4.10 star(s) 37 Votes


Mar 3, 2018
Are you using skip text? (Shift) Some have said that may be the thing that causes the problem.

Due to some animations being rolled, I'm removing the change view functionality in general. Instead the alternative views will either be unlockables in the game or repurposed for other scenes (like the other view of the Red Queen scene is now used for the Shuma mission part where she watches.) Going forward scenes won't have multiple views as people would prefer to see different scenes as opposed to the same scene from a different angle.
Did use shift on it then forced exit the game after it didn't end the scene so i decided to run the game again loading the last saved point (this time no shift used) problem still persisted.

Naughty Underworld

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018


Who wants some cake?

Change Log:

- Shuma Level 2 Progression Added!
- Ilyana Side Quest Added! (Can you find the easter egg scene??)
- Malaena TF is now animated!
- Work on re-work project has begun - nothing major to report on that (read Patreon post for better explanation)
Bug Fixes:
- The game will no longer bug with an end relationship option for Malaena if you romance Catherine first
- Corrected Malaena's Quest triggers (so icons appear at the correct time)
- Fixed the phone image / background bug - images should now be selectable again for phone backgrounds
- Fixed an issue where if you saved on Aquinas and reloaded, NPCs would appear despite them not supposed to
- Fixed a slight UI issue where planet description was difficult to read when close proximity to a sun


Jun 6, 2020
Been a while since I've checked in with the game and I gotta say that while it's still in its very early stages, it has loads, LOADS of potential. Everyone needs to spread the word about this game as much as you can. Even if you don't have the money to support the Patreon, telling others is definitely a big help and will allow the goals to be reached much faster! Also, I think the unlockable harem route idea is probably the best option moving forward, great job coming to a decision on that. Good luck with development, Nergal!

Naughty Underworld

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
Been a while since I've checked in with the game and I gotta say that while it's still in its very early stages, it has loads, LOADS of potential. Everyone needs to spread the word about this game as much as you can. Even if you don't have the money to support the Patreon, telling others is definitely a big help and will allow the goals to be reached much faster! Also, I think the unlockable harem route idea is probably the best option moving forward, great job coming to a decision on that. Good luck with development, Nergal!
Thank you! Really appreciate your words! :D I know this game is probably currently outshined by the big Subverse release, but I'm hoping more people can realise there is a lot of potential to be had here! :) And yes, if you can't support financially spreading the word is such a huge help! ^^


Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
I may have also tried out Subverse but I'm not forgetting your game anytime soon NergalsNest especially if you can make the harem option possible. Even if not, this game is still worth telling others about considering what you've already given us so far and showing that you listen to our words as your fans which not every developer takes the time to do so. Also you keep your promises which is a big plus for me.

Naughty Underworld

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
I may have also tried out Subverse but I'm not forgetting your game anytime soon NergalsNest especially if you can make the harem option possible. Even if not, this game is still worth telling others about considering what you've already given us so far and showing that you listen to our words as your fans which not every developer takes the time to do so. Also you keep your promises which is a big plus for me.
Thank you! ^^ That's very kind to say! I'll continue to put in the hard work and I'm hoping once we reach these higher support levels thing will REALLY start kicking into high drive!


Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
Yep some others will too! Probably most if we reach our extra content goal ^^

Public releases always follow the end of the next month. So in this case end of April for 0.14 :)
Will Shuma's scenes be animated at that point or is it planned for a side character?

Naughty Underworld

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
Will Shuma's scenes be animated at that point or is it planned for a side character?
Unlikely. Animations are a little slow going because we haven't unlocked that goal yet. The only reason we have some at the moment is thanks to a very generous donor ^^

Hopefully we can reach the goal soon and start getting everything animated!


Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
I can't promise anything but if I can I could try to subscribe to you the next time I get paid if it can help.
4.10 star(s) 37 Votes