RPGM - Completed - The Three Charms [Minwa]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Unknown Developer

    This is gold. Surprise of the year for me. Peak storytelling. Very well explored gameplay. Epic moments finished by an epic battle. I'm officially putting this game top 1 h-game together with The Last Sovereign.

    Its only problems are that it's short, reuses too many assets (portraits of the yokais), doesn't have a good number of scenes, and the resolution that doesn't use the full power of VX Ace. But if you a VX Ace engine you can edit it to include a script to increase the window size to patch the problem. I'll post it in the thread and report to add it to the OP.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    These are the worst fights I've ever seen. The developer tried to be special and unique, but in the end we got random garbage. Not only this, but the game also recommends farming for pennies in order to buy items that will make the game a little easier for you.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    - Frustratingly slow intro and automatic scenes
    - Can't backtrack to previous areas
    - Maps do not work that way. What kind of portal weirdness is this?
    - Maddening 'fight' mechanics
    - No weapons/armor. Just a half dozen unusably wimpy items and two OK items.
    - If your character gets too tired, he (basically) can't get untired by resting, which is just stupid.
    - If you lose, its five minutes of snorefest even on fast forward.
    - I'm interested in seeing some of the loss animations/images, but I don't wanna deal with reloading a save and yawning myself to death to catch back up.
    - Unbeatable boss (Even with cheats, it's been 20 minutes. I give up.)
    - ^ Yes, I know about binding the arms. It's not nearly enough. ^

    This isn't worth the 98 cents.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Played through the whole series. Proud of myself. Also, of this games, they are extremely enjoyable, in all the right ways! Here is, as per usual, the link to my Review on the Blog, and afterwards, the Quickview as well:

    [The Link]

    All Scores:
    ================ Plot = 9.5
    ======== Story = 10
    ======== Characters = 9
    ================ Gameplay = 9
    ======== Mechanics = 9
    ======== Complexity = 9
    ======== Uniqueness = 9
    ======== Replayability = 9
    ================ Scenes = 9
    ======== Visual = 9
    ======== Written = 10
    ======== Interactivity = 8
    ======== Replayability = 9
    ================ Development = ----
    ================ Obtaining = 9.25
    ======== Price = 10
    ======== Methods = 8.5
    ================ FINAL SCORE = 9.18


    A hidden gem of a game series, has an unique style, unique gameplay and "combat", extremely hot Scenes and Restraints, and an interesting story to play through! Having what amounts to a steal of a price, I can completely support purchasing this series, wholesale, right now, not even needing Sales or Offers for it! And the Dev group is still active, so we'll get even more content in the future!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art and writing, enjoyed following the story all the way through. Typical RPGM combat with a slightly different spin, easy to access bad ends etc if you want to play through.
    It even has lots of "post game" content, I struggle to find anything else I'd ask to be plausibly added to an RPGM project.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't understand how a game like this can get such a high rating. Normally I'd be fine to say, "oh, well, there's no accounting for taste", right? But the problem is so many games like this get 4+ stars that then make me think they're good so I download them and get invested and... christ, where do I even begin?

    You'd think this is a porn game right? No, it's an extremely lengthy story about a world with these youkai japanese demons and some guy doing stuff. There's no real skip button through the endless text, but there is a fast forward button. You can still expect the intro to take you up to 20 minutes of real life time to get through. How on earth does this make for any kind of an erotic experience? It's mind numbing.

    So then you finally get into it. And the gameplay is just obscure puzzle solving and tedious navigation. Then if you're really lucky there's an event like, would you like to be kissed and get a hanjob? Oh, if you say yes, you die and have to go back to the last check point :) NONE OF THOSE THINGS MAKE ME WANT TO SAY YES! It's not even remotely tempting.
    So then you endure that god awful gameplay and finally get to a boss, boy fighting a succubus sounds interesting right? Well, too bad. The gameplay mechanics are incredibly obscure and brutal and not translated in game. Maybe you can find a explanation in the thread, but I couldn't be bothered looking for long. So I guess you gotta cheat to get through the only part of the game that's maybe interesting? Oh well, there's always more unerotic puzzle solving :)

    Oh and when you do lose to the boss you're presented with one whole static imagine that slides left and right on the screen. There's your intense climactic porn scene that you get for 30-40 minutes of gameplay. 1 imagine. Enjoy, sucker.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    1. H-scenes are a lot, sexy. The drawings were kinda unique, and I liked it. 5/5
    2. Battle mechanics can be a bit challenging to some because it's very different from the normal rpg game mechanics that we typically know of, but once you get used to it and know how it goes, you wouldn't need to choose an easier option. It made this game feel fresh and enjoyable to play. 5/5
    3. Maps and mobs are well arranged so that you wouldn't feel bored and can feel the escape vibe from it. 5/5
    4. Stories are simple and entertaining. The way how the main protagonist unwillingly keeps getting hit on is humorous and wish fulfilling. 5/5
    5. You can get h scenes once you lose. Some may find this annoying, but it really makes up for it by placing a lot of save points. 5/5
    6. Monster girls! 5/5

    It's an unique and entertaining game with a great quality of H, and
    Monster girls.

