Played the game all the way up to week 7 with her at self esteem 5+, and there are several issues with the game. Like, as several people have pointed out in this thread, when you're having sex with her, there's no animation for it and your orgasm meter doesn't build, when masturbating, the game freezes, making you have to restart the week, and while having sex with her while she's in the prone position, while the position still has no animation like every other sex action, what animations there are, the first part of the dick actually going in, is reversed, when you're fucking her pussy, it shows as it going in her ass, and when fucking her ass, it shows it going into her pussy. Same thing happens when massaging her thighs, when doing the "left thigh massage 2" it shows you massaging her right thigh in the animation, and vice versa with the right thigh, amongst many other issues that either soft-lock or freeze the game altogether
The first game had it's own issues, but it was still way better than this one
I'll keep an eye on it for updates, but as it is now, it's barely worth playing, and is definitely not worth playing once you enter free play mode, since everything you would want to do in free play mode is broken in some way