patience regarding build-ups and execution. He has a good taste that just grows and falls with these things. I rather have him work for 5 years on one game without an actual sex scene, as long as he does it right.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Really good art, but way too much text for the amount of porn the game has. I liked the art so much that actually thought about keeping the game just for the scenes.

    If you want a story with bits of porn here and there, maybe you'll like it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I Love this, NTRMAN is amazing and the work put into it is amazing. I know he doesn't have much support to make it longer of a story, but none the less I love the work put into these. I support NTRMAN however I could and I never get disappointed with his commitment to the people who support his work
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The name NTRman is not for the show or just to look cool.
    He's legendary, everything he had made is hot.

    The NTR goes like grandpa fucking his own son's wife then the boss of her husband gangbang her with others I guess? since it hasn't shown in the game what that guy is doing to her.

    There are 2 endings
    1. Protect husband at all cost and leads to her getting impregnated by husband's grandpa
    2. Be smart and still get fuck like number 1 but decided not to protect husband's job, the picture of her leaked to her husband, and she doesn't give a fuck. She's pregnant with her husband later on but there's no money so she's whoring herself while pregnant, she herself said no fucking the client so I think it's a good end.

    There's a sound effect of sexual intercourse and it's very good 10/10
    Art 10/10
    The story is enjoyable, it's not bad but it's NTR and you know how it's going to start and end.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    If quick and irritating NTR is your thing then go ahead but be warned, if you only like mild NTR or not at all this game will ruin your day at how pissed you will be in the first 5 min, like im actually surprised how angry this game made me so fast i usually dont get angry but MC is just too oblivious.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Straight-line game with a cool story.

    + well told story;
    + a nice partner of our character. Author creating Akemi did a good job;
    + impregnation in the NTR game? Sure!

    (+/-) it's nice that there are choices, some lead to additional scenes or text, but contrary to appearances, they have no impact on the gameplay and everything happens as it would happen - a bit of a shame, having at least little influence on history is a really cool thing diversifying gameplay.

    - the end of the game could be better refined;
    - the game looks like a BETA version, a version requiring the final touches, both narrative and visual.

    Despite the minuses I've mentioned, it's a really cool game and if you like NTR then you have nothing to think about. The author's productions may not be very advanced or super beautiful, but despite everything they are the most playable and from what I see with each subsequent title he makes good progress. NTR games in English are not created so much, the more it is worth supporting or at least observing the activities of this author because it has a lot of potential.

    Rating: 4/5
    I complained a bit because I had to - but in the end I had a good time with this title.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the rating for the Game from me:

    + Very easy to understand
    + Nice Graphics
    + Nice Story
    + No Dullness
    + Long Gameplay
    + Completed



    Love that you don`t run around senseless, plus the game doesn't get boring at all.
    Just a Typical Japanese Game with its Famous NTR story that you find in alot of theses Games.
    Also what I love is that you dont need to wait months for completion.
    The Gameplay is Hot, just the way I like it.

    Damn worth the download
    Lots of fun Playing.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I love NTR, especially this kind of NTR. The overall story seems nice and simple. Old father-in-law fucks his son's wife.

    But the execution of this story is really scattered.

    The scenes themselves seem incoherent. It keeps jumping from one scene to the other, making it so that reading through the game seems pretty confusing.

    The scenes seems like they were made in batches. You could tell when one scene was abruptly ended, because the next scene is completely different from the previous one.

    Long story short. Game is nice, but the story is lacking. Playing through the game, it felt like the author didn't have a full story in mind when he both started AND ended this game.
    Likes: Amte
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    NTRMAN hits it out of the park with another classic. I'll say for this what I said for Adalaine Inn and A Small Village:

    -Scenarios SMOKIN
    -NTR AAA
    -Art Fantasic (Although I wish there was more)
    -Script Great
    -Corruption Awesome

    Conclusion: PLAY IT
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A true NTR classic with a touch of cuckoldry by the end.
    • Art quality and count has improved so much and has even more variations than the previous titles
    • Story length has improved greatly compared to his older titles
    • We finally got Replay Gallery bois
    This man is improving on each title he release.