Unity - The Sexventures of Dong Rider [v0.1030] [DongRider]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This is (currently) just not worth it.

    Aside from the fact that it's badly optimized, has a ton of bugs, and has very little content even for an early build, there just aren't any reasons to really play this "game".

    The gameplay, even for generic unity game standards, is clunky and the animations are fairly ok.
    The enemies just fling themselves towards you while you try to hit them with a semi-automatic aim system, making fights look quite silly.

    The only reason I'm not giving 1 star instead of 2 stars is because the concept could be cool and the animations have potential, however as it stands the game would probably need a complete gameplay overhaul to be even worth considering.

    I will keep an eye on this game, since ,as I said, the idea has potential, but I'd be surprised if the Dev manages to pull this off.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This has real potential. I'm excited for an update sometime. The character models have decent quality, and the cutscenes function well enough. The cutscenes are easily the best part of DR and where I am curious about the next update. It's the gameplay where this thing really suffers. It's a buggy mess on par with the Dead Space remake for PC. Except when you die on Dead Space remake, you have to close and restart the whole application in steam again. In this game, DR, you just have to fight the option menus, load, or go to the title screen before the menu options start spinning out of control. So, maybe EA can learn something from this guy. The platforming implemented in the game is painfully. Not to mention, you must hold down the grab button during your jump to grasp a ledge. Then, release it in time to climb up, but not too soon, or you will fall. Short falls can be instant death. Most of the game is platforming and it's bad. I had to go out of bounds slightly to get any progress. I almost fell off the map. The shooting is not quite on the same level as the 90s game that this game is parodying. The button mapping didn't quite match for the shooting. It's hard to tell when you're taking damage, because there's no audio feedback or collision detection. You have to watch your green health gauge at the top left. The puzzle with the lever was fine. The cutscenes with the lever and wolves are easily the best part of this game. The healing animation is fun, but I can see it getting old. Maybe add two healing animations? The gameplay needs work, or simplifying going forward as the platforming is in rough shape. I want to see what's next, but so far, mixed opinions.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The Graphics are horrible 1/5
    The Gameplay is horrible 0/5
    The MapDesign is horrible 0/5
    The Controls are horrible 0/5
    The Animations are somewhat okayish 1/5

    I dont even know how it is possible to create a game in Unity with such bad LevelDesign, Controls and Graphics.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    what "potential"???? this is not even "a game" - it's THAT bad.. i "played" for 20 minutes, shot dogs 20 times, died 30 times, and only got to some impossible to jump over ..something. absolutely unpleasant experience. you die from 50cm fall, graphics would be named "horrible" in 1989, in-game "interface" looks like it's made by a 5-yr old. simply terrible "game"!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Great potential!

    The game is in a very rough state and I had trouble even finding the sex events.

    While the game is so rough please include options to negate fall damage or at least a respawn point! very frustrating to play atm.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Rough for now but lots of potential.
    So many games have bestiality content as just some side thing, it's rare for it to be the main focus of a game. Just because of that I'm giving it 4 stars.

    Animations need some work, and the models for the wolves could be better, but that's all fixable.
  7. 3.00 star(s)



    It´s pretty funny parody and the idea of the game is good. Classic TR 1 gameplay, old school graphics and classic iconic TR inventory, intro is good (lip sync is a bit off), the model could be better..but hey.."Lara" is now a Scottish whore and prefers blonde hair (and red rockets)..
    But this game unfortunately has a lot of fatal bugs that affect the gameplay. Jump, climb, everything is feels bad., fatal bugs, glitches.Dev should have left it in the oven for a little while longer. It's not perfect start, hopefully some bugfixes will come and also dev will bring some improvements .
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Graphics 2/5 outdated and boring
    Lara Model 0/5 the worst I have ever seen
    Gameplay 2/5 feels a bit like the old TB games but other than that bad
    Sex Scene 3/5 ok but not up to todays standards
    Level design 1/5 boring and bad

    Overall: sadly not worth trying!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The "game" is super rough, even for a first build. The animations are stiff and ugly so I can't even get my rocks off too it. It has potential, but it's going to need many many improvements before I think it would be worth playing.