Okay, this is one of those games that you really wish you would have waited to discover for a few more years, because it's got a long development cycle. That being said, what is here is absolutely great and extremely unique. Very few games will scratch the exact same itch in the same ways, it has an intriguing plotline involving the nature of Blackmore and the MC's reasons for being there which seems to be developing nicely already over the 4 days which existed when this review was posted. While this seems like it will be somewhat of a slow burn, it also isn't one of those games that teases you and leaves you hanging with little to no action during the build-up phase - you jump straight into some pretty extreme content from Day 1, and things only get crazier from there. Some of the fetishes in this game are very niche, like bloodplay or human ashtray stuff, and the renders are also very appealing for the most part and depending on your tastes. Gameplay so far is mostly either "search the area" or "talk to the NPCs", there has been no combat, no real need to use items outside of a few dialogue encounters (able to use meat/booze/cigarettes in at least one place each that I have found, still haven't found any use for candy though...) and the one "skill" for which I managed to unlock training didn't actually let me level it up yet, I think it's gated behind more content with the trainer NPC which hasn't been created yet. So while right now there are still a lot of systems that aren't really being used, I see at least a dozen different skills on the character page so it looks like the dev has plans to seriously expand this system in time. I am concerned that the extreme complexity of this game (branching paths, dozens of different competing factions/individuals) might impede development, after all we've only got about 4 days of game time from about 2 years of dev time so far. Possibly a lot of the front-end work is now done, systems, UI and story conceptualization/outlining may have been completed and development will now be streamlined, but until we know for sure how this is going to go, I would honestly urge most people to wait on this one for a bit, so as not to tease yourselves with an unfinished product with such promising potential. Waiting 6-12 months per update for something this good is going to give most people a real hard time!! If you can handle the anticipation, what is here is quite fun and will occupy you for at least an evening of good fun.