Unreal Engine The Single Goblin


Walkthough-mod Creators are a godsent <3
Apr 30, 2017
~ the lighting doesn't work and i sometimes temporarily experience how blindness is.
~ Grapping onto a ledge sometimes can make you climb infinite and go outside the map
~ Save function doesnt work correctly which means all doors are locked again but the key is now gone so you are hard stuck.

Been running around and seeing what i could find and i think the developer trying to piss you off.
3 doors are closed in the water only way i think you shall go is to the other side but the platforms are placed as such that you have to be as precise as playing Dark soul 3 on hardmode but the second jump is outright possible 99% sure even the developer cant do this jump.

Dont waste your time with this wait 3 millennia and there will probably be a working alpha at that time.

Good luck with the game.
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Oct 22, 2022
Thank you for downloading and trying the game!

In that area you swim under and push out some blocks that will float and allow you to jump over. I am currently addressing the three issues you mentioned at the top of your post and will push out an update later today. You will know which side to push from because there will be little doors underwater. Let me know if that's not working correctly if you give it another try. The blocks can sometimes float over to the other side right now and will force you to reload the level because you're right you can't make that jump without the floating blocks. I am gonna work on teleporting the blocks back to their right side if they somehow flow over the middle area.

Thank you for the feedback really, I struggle with devoting time to play testing and pushing out new content. So posts like this are extremely helpful. I just came across the keys not working this morning when I was testing the new build that fixes the climbing out of the map constantly.

I do not want to piss off the player but I also do want some level of difficulty. i.e. In NES Mario where you have to run and jump and land on a single block and then jump from there too the next part of the map.

The only thing I would say is that I disagree that people shouldn't give it a shot. You will find a lot of great things in this game that the above poster didn't mention.
There are some glitches but once you know what they are you can avoid them and have a nice experience. There are video walkthroughs on other sites that can help you navigate the dungeon.



EDIT: I updated the main post of this thread to include Links to 1.1.5

1.1.5 Fixes
Improved upon the 1.1.4 fix, I think it's good now.
added additional lighting
Fixed issues with climbing and ledge movement:
removed ability to turn back while in the middle of climbing
removed ability to climb immediately after jumping from one ledge after another as that is creating some issues at the moment so for now there is a delay or obstacle in the way.
added a checkpoint system to the dungeon level along with 2 auto saves at those check points
If you saved game after pulling water lever but before picking up the key that the lever spawns the key would not be there if you restarted, fixed.
1.1.4 Fix:
There is an issue, at least with my computer, where you can sometimes click outside the border of the game's window. I.E. clicking on folders at the bottom of your screen: Issued a fix for this
1.1.3 Bug fixes,
Fixed game not saving how many dungeon keys you have.
Fixed persistent issue where you were able to climb out of the map.(I added spikes and other triggers to prevent that)
Fixed issue where bats would attack you before the end of the dungeon intro sequence
Added additional lighting to the dungeon level.
Slowed 2nd disappearing block sequence down a little, I may slow it down more along with the other.
Fixed issue where the 2nd door opened by defeating bats wouldn't open after saving, quitting and reloading the save after opening the 1st bat door.
Fixed issue if water blocks float to other side of room.
*added a small bonus work in progress, try pressing B for a laugh, C is for completion*


When you are holding a block and it disappears you will float in the air holding a block that isn't there. If you climb you will fall after the animation and respawn like normal. However if you decide to start turning corners on the invisible block it may be possible to leave the map but I haven't tried that yet, if you do just restart the level from your last save.

When you take damage while swimming sometimes you can revert back to standing(generally the closer you are to an object beneath you that you could stand on). You can jump again to start swimming. You can't jump while crouched so uncrouch to jump to swim again.

*Sometimes you can start moving and Vruk will not stop, I'm working on fixing this but for now if this happens if you pause it or bring up your menu that will stop him.* I've been testing in full screen lately and this issue hasn't happened since the 1.1.5 update for me yet, it's possible something else fixed this issue but I'll leave it here for now

Game location: TSG1_1_5\SingleGoblin\Binaries\Win64
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Oct 22, 2022
We have also created a companion game for Android and Windows - the game is free to play on our linktree and is an ode to A Goblin's Tale, the game that preceded our game. Those of you who played A Goblin's Tale will definitely enjoy this! For now this is just a very short 1 off. Only one scene just to test the waters to see if there is interest. There is just one room to mess around in. I'm working on 1.2 of The Single Goblin right now but after that I'll fix some bugs but for the most fluid playthrough, lol fluids, pick her ass first. Personally I would go ass > chest > chest for the best experience.

For Android:

For Windows:

We hope you enjoy!

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Active Member
May 18, 2021
So I play the game and see this monstrosity of a cutscene in the prologue. I don't have recording software but I'll just describe it:

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Oct 22, 2022
Here's a screenshot from 1.2 which was released a week ago or so. It will be available to everyone in a week(available now on patreon,SS, and itch). I wanted to showcase the UI I'm currently working with for sex interactions. It's not the prettiest but everything in this is still a work in progress. But the idea is inspired from the Pink Tea games I've played. Pretty self explanatory, click on the action and then an animation will play.

