The Spirits of Sabel, previously known as Spirit Interactor, is VN style game about a human who visits forest of Sabel looking for a peaceful life.
Currently you can interact with 4 spirits:
Ori (we all know him)
Flo (shy florist)
Sean (a little greedy merchant)
Haru (one of forests guardians)
You can customize all of spirits beside Haru (probably because it's someones OC).
Gameplay consists of exploring forest and befriending its inhabitants by increasing your love meter with different actions such as talking, playing or doing romantic stuff.
Each character have several quests that unlock after reaching relationship level, some of them unlocks new scenes while other can give player new item or unlock new skill.
There's 4 sex scenes for now:
Game has great graphics, music and sound design, if anybody knows what they used to mimic spirits voice I would be very grateful.
Game has great potential, I pray developer doesn't abandon it.