Ren'Py - Abandoned - The Things We Do For Love [Ep. 1-2] [DSeductionGames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Abandoned game with very little scenes and feels like a demo.
    Would not recommend at the current stage and do not get fooled by the rating, as the writing and renders are indeed good, but whole game is around 30mins to play with no content or scenes to explore.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're looking to download and play a game-game, don't get this.

    If you're in a bored mood and want to get a glimpse at an only partially complete masterpiece - as if you could view just the bottom corner of a picasso, you might be blown away by the writing as I was.

    Never have I seen such emotive yet comfortable characters, everything flows very naturally, there's no [Tee Hee Hee so LEWD] here. It sounds like people in the real world.

    The story immediately grabs the player (well, most players judging by the thread), and creates a troubling but believable narrative that makes you want to read every line.

    Give it a try, you might just add yourself to the many players in the game's thread commiserating its discontinuation.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's abandoned, so it's useless to run. It is very short and contains very little content that is worth your time. Do not be fooled by the sus high star average and go play something else.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    It is a bit sad to rate an abandoned game that has (had?) a lot of promise.

    Anyway: The game is unfortunately very short. The story is interesting, it starts out quite depressing but turns into something rather sweet (ignoring the unpleasant non-canon bonus scene, that is). I find the arts, models and rendering very attractive (maybe the brother has weird hair; but generally all is good. The sister is really beautiful). The characters are relatable and likable. The writing is not the strongest point (too much description interferes with immersion [1], maybe some more proofreading would have been good, too [2]. But all in all a really promising and fascinating game. A shame that nothing more will come, it seems.

    [1] example: We see a man looking down on a boy, game direct speech "hush now, don't wake up". That would be fine, but the game deems it necessary to add "... said the man looking down on the boy"

    [2] example "Just he mention of him had brought bile into my throat"
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    This has been abandoned, so there's really no point in playing it. It is EXTREMELY short with too little content to even be worthy of your time. Don't be fooled by the high average score as I was and go play something else.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So sad to see this was abandoned.. The story is shocking, engaging and moving. One of the most original AVN ive played, But unfortunately it is on hold. I Would love to see this devoloper finish his vision and see this story realized . But what is finished is worth a play and it grabs you maybe the intrest will cause this to be reopened.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Sad this one is abandoned for the foreseeable future. This game has some issues with grammar, writing, the renders are a bit fewer and further between than I would have wanted, but this game has a lot of great things as well. There is a clear bond between the family after the traumatic event and it makes the relationship between the twins feel pretty real. The dialogues, the way the characters act feel natural and make for somewhat relate-able gameplay. Also the sister is smoking and I like some of the seductive choices the game allows. The relationship doesn't feel forced and it certainly has a forbidden lover feel to it which I absolutely adore.

    I hope one day this one gets brought back but for now I'll leave it in my list of "what could have beens". It is too short currently for me to recommend but if it gets started again definitely worth trying.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    -The author can definitely write. (+2 STAR)
    -No option for dad to rape the daughter instead of the son. (-1 STAR)
    -Good looking characters as well as the render. (+1 STAR)
    -The year is 2019 and still no animation. (-1 STAR)
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This is shaping up to be a great love story with a very tragic beginning. It isnt your usual bro/sis storyline of Bro has big dick and Sis cant resist and incest ensues.... But a believable storyline of 2 siblings with a real connection and almost irresistable pull towards a romantic relationship.

    Now this point I cannot stress this enough. If you care one ounce about these characters and have any issue with NTR content for the love of god DO NOT watch the "extra" scene at the end of the cureent content. YOU WILL REGRET YOUR LIFE CHOICES IF YOU DO!

    So in summary its an xcellent start with a rediculously bad "what if" at the end.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Atomic Chello

    wow what a great start! really interesting and refreshing storyline...and the animations in this game are one of the best i have ever seen! i had a lot of fun playing this...waiting for more awesome updates
    There are also fantasies and memories to provide additional content and background outside the current scene, which I love
    The renders are nice, the story keeps evolving and will certainly remind you of a certain movie
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Best writing I have ever witnessed in any VN, this is just amazing.

    This game has this noir feeling that makes me feel uneasy and I love it, since the start the game hints at a very complicated yet endearing story, hiting us with something we wouldn't expect.

    Furthermore the way the relationship between the twins evolves is incredibly cute.
    The game further entangles you with such an amazing descriptive writing that literally embellishes everything, making the story, really engaging despite being a bit darkish.

    Cant recommend this gome more, one of the best I have played, defs a Dev worth supporting.

    Much Love, Neko.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I can't speak for everyone but this hit me in the feels right from the start and hasn't let go.

    Right at the start you see a father abusing his son who is saved by his sister and how that brings them together.

