I don't understand how a game like this can get such a high rating. Normally I'd be fine to say, "oh, well, there's no accounting for taste", right? But the problem is so many games like this get 4+ stars that then make me think they're good so I download them and get invested and... christ, where do I even begin?
You'd think this is a porn game right? No, it's an extremely lengthy story about a world with these youkai japanese demons and some guy doing stuff. There's no real skip button through the endless text, but there is a fast forward button. You can still expect the intro to take you up to 20 minutes of real life time to get through. How on earth does this make for any kind of an erotic experience? It's mind numbing.
So then you finally get into it. And the gameplay is just obscure puzzle solving and tedious navigation. Then if you're really lucky there's an event like, would you like to be kissed and get a hanjob? Oh, if you say yes, you die and have to go back to the last check point
NONE OF THOSE THINGS MAKE ME WANT TO SAY YES! It's not even remotely tempting.
So then you endure that god awful gameplay and finally get to a boss, boy fighting a succubus sounds interesting right? Well, too bad. The gameplay mechanics are incredibly obscure and brutal and not translated in game. Maybe you can find a explanation in the thread, but I couldn't be bothered looking for long. So I guess you gotta cheat to get through the only part of the game that's maybe interesting? Oh well, there's always more unerotic puzzle solving
Oh and when you do lose to the boss you're presented with one whole static imagine that slides left and right on the screen. There's your intense climactic porn scene that you get for 30-40 minutes of gameplay. 1 imagine. Enjoy, sucker.