I was going to write a bit mean spirited and partially sarcastic review, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, it doesn't deserve the hate.
If you are really into this genre, try this out, maybe you will like it more than me.
Based on 0.65 version of a game and some previous versions from the past.
+ the ideas dev has, if you are into this genre obviously, don't expect a good dom experience out of this
+ a functional full body avatar system WITH clothing included, which I'm assuming is a nightmare to make because barely anyone does it or people just steal each other's systems, even if it doesn't look that good, if does its function of showing you the changes
+ choices matter... somewhat you do get different treatment depending on your choices, different scenes
+ dev is actually trying, I really can't hate on this too much, there is clearly an effort being made here, but next project needs to be made with failures of this one in mind to not repeat them.
+ decent amount of content if you count side missions through the phone
- elephant in the room every single time is the game's art, but I don't think its even close to being the biggest problem, yeah its kinda ugly but it kinda does its job of helping you visualize stuff, its bad but it doesn't drag the game down THAT much
- story, oh boy, its not good, not good at all, doesn't go anywhere interesting, just when I thought I might have something good happen, it just send me to one of the crappy endings, which actually just like art wouldn't matter in some games, if it wasn't for that next point
- scenes in general are just kinda eh, writing is eh, its not even close to being the worst in the genre mind you, but being mostly text based game you need a stronger writing
- horrible time waster, most of the time is spend just skipping useless days so you can get to the actual game, some text games do the passing of time much better, this is one of the worst ones yet in this regard
Again I really mean no hate towards the dev, I think their next project could be pretty good if they learn from this one, I'm sure it was an experience trying to stitch this all together so its not buggy.
Doubt they gonna read this, but if you do I genuinely wish you all the best in the future.