I can get why this would bother somebody, but the degree to which people attack *any* porn (especially when it's pre-established characters in rule 34 type stuff etc.) that has any black people in it is fuckin' ridiculous. You see somebody whining about a black person being present in literally every single rule 34 media out there, and I'm sure it happens with games like this too. People take somebody's sexual preference as some fuckin' huge attack against "muh white wimmenz", and the extent to which it happens is just...exhausting. The last thing I want when looking at porn is to argue identity politics.
In that sense, honestly, I have no sympathy for people whining about black people or orcs being present, especially when the black person or orc is just portrayed as...a normal person. They're not running around with spears and woven straw skirts and their dialogue isn't just "Ooga booga dicky sucky now", so I don't get why people are getting so up in arms about it as an allegory for black people or some shit.
There is a shit ton of racism on porn sites, because people get even more insecure about who fucks who than they do arguing race in regular society. You don't like playing Orcs for that reason, other people have other reasons they don't that might not have anything to do with their appearance. Also, the power dynamic thing between Orcs and Elves, plus Orcs' "lower intelligence, higher physicality and brutishness" is an actual simile you can draw to black people, while with "nasty fat old men", it's just...nasty fat old men. Nasty fat old men exist, while Orcs don't, so there's no need to draw allegories and hidden meanings from somebody using nasty fat old men in this kind of media.
Also, play something else, then. Not everything is there to appease your personal tastes. Also, Orcs aren't all ugly the same way that not all humans are ugly - they can have different hair styles, facial structures, physicalities etc. Mostly the only difference they have from humans in these more cartoonized contexts is that they have tusks, more muscularity and usually more "tribal" hairstyles, with shaved sides etc, and some people are into the green skin and tusks (not that I personally specifically love it, but I also don't mind it).
As you mentioned yourself, there's porn genres that are literally an ugly, old man with a pretty, young woman. Some people enjoy that, for whatever reason (emphasized corruption of innocence, self-insertion, what-have-you), and others enjoy playing as Orcs (living into a more primal, more "masculine" being, also emphasized corruption of innocence since Orcs are more "beastly" etc). You're free to not like it, but don't expect the developer to redo art assets and whatever to appease you when most people are fine with it and some even like it.