HTML - The SUP [v0.7] [MegyMonster]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    best layout for an HTML game and use of phone texts that i've seen to date. almost no filler, would highly recommend if you're into the genres! lots of potential for future releases. two thumbs up!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't know how this game is rated this highly. Very simple game loop, very grindy, not a whole lot to do. it's basically the screenshots you see, either work at sex shop, the SUP(school), the mall, or visit GF, or go back to your room.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I observed this game for some time now and I actually like previous versions more than the current one right now.

    You play a young man who goes back to his family in Sweden, also attending the Uni there (the SUP). In the day-to-day scenarios you visit the Uni, take classes which are filled with their respective fetish content and interact with your family and your girlfriend, either sexually advancing on them or them humiliating you and advancing on others (depending on your choice)

    first the Pros:

    The game focusses heavily on NTR, blacked, sissification and BDSM. If that is your cup of tea this game actually gives you a nice slice-of-life simulator experience.

    The UI looks good and the pictures chosen are also great.

    The cons: here are now the two wishes I would have for this game and the reason my otherwise 4 or even 5 star review turned into a 3 star review:

    1. The game is way too blatant about the fetishes contained within the respective classes. I know the developer already tried to make it a bit more casually sounding, but the "BNWO" class still talks about "serving black men" and the feminization class still about "learning more about what it means to be a girl and playing with toys". Every normal student would've second-guessed the whole spiel.

    2. The classes BNWO, feminization and submission are mutually exclusive with domination (which didn't use to be this way). This is what kills all the mystique and thrill, as before you had to try to balance these points. If you wanted to dominate your girlfriend but you lately attended to many BNWO lessons, for example, you would see her attitude shift towards you. This made it exciting because there was actually a chance of you "failing" this whole domination thing. Now you are literally asked in advance by the game "hey, do you want the dominant image and gif pack, or the sissy one?" which is a considerable downgrade.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    LooLoo Baloo

    This is a very good game with a lot of content. You get a lot of choices, and it's obvious that when this is further developed it will be one of the better games on this entire website.

    The worst thing about it though is the grind, it turns into a click fest just being able to pay rent, and getting the car in the beginning took ages. It doesn't really feel rewarding when the grind is just the same loop over and over again.

    Apart from that though, I think this is a solid game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    k L

    Awesome HTML game. very nicely developed covering a wide range of kinks. UI is decent and stories are interesting, deserve a 5 star imo . I am looking forward to how this game and the stories going to develop.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love how just about everyone dominates the mc. Wish there were more scenes with the mother, she was the hottest. Emily was great too hope you continue her path. The dominance path is also decent. Overall the game UI is very neat and the gifs and images are consistent aswell.

    waiting for an update
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    inconsistent gifs. linear progression. ENDLESS TEDIOUS CLICKING LOOP. SCHOOL, WORK, SLEEP, SCHOOL, WORK, INTERACT, SLEEP. And occasionally some random dialogue, though rarely.

    i spent the past two hours clicking., and my dude still aint brave enough to get surgery.. ive finished the schools story of the build, work has no new scenes.. its now an endless loop of sleep work, visit emily. its horribly boring
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is done right.

    The user interface is beautiful: simple and stylish.

    The pace is good - there's repeated events, but it doesn't feel grindy; there is a clear sense of progression.

    The selection of models is mixed: some overly used ones, and some new faces. I particularly like the sex shop owner.

    It features the same silly sissification mechanics as other games, but there's an overarching plot that runs parallel to the sissy quests.

    So far there isn't that much content, but there's already a few hours of gameplay, plus it lets you know when you reach the end of some path, so you don't waste time mindlessly clicking trying to progress.

    It allows you to toggle the blacked content, so don't let that discourage you.
    It also lets you remove chastity devices, for those who are more into submission and female domination without caring much about those things.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent game with decent characters, always w8ng for new updates, it's like my best day when those updates coming out, really hope that this game will have much more routes) Thx so much for posting this type of awsome game)!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything is great so far

    - concise UI
    I want to say more details about UI, because it's very convenient. You don't need to scroll up and down on each page, everithing placed neatly. Great work
    - 2 routes - sub and dom
    - not grindy
    - contend is good

    - early stage of development, not so much content
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The UI = perfection
    Gameplay = Unique and engaging
    Story = A Good one.

    How the hail did you make such an amazing game? Like the UI... seriously dude? How do you achieve this level of awesomeness?