    While the main focus is on them I would like to take a minute to praise the mothers character in this. Here you have a woman that found out her husband was abusing her son for a long time and that her daughter killed him. We've all seen similar types of story appear in film, books, tv and games where something has happened and the mother turned to drink to block it out but not here. She worked damn hard to hold her family together put an enormous amount of pressure on herself to make sure her kids didn't have to suffer again to the point where she had to swallow her pride and ask family for help. I think she's a great character and I hope she finds happiness further down the story.

    As far as the relationship with the siblings go, it's actually really good. If you choose to follow the romantic route you can clearly see they are both attracted to each other but the sister is holding back because she doesn't want to do what her dad did. It's realistic conflict in that kind of situation.

    I really enjoyed reading this and think it's well worth it to anyone on the face.

    It's an unpleasant setting to start with especially when you consider stuff like this really happens but I think the sensitive material is handled really well.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyable game with main focus in story.
    The story is simple, and jet so interesting...I don't even care it's taking them so long so developed it - it's worth to wait.
    Chapter 2 is still just the beginning of the story. In my case - brother/sister love story ("Will this be a comedic and fun coupling? A tragic NTR tale? Or something more dramatic but also rewarding? It's up to you") !!!! :)

    I believe it's gonna be more like 'Acting Lessons' and 'Depraved Awakening' - more 'tv series style' plot, less dating sim -> At least I hope it's gonna give us more of interesting plots rather than dozen of new females characters like most other games.

    One thing I find annoying - Main Characters names - Alexis and Alexander sound too similar to my foreigner ears and eyes (I beg you for pick a name option [or just new names for them], please, please, please)

    -If you looking for a good story - try this game. If my poor Engrish didin't convinve you - just trust this Developer.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The character models are really well made and the poses and expressions from what i've seen are good as well. The game's story is intense and it can evoke many different feelings from you which i believe is the basis for any good story. The controversial nature of the content only makes the game that much more satisfying if it's done well, which so far it has been. If the developer continues developing the game the way it has been so far, i believe it will be fantastic up completion and eagerly await that day.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Every other VN out there with these themes are about some tough guy watching out for their family or taking advantage of them so it's nice to see a different story. The story pulls you in from the moment you start. The fact that you control the story from multiple points of view and have the ability to influence multiple opinions is really appealing. Only recommendation I can offer is a rough eta for future chapters. Im fairly new to f95zone but I've been following you for a while on patreon which hasnt had any posts for over a month which had me not knowing if this was abandoned or not for quite sometime was kinda saddening. I'm not trying to rush you by any means as I know perfection doesn't happen over night and that everyone has a real life that comes first. It would just be nice to have some confirmation that it is happening. I'm really looking forward to chapter 2. Keep up the great work.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I like it, having 2 playable characters leaves a lot of potential, I just feel like there was a lot of filler dialogue right in the middle that I honestly skipped through (The D&D dialogue. I like it as much as the next guy but it was really dry and goes on for way too long imo).

    The idea of having the main characters act into each other from the start is neat, being ashamed for their attraction or only of them them making any advances, lots of good stuff that can be done but that is A LOT of paths you need to write.

    The writing feels decent enough with dialogue, but the characters feel rather stiff in how they talk in some places, not quite how normal people would have a conversation (Ignoring the obvious trauma).

    The renders are good as well, a lot of variety when characters are talking, and the facial expressions are also very nice, feels like sometimes they kinda get a bit robotic though, especially during the dinner D&D conversation.

    One nitpick is that the characters names, Alexis and Alexander, are too close in colour to easily pick apart when skimming through the dialogue. Could I suggest changing one of their colours to be able to tell them apart better?

    Being able to change their names would be nice but I'm not dying without the options, just any family naming both of their children 'Alex' seems a bit silly to me :p

    I would also love more choices, but this being the first (Short) chapter I don't feel like its a terrible issue. I like that 2/3 choices heavily impact the final scenes of the chapter.

    Overall really good for a first chapter! Short but I will be playing all future releases. Thanks for your hard work!
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 167032

    Ballz... Darth tackled a subject matter that happens in real life, on both fronts of the sexes especially on a mainly heterosexual website head on.

    Renders are good and the feel of the game great.
    Although i admire the changeover of the characters its too much i feel and is confusing. Maybe marking each character clearer may help.

    Overall i see a game that will have a rich story with even richer characters.

    We'll done Darth.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Eerie Entity

    A story that may turn out to be a beautiful one, set in motion by the dark and tragic event at the beginning.
    Huge amount of potential here, and the fact that you as the viewer, being in control of both MCs actions dictate just where the story will go, love it!
    This is one of the rare few stories where the sibling relationship (as well as the romantic love relationship, which is the path I'm taking) feels natural and believable, absolutely love that!

    Renders are beautiful and so are the models, especially Alexis, she has a sexy and proportionate figure and a beautiful face and hair. The mom looks real good too. Alexander does have a somewhat feminine (ish) face, but I don't consider that a bad thing at all.

    Some misspellings in the dialogue here and there, but nothing too overly big, it's still easy to read and follow.

    This is definitely worth picking up and trying, can't wait to continue the story! :)