I increased the mood by +10 points for every action. As long as you don’t make a big mistake, you won’t have any issues, and the mood will always stay high.
This way, requirements are completed very quickly, and there’s no need for a massage either. The duration feels too long, but I couldn’t find a way to shorten it. Sorry!
Edit: I fixed the exe; now there are no white stripes like a frame, and the content fits perfectly on the screen. I also added suitable buttons to the top left corner.
Edit 2: Finally finished the drawings, now decensored. Let me know if there's anything you don’t like, and I'll fix it as best as I can.
I made Mari's color tones a bit more vibrant. I set up the buttons in a menu style and made them hideable with a simple logo.
The codes for game speed, sleep state, and mute buttons exist, but I haven’t been able to get them working yet. If I get a resolved JS code, I’ll activate them.
Mood boost starts at 0 and increases by 10 with each click. In short, if you set it to +100 or higher, it pumps mood to a level where it won’t run out during any action. Even if you perform negative actions in the early weeks, you won’t be punished because the score will be too high.
View attachment 4555898
Full Game v1.0.4 - Decensored
~Only the modded exe and the original game files are included.
Week 7 - True End Save:
View attachment 4523946
Also, here’s a quick tip to finish without issues: Don’t rush in conversations or actions—wait for the animation to finish.