Unity - Completed - The Sweetest Salon ~OctoMassage~ [v1.05] [Squidrump Enthusiasts]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, latest version that can be found in the forum. Biggest issues being the lack of translation and poor grammar. Animations are nice and you can get with the receptionist in the newer version, but wasn't really worth the time.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The Sweetest Salon ~OctoMassage~ [v1.05] [Squidrump Enthusiasts]
    There's not much to say about this game, but I recommend giving it a try.
    - I liked the relationship between the two characters a lot.
    - Very short game
    - Scenes not beautiful
    - The initial game over trigger is too annoying, it was not easy to overcome it
    - Start of the game quite boring, make an appointment, talk, make an appointment, talk etc
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A sweet small game to enjoy and ignore the miserable reality you're in

    minor bugs like getting stuck on some scenes and translation errors like english texts won't load in and be replaced with the default language but overall a good game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is still a bit buggy and the translation has its weaknesses here and there.
    The potential is definitely there and (if developed further) could turn out to be a very interesting game.
    1000/1000 great potential
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    +1 You can skip to just h scenes and some dialogue in nice during game it seems (skipped almost all of it as -->
    -2 too hard too little pay off from story+character+sex reward
    +1 works and more unique then many
    -1 minimal sex animation and meh art being only somewhat saved by being able too choose color, minor inflation, and rarely used character(s).