There are 2 finishes with this character during this scene. The scene isn't resolved though yet(I.e what happens when she wakes up, IF I should say, in future updates you can be a good Goblin to unlock different story lines in the game(avoidable NTR). There is a sleep gauge/anger and trust gauge and the game will result in a game over if you wake her up if her anger and trust are at certain levels. Screenshot_9.jpg

The 1.2 update also brought the size down from 4.4GB to 3.8GB, this is after adding the medieval building textures that will be throughout the game. Originally 1.2 took the game from 4.4GB to 6GB so I took a week off of new content to fix that.
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Oct 22, 2022
I like where this is going!
Thank you! Your game is looking great too. It's keeping me on my toes! I am toying with adding customizeable characters to my game. Here is one idea of what I'm talking about(I hadn't decided whether or not to change the lips too here yet):
Screenshot_11.jpg Screenshot_12.jpg Screenshot_13.jpg Screenshot_14.jpg
I can also allow changing the colors of equipment, hair, body shape(chest, ass) for the female protagonists you encounter(I could allow a customized model at first meet or for you to choose the character model I put in) As far as implementing it story wise I could have dyes or perhaps magic later on that allows body modification.

1.2 is going to launch for free for everyone soon. In this update I hope to scale the difficulty back just a little more on the disappearing block segment. I'm not sure if I'm going to add the color customization or not in this update. I might just so people can play around.

Thanks for reading

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Oct 22, 2022
1.2.4 is now available free for all! I had to overhaul the save system to allow for multiple save slots because I plan to have player decisions impact the game and want people to be able to save before major decisions. Unfortunately because of this you'll have to start from the beginning but this will be the last time you'll have to do that. I won't bore you with the details regarding that.(If you subscribe to my patreon or SS there is a password to skip to the latest level for people who had already reached that point)

Other than that this update includes the customization of Vruk's color and moisture that I posted above in this thread. There are also about 6-8 new sex animations since 1.1.5 added to this. This also reduced the size from 4.4GB to 3.9GB. I scaled back the difficulty a little bit on the vanishing blocks, added more sound to the prologue level, added some camera shakes(thanks exordick)damaging the enemy and during some climaxes(sexual not literal get your head in the gutter).

I've been staring at the screen too long if you want to know if I added anything else, play! It's free!



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Jul 1, 2017
Hi TheSingleGoblin,

I really like your game, thank you very much for creating it.
Please can you register the game with the F95zone admins?
Also the title of the thread should be the exact name of the game so we can find it easily.
Right now it is hard to find it, I had to search a lot.

Thanks and best regards.


Jun 14, 2020
what to do after finding the shield, how to get into the room above from where two projectiles fly out?
Oct 22, 2022
what to do after finding the shield, how to get into the room above from where two projectiles fly out?
Once you are on a ledge you can go left and right by pressing A and D. You need to climb up those vines that lead up to where that door is and then go left as far as you can and then while holding A press Space Bar and you will jump from that ledge onto the ledge you need to be on.

EDIT: If you played enough you can actually climb up onto the first ledge that has those 3 pots on the right and if you jump at the right angle and turn your character at the right time you can grab onto the other ledge without using the ledge shimmy jump.


May 5, 2017
Hey man,

sorry to say...but the game is unplayable. the controls are frustrating and there is no walkthrough or hints what to do. You need some serious improvements mate. br.
Oct 22, 2022
I play the game just fine so it is playable. I don't think the controls are frustrating but I think the time it takes to climb back up the walls and start over is. I can see how the camera would be frustrating so I will make an auto cam eventually. I am trying to recreate a retro nintendo feel in the Unreal Engine because that's what I grew up playing and that's what I like to play. Because of this some people will find the difficulty to be too hard and for that I apologize, I sincerely do not want to make people angry so I will create ways in the game to skip the difficult content in the future. Right now I have about a year under my belt in UE and I have barely scratched the surface. Thanks to anyone who has tried and played my game.

I am currently working on offering a version on Android but the mobile version may not have the ledge and wall climbing at first and the story is starting from a little further back.

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Sep 25, 2021
This is my 2cent, as i tried the game again but with little luck:
The game feels too difficult, not because of the difficulty itself, but because of the controls. The controls feel unresponsive and since you are building a 3D platformer most of your effort should be on tayloring the controls and the feel of the game.

I often find myself pressing space bar to jump but the game doesn't register my input or thinks it is too late and the MC is already out of the platform, so i keep falling.
As of now, your jumps feels either: a bit to long if you are walking, a bit too short if you are running. So i keep falling.
As i said, in a platformer you can't neglect these kind of aspects.

Second: please, please when I attack the MC needs to rotate toward the direction i'm looking, otherwise i have to keep adjusting the direction of the MC with WASD in order to land a successful attack.

Third: stunlocking, it's just awful, nobody want to be stunlocked, particularly by little bats or the other little monster you encounter in the third zone. I, personally, strongly, suggest you to take away the stun mechanics from the regular enemy and keep it for special attacks and special enemies, such as bosses.

Platformers are by no means an easy game to design, and they require a lot of polish on the controls. It's very easy for the developers to feel accostumed to their creature and forsee these kind of problems.
I'm not a platformer fun, but i suggest you to try "Ori and the Blind Forrest" (if you haven't already) to see what a plaformer should feel like while playing (even if it is 2D) (third dimension doubles the problems of course).

On less important thigs:

All the levels are just cubic rooms, i'm sure you have plans to polish things up, but if you want to prepare a vertical slice of the game i feel like you need to work on bringing some organic feeling to the environment. At the end of the day you start the journey in a cave and i should feel like i'm in a cave. If instead, the idea is to fall into an ancient underground maze (for example) with square/geometric rooms and shapes you can't just throw some texture on a cube. But as i said, i'm sure you already have a plan to polish the levels.

Finally, i took a look at the walkthrough, because i couldn't continue in the game. Looking at your gameplay i had the idea that too many times it is not clear what you are supposed to do (unless of course you designed the level). For example:

- underwater there was a cube to push away, but no indication that it was something to be pushed (widget? different color?)
- you destroyed a fireball trap to open the passage, but it wasn't clear there was a passage behind the trap.

These are my thoughts as of now.
I don't mean to be rude or mean but just want to give you my honest feedback.