HTML - The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment [v0.12.2] [jammye.jones]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    this is up there with the best sissification/TF game out there i cant believe this hasnt get much rating and views

    +original artwork
    +original storyline
    +freedom of choices
    -too grindy to build up stats
    -no actual story goal its just sandboxes

    definitely one of the best game on TF genre
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion the best html based sissification game. Has a unique look, opts for drawn art instead of the typical html game real life porn clips, which is kinda unique. The progression feels good, and there are many routes and decisions.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a really good game, the characters interactions are detailed and the different paths you can find yourself on make you want to replay it to find where else you could end up. The only real issue is that I don't really like the art style used throughout.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Really nice game.

    It can take a moment to get into the rhythm of it(I actually gave up on this game a while ago and decided now to try again), but once you do it's a sexy ride. Big variety in fetishes, lots of choice, sexy characters.. I like how the game isn't afraid to go forced routes. Some other games seem really nervous about forcing stuff on the player, but not this one and that to me is a plus. If you're playing a game like this, you probably enjoy the experience of not being able to say no anyway lol.

    It's a 4/5 for me and will be a 5/5 with some improvements:
    -More art. It can be pretty sparse
    -Better art. The cel shaded art currently in is very very bare minimum
    -A better introduction to the game to ease the player in. Currently it just kinda drops you in and says "go"
    -Improved writing. The game suffers from quite a few spelling errors and bad grammar and it can be distracting

    Beside that though it's a great game, one of the better sissification games for sure. It's a game that isn't afraid to just be a proper horny porn game. Highly recommend.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    [0.8.11] Review

    Lots of content and It does the transformation very well. The only con is that the game is a bit slow in the beginning. All in all It's a great game. Definitely worth a try.

    Verdict: 9/10. It'll be 10 when it gets more images and reaches 1.0
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The absolutely insane amount of content in this is staggering, the art is decent enough but the writing is 10/10 material, it's amount of branching paths and content though are what make it different from the rest of these games
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: 0.8.1

    This game just feels rough to play, its not really intuitive gameplay and that makes the game feel lesser because of it.
    The art is alright
    The story alright
    The characters are alright
    The gameplay is pathetic

    Just a very average game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of content. Great game with room for growth. I like the "best friend route" the most but there are lots of options. Really excited to pick the game up in another month or two so i can explore a bunch of new stuff
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This is possibly the most addictive VN I have played on this site, I don't know how you can develop an addiction for a VN, but I did.

    The branching paths the game provides are absolutely INSANE, normally a VN offers you a few important choices and you will see the consequences as the story unfolds. But this game is just something else, there is a choice lurking around just about every corner, which makes you want to save constantly just to see what would happen if you choose differently. I don't think I have ever played a VN that has done so well in the regard and on such a scale.

    Now onto the cons, the paucity of pics, especially towards the end is a glaring problem. So be prepared to do a lot of readings. Some looped anime clips don't fit very well with story because MC already has a defined appearance, but that's my personal prefererance.

    If you are into the genre (trap, sissification) and don't mind a bit of reading, I'd suggest to give it a try. If this was made in ren'py format, I'd wager it would gain a lot more traction.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love it, it has very good graphics and a very good story, they did a very good job with this game, I got into the character a lot and I get too excited and I masturbate a lot that is why I give this game five stars
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I was going to write a bit mean spirited and partially sarcastic review, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, it doesn't deserve the hate.
    If you are really into this genre, try this out, maybe you will like it more than me.

    Based on 0.65 version of a game and some previous versions from the past.


    + the ideas dev has, if you are into this genre obviously, don't expect a good dom experience out of this
    + a functional full body avatar system WITH clothing included, which I'm assuming is a nightmare to make because barely anyone does it or people just steal each other's systems, even if it doesn't look that good, if does its function of showing you the changes
    + choices matter... somewhat you do get different treatment depending on your choices, different scenes
    + dev is actually trying, I really can't hate on this too much, there is clearly an effort being made here, but next project needs to be made with failures of this one in mind to not repeat them.
    + decent amount of content if you count side missions through the phone


