Ren'Py - The Sultans Harem [v0.5.4] [LiveGoesOn]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    God i love meaty woman
    Honestly, although the story is not something very particular, the design and modeling of the girls is simply beautiful, neither too much nor too little, without being so realistic but maintaining something of a feminine form just excelente work I expect more from this development, it has talent and spark.
    Plus it has to be added the this excelente art its also thanks to TheLustLord
    Both excelent artists
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    if you'e into weight gain it's a great game so far. renders are very good. it's a bit grindy but not too much. the selection of girls is nice. hope that at some point the sister gets more involved. keep it up!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for [v0.3.5]
    I will state beforehand in the name of clarity, that I am not a feeder or obsessed with weight gain. However, I'm also not someone who demands all women be stick thin. I appreciate women in all forms, but I can certainly say I've never been into feeding, and I don't think I can ever see myself as a feeder.

    Now, obviously the question is: why would you review a game who's primary kink you're not into? Well, because the visuals looked great, and for some reason no one had reviewed it up until now. So, thought I'd give my two cents.

    First off: yes, the visuals are great. They are very well done. The women look very good, although there's definitely a disconnect when they try to claim someone looks dirty and she literally has the clearest pores I've ever seen. This kind of smoothness and perfect skin actually, ironically enough, gets worse on the fatter models. A bigger person has stretch marks, more imperfections, but since the base for them is nice, FIT models, the dev ends up giving them flawless skin and faces, and just makes them whales instead.

    A bigger issue is the story. That being, there's basically none of it. I wanna make the point that even without obese women, I'd still mark the AVN down pretty badly for the story and writing. The story itself is basically just a set-up and that's it. It's a pity too, because the setting isn't really well explored. There's potential in there, but it's basically just the thinnest veneer None of the harem really have any characterization past what you see in the very first interaction. It's honestly quite boring going through the motions of the AVN.

    In terms of kinks, I feel like pigeon-holeing the AVN with purely feeding was a big problem. I know that there's always a niche that will always want something, but isn't it better to at least widen your net a bit? When you force a narrow focus, it means things LIKE story, LIKE character, are irrelevant to the main interest. Wouldn't feeders enjoy this AVN, regardless of whether the size increasing was *optional*? I think broadening the choice of kinks would really help maintain interest with people, and also I just think having multiple models that barely even get used since they're just swept away feels like a lot of work that isn't used well.

    Ultimately, this is a visually great project that is entirely empty. There is only one kink focused on, every single character is a cardboard cutout, the world is empty, there's NOTHING that can't be given to you by a porn video.