    Overall: 10/10
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    bad game
    got filtered by fox bride
    maybe change rating if win
    i came here to fap, goddamn it
    if i get filtered by first boss, then what next? What about final boss?
    and fuck this autistic "please write more than 200 words" shit
    fuck fuck fuck fuck
    good game, but bosses filtering me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The sequel recently got translated, I was curious enough so I've decided to check this out first, and oh boy did I enjoy this experience.
    First I would say is art 10/10, every character and h-scene. It was clear that whoever drawn those arts put a lot of time and details into them. It doesn't only a single palette like most h-game but vibrant enough to be hung on the museum XD. The best I could compare that to is Monster Girl Quest. (Might be the same artist idk) The only complaint I have is there are not enough cgs in every h-scene. Copulating will be represented as shaking of that png. Still, can't expect a h-game to have much budget. They might allocate them in different areas such as improving the game quality, and that's what I'm going to talk about next.
    Second, the story. This game was based on Japanese folklore, I'm not knowledgeable in them, so I can't judge their authenticity. But bruh did they tell such a great story. Tho short and a bit simple, the executions by the characters gave them life and thus giving the story life.
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    Finally, the battle system. It was very intuitive. I've seen none like this from any other rpggames. The freshness is what made me continue playing it nonstop and completed it in 6 hours. (including self-comforting) I'm hype to play the sequel. I'll give this game a 9/10 but due to it being right up my alley, it's a 10/10 now.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    The Fool Reversed

    One of the best H-Games out there. Wasn't expecting to enjoy the story and characters as much as I did. The 'combat' gimmick is unique, focusing on temporarily disabling your pursuers with magic until you can escape as apposed to simply fighting them. There's more than just lewdness here, and I appreciate that. If you're only concerned with the lewdness though, theres plenty of that. Each monster type has a variety of art and scenes, each of which can be viewed in a gallery after beating the game. Overall, a great experience that I recommend.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The first thing I must applaud this game for is the unique gameplay. There are so many RPGMaker games that follow the stereotypical HP/MP (and sometimes TP) system, it's really refreshing to see a game that flips things on its head. While it does preserve basic values that can be compared to HP and MP, it's used in a dramatically different way. The player's primary goal is to run away from enemies, instead of defeating them. To do this, one must make use of all aspects of combat: escaping, resting, and charms. It is quite a breath of fresh air, and I would absolutely love to see more games use unique combat systems!
    The story in this game is pretty decent. It follows a similar storyline to MGQ, but does have its own unique variations. Something I especially enjoyed was that the entire thing plays out over one night. So often are stories spaced out over a long period of time with little to no character development. This story however demonstrates that a short period of time with a great deal of character development can be good, even superior to other chronologies. The dialogue in this game is excellent. Characters seem realistic (or at least as realistic as yokai can be), and while the H-scenes do only have one image each, there is plenty of narration to help bring in the slack.
    It has been quite a while since I've enjoyed myself as much as I did playing this game. There were some frustrating parts (largely due to my computer lagging) but it was well worth it to push through. I plan to follow this developer's content quite closely in the future!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Difficult but pretty good overall, don't use the easy mode or you will miss a scene at the end.......................................................................................................................
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this one. I reccomend this one for anyone that liked Monster girl quest or any other game of the genre. It's obviously shorter in story and duration, but is a nice little game nonetheless. For the things I liked:

    On the good points
    - The story, especially the finale and the added content after completing the story are heartwarming. I enjoyed it for not being all rapey like in Monster GIrl Quest
    - Lady Magatsu may be the sweetest and sexiest fictional character I know hands down <3
    - Quality art for the characters
    - Nice gameplay that doesn't get old fast.
    - The duration is on point, 5 hours or so. More than that could get boring

    Bad points
    - Rape sex scenes get old fast after so much text with just one image per scene. More variety please.
    - One thing that dissapoints me about this kind of japanese monster games is that you are supposed to lose to have sex. But I have to say the postgame content remedy that

    Just as a personal note, I think monster girl games should focus less on the rape scenes and had a little more focus on the story and lovey dovey sex scenes related with the story. Lose and get raped by random girls gets old very fast, and I think that is the big flaw of Monster girl quest, which The three Charms in its last part improves, and is a new breath of air on the formula.

    In conclusion, for 0,99$ this game is a steal. Go get it! Or at least try it!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It has a good twist on the combat of rpg maker, and nice art for the characters. Problem is, this game reminds me of one of those really overdone powerpoints where the maker used every single animation possible. It's good, but it's overdone. Like biting into a slightly burned steak, if you can get through the burned outer layer it's quite nice. Unfortunately, I like my steak medium rare, and this is far too slow for my taste.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good mix of lewd and fun. Legit enjoyed the challenge - you have to actually think instead of just grinding for levels/money/equipment like in other games. Only downside is the lack of CG variety. Still very highly recommended 9/10, candidate for best eroge of the year for me.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    V KO D 693

    Hi Guys, I'm a game developer and I often analyze these...
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Experimental games.

    Absolutely fantastic art, amazing idea for attacks and running away system. Absolute Gem.
    It still has it's downsides, it can be WAY too difficult, especially for a person who wants to go through the content quicker , Having only one image instead of switching through 2 or 3 during a death scene, especially if it's going to last longer than a MINUTE WHILE HOLDING THE CTR BUTTON - so much to read man, a good game should be interractive, even if it is an RPG like this one.

    Overall 7.4/10
    which is a lot for hentai games, because the standards are mostly down because of so many bootleg looking dry games that get attention just because sex sells and have nothing redeemable above that.

    EDIT: only the first level difficulty curve was very high, after that you are told you can change the difficulty in the "Character's notes" menu.
    Game gets better and better