    - elephant in the room every single time is the game's art, but I don't think its even close to being the biggest problem, yeah its kinda ugly but it kinda does its job of helping you visualize stuff, its bad but it doesn't drag the game down THAT much
    - story, oh boy, its not good, not good at all, doesn't go anywhere interesting, just when I thought I might have something good happen, it just send me to one of the crappy endings, which actually just like art wouldn't matter in some games, if it wasn't for that next point
    - scenes in general are just kinda eh, writing is eh, its not even close to being the worst in the genre mind you, but being mostly text based game you need a stronger writing
    - horrible time waster, most of the time is spend just skipping useless days so you can get to the actual game, some text games do the passing of time much better, this is one of the worst ones yet in this regard

    Again I really mean no hate towards the dev, I think their next project could be pretty good if they learn from this one, I'm sure it was an experience trying to stitch this all together so its not buggy.
    Doubt they gonna read this, but if you do I genuinely wish you all the best in the future.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    So, all the good this game has is severely overshadowed by the bad. It does have a decent HUD and the creator obviously puts effort into making it better, and the Dare Board is actually a nice idea for sidequests.

    If only all of this wasn't to pad out a slow game, that somehow tries to give you the illusion of choice. You have dominant choices which end up just...shoving you back into the sissy area. There's no way to actually do anything besides follow the same path, the only thing that changes is what you respond to them. You're going to be a sissy, you're going to follow the sissy route, end of story. There's literal days of preparation for a whole lot of nothing, 2 days a week matter in the game, which is Wednesday or Thursday, and Saturday. The rest is just padding for choices that don't matter at all. With all the time and effort put into side stories, you'd think the author would actually give you ways to fight back, but no. It's a very linear experience on a very pink background.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 440241

    Progress is incredibly slow. Even using cheat mode to skip some things it still takes hours of grind to build up relationships if you know where to find the girls and what to do. Changing yourself is also a bit of a drag as it takes several weeks to unlock the clinic, you can only use one dose of New SiS per body part on Tuesday and Thursday, you only get 2 doses per week, and it takes 3 doses to change one body part.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Sissy games are my particular kink so I have played many of the games with this tag. This game just does nothing for me. I don't like the artwork, the interface, the characters, or the plot. This is obviously just my own view so if you are into these types of games give it a try and form your own opinion. It does seem that the creator is trying hard to make an enjoyable experience, with frequent updates and "improvements".
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 - DNF; did get me off

    + First Act
    + A few flavour choices
    + lots of minigames/side quests
    - Grind
    - Writing
    - You play as a loser

    Not at all engaging. The first act is decent, but the game ground to a halt after I decided to dump the mistress. All I had left to do after that in regards to the main quest was just grind my stats every week until Wednesday when I can go on a date with by friend, who I am suddenly dating for some reason. In other words, grindy as Hell.
    I don't know why the other reviews are complimenting the writing, I found it just decent. It doesn't hold a candle to CoC, let alone TiTS.
    A positive thing I'll say is that you do have a lot of choice, much more than in other games of this type. You'll usually be able to choose handjob or blowjob. Sometimes you can choose between being bratty or submissive. There are also multiple endings based on your final stats.
    But my biggest complaint is that for all the choices, I just couldn't connect with the main character. You play as a total loser, who takes shit from everyone, even his friend. Contrast this with other sissy games like Fannucci's Pizza or Whoremaker where the sissy situation is forced upon you. In this game your character practically begs for it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    So, yeah, it's the perfect game for the genre.
    1) No tedious tasks like in other date sims (get dressed, get undressed, it's all automatic)
    2) Lots of choices and they matter unlike in most other games
    3) Most of the events are unique and not of the repeatable kind
    4) Very cute graphics, not too many or too few pictures, tasteful
    5) Great writing
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    When I lose all concept of the passage of time while I'm playing a game, then you know it's a good game.

    I didn't really find any "grind" to the game, I was never short on money or anything like that. There is quite a bit of repetition though, luckily it is very much broken up by all of the story content. I am basing this off of the choices of "Good Sister" and "Sissy School" going down the "Whore Path".

    You simply have your daily routine that you get into, go to courses, work, study, ect. but there is always something. The really nice thing is the true feeling of progression and that sense of looking back to hours ago and you see just how far you've come. Near the end of the story content I did get a little bored and ended up draining my mind all the way down to nothing while working at the clinic as a nurse. But that's because I wanted to be a cock hungry air head. Which it was done passively and the chore would have been keeping it up at/near max.