    I'm really paying attention to this game. Adding asian girls or even JAV girls will add some spice to it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played 0.3.5, but already one of the best of this genre. For me is a top tier in fem/sub routes (i didnt play bnwo/dom). A must play.
    I hope in the next updates more random event with the family or at school but it's already great. Maybe add something for being sure we saw all the events.
    Good luck for the next.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played version 0.3.5.
    This game has a great user interface and game design, that i never seen in other SugarCube game.
    Although the story was a bit slow-paced (quite normal for an early version...), the game’s interface and ergonomics were extremely well thought out and made the game worth playing.
    Overall, I would recommend this game to anyone who is looking for an engaging gaming experience.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review is for v0.3 - Sissy and Cuckold Route
    We got a lot of potential here.
    The store is really solid, and (pretty) original. It's got a SQ Cruise Ship vib to it, only much simpler.
    The characters are about as typical as they come, but the game wouldn't make sense if they weren't typical, so....
    The game play rotation is very solid. It's simple, but not so simple that it's just click next for the next scene. My one major complaint is that is that at the end of the day, the choices don't appear to really do anything besides give more stats, and those stats don't appear to do much (at least yet), so it does feel very linear even though there is a significant amount of illusion of choice.
    Content wise, it's pretty bear bones right now. There's a significant start, but the transformation is slow, so it doesn't end up feeling like much by the time you get to the end. It boils down to getting a chasity cage, butt plug, one girl outfit, and a couple things at the plastic surgery place (that don't appear to do anything)
    In conclusion, it's about as average as a v0.3 can get. I really hope that this actually get's a completed stage because so many of these games end up being abandoned half way though, because there's some serous potential here for something great
    Update for v0.6.5
    Still really good, Although a little slow on the updates. I was really hoping for more with how long of a break I took before coming back, but it's gameplay is still solid and I'm loving what I'm able to play
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Lots of content for early version. I like all the routes so far. You pretty much know from the start what you are getting yourself into, which is nice in a game that seems to evolve into something with quite the extensive storyline.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    A lot of content for such an early release which is great.

    However the game is a bit bare-bones if you choose to be dominant. there are like no scenes with your own gf. You just fuck you teacher a bunch and meet another girl that you fuck (cucking her bf) and then another girl ("cucking" her brother).

    There is also like 0 content with the family / step-family on the dominant path. And what little there is goes from 0 to 100 straight away. You just wake up one day getting a bj from you sister / stepsister.

    If you choose the other three paths there is a lot of content, focused on femdom, feminization and bbc. But there it's also quite sudden, like your mom just suddenly starts cucking / domming you without any character development.

    It's good but it has a lot of work before it really will feel great. It's probably a 3/5 right now but due to hot scenes and a lot of work for a 0.2 release I feel it's worth a 4.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One f the best games, I've played. I really hope that this one is not abandoned. Also I like the BBC Content, please want more!

    Also if possible, would like to have more hypno content as well.
    The writing in this one is top class, so no complaints from me.
    Kudos to the dev!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    [0.5 Update]

    Seems I was wrong. UI was updated and there's quite a bit of content now. The game is going somewhere.

    [Old 0.2 Review]

    While I do unironically enjoy the "bad B tier porn logic" along with the gifs/images quite a bit, the game basically boils down to being an alpha male, or being multiple flavors of submissive. If you aren't interested in being a sub, there isn't much to the game at all, and it doesn't seem there'd be much in the future for it, either.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Fun game, but I hate grinding.

    -Story, Originality
    You came to university to learn most important things: bang girls/bang dudes/look at how girls get banged.

    Good photoes.

    Don't remember hearing any.

    Any route now takes around 30 minutes.
    And you have to press 4-5 buttons over and over to progress.

    Runs like an average HTML.

    Didn't see any.

    Still pictures and videeos.

    -Voice Acting
    Don't remember hearing voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    A good ammount of h-scenes, but it is so tiresome to press same combinations of "go school - go work -go bed"...
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    As is common for these kinds of games, we have the weakest content possible handed over with the most restrictive stupid decisions. There are 4 options here:

    An isolated dominating path to exclusively masculine alpha-male bullshit.

    A mixed path where you can have submissive, feminised or interracial content (with black men).

    One day we'll have a game that does any of this properly, with options like an MtF path that doesn't exclude domination or force a fucking chastity cage down your throat, a submissive path that's not tied up with extreme humilliation or interracial content that's not just an excuse to fetishize black men and actually includes people from various nationalities. There are more types of Queens that just of Spades, you know?

    Very mid, as expected from an HTML game. This one in particular just pissed me off even more than others because it doesn't even have a proper rollback option. At least the writing is decent.