I feel like I should facepalm both of you. But, I will just post that I wanted to, but, then, neither of you would know why I did so.
1. Doesn't matter how a description is worded when it comes to a mod. Only when it's from a dev of a game. As that will tell you how good or bad the writing is.
2. The fact that another person felt the need to white knight and call out the other person by pointing out errors in their post, in order to make a point, is simply childish.
Now, with that out of the way, my post itself is childish and irrelevant for calling out the obvious. But, I'm procrastinating about doing the work I need to do and thought: "Why not be an asshole to two other assholes?" So, that's what I did. Did it help with my procrastination? Nope.
Anyway, carry on! Ahaha