    So in the end,
    the story is fantastic 5/5
    the imagery is well done 4.5/5
    the pacing is great 5/5
    the genres are well met 5/5

    If this is the kind of story that you like, the game will suck you in and you'll lose yourself in it. Five Stars.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has come a long way and is on its way to become the best game in the category. i think the avatar & clothing system is the best one yet. instead of some pictures of some clothes from a fashion catalog you have an actual avatar that wears them and they either look good on MC or in some cases bad. the story is quite interesting although it's not completely new there are aspects to it that you will find quite enjoyable.
    I think some of the clothes could be more suitable for the MC (the goal is corruption anyway) and some of them or too ordinary and a little ugly. i also think that when you watch porn the animations are not that good and better ones can be chosen for them. improving your job skills require a massive amount of time and let's face it we don't want to spend hours juct clicking but thanks to the built-in cheats it can be avoided.
    to summarize if you enjoy corruption and transformation The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment is the one to go.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok i got to admit, its a solid game.. most have already been covered by others in previous reviews.

    What drags it down a bit IMO:
    1. Icons/stats aren't properly introduced, and no real information about them can be found ingame. a small tutorial or into to the game would be welcome
    2. Grindy as hell
    3. there should defiantly be an option to "quick" progress days where you have no "special interactions", I spent multiple days in a row just doing random tasks waiting for the next "event" to pop up on the daily reminder.
    4. the dareboad needs to be better introduced, took me 1h+ before i even found it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better games in the "sissy transitioning" sandbox genre (review rules say I can't name other examples, but just read through the thread to see comparisons, like on page 11).

    Don't trust the screenshots in the thread; the game looks a lot better now. The early art for the major story characters--best friend Andy, sister Annie, girlfriend/domme Erika--have been replaced with 3D models. (At least, for the latest Patreon version that f95zone hosts.) It looks like the dialogue's also been somewhat rewritten. Look, this is what the scene in the screenshot that's 2nd from the left looks like now: I didn't try TSGE out for a long time because the thread screenshots made it look bad, but it's not bad at all. I think some of the writing almost rivals a certain other popular game in the same niche that uses retro-style drawn art. And there is a lot of content now.

    So anyway, this is a sandbox game where you have a number of familiar tropes. The roommate who sets random tasks for you and whose underwear you eventually steal, the crazy disciplinarian who wants to transform you into a sissy, the mall which somehow has a sex toy shop, the club where it's easy to prostitute yourself, the choice of vanilla or kinky day job to earn money for clothes/toys where they don't mind if you skip constantly, the clinic where scheduled transformations happen. But this game still has its own unique feel.

    Positives: the interface is fairly clear and straightforward. The player avatar (unlike the other main characters, it's still drawn) is flexible and expressive, one of the best systems I've seen, though especially large or small body parts (breasts, waist) are slightly downgraded/not reflected when you wear clothing. The game progression doesn't rush you, provides lots to do without immediately letting the player play like a whore, has an interesting story, and branches off in a way that's intuitive (except someone should have warned me I needed to have 15 willpower if I wanted to pursue relationships with characters besides the girlfriend). I didn't encounter any game-impeding bugs either.

    Negatives: it feels like a huge amount of the content in this game is "go out and have some sexy encounter with a stranger at a party or a club, covert exhibitionism with an online hookup, a guy on the street, etc." In many sissy sandbox games like this one, NPCs are associated with unique and sexy locations, so when you visit them for repeated encounters it's like your sucked into their little world, their little niche fetish appeal. But in TSGE, almost all NPCs lack fixed locations--you contact them over the internet and decide where to meet. So when you have repeated encounters, it's often just you being repeatedly brought you out a public place where you run into random people with runaway libidos. I'm personally bored to death of sucking off random guys; the early parts of the girlfriend content were what I liked most, and the mistress from Dominant Online is who I like the least because she feels more like a life counselor than a mistress. And it kind of felt to me like all the different routes eventually devolved into "going out clubbing to find guys to fuck". Another negative is that while the interface is nice, you're still forced to do the same 3-4 mundane tasks nearly every day to boost your stats properly, which is a drag. You also need to repeatedly click back/forward if your stat boost fails due to high arousal. TSGE wouldn't lose much (besides choice of abs) if the intelligence and strength stats were just removed and assumed to always be max. I also question how balanced/intuitive the willpower stat is.

    All in all, a mature game that's definitely worth playing if you're interested in sissification or submissive transitioning.
    Likes: kshyk