If you look at my Events .lsm the "Global" events, at the top, doesn't flag any models (flag : [],) so that means they'll appear for everyone, whereas the "Relationship" events underneath will only appear for certain models, you have to specify the images differently for each, so for the Global events:
["image", "MMglobal/text.webp"],
That means you need a folder, call it whatever you want, along with all the other model folders for the global images.
So /images/MMglobal/text.webp would be the location.
For the relationship events, the code looks like this:
["image", "/MMevents/dance1.webp", "$ModelSelected"],
"MMDance" : {
relationship : 9,
author : "Dancing Queen",
flag : "AriannaSinn,AutumnJade",
pgender : "male,female",
The "MMevents" folder has to be inside the Model folder, so for this event Arianna Sinn is one of the models so the complete location would be /images/AriannaSinn/MMevents/dance1.webp
(And you need that dance1.webp in each model's folder, so also /images/AutumnJade/MMevents/dance1.webp)
That's the basics of it, I probably started my events file from Plonker's one but you can just edit my one if you want, just remember that the Global events needs a Javascript "end" after it, and before the Relationship events start, so the last global event has
And after the relationship events is:
Missing commas and stuff is the most likely thing to throw up errors when importing the .lsm
You can change the name of those folders to be whatever you want, my suggestion would be to start with just 1 or 2 of each type of event and get to grips with it.
(In the code you can leave yourself notes by using four slashes, so you'll see my one has:
////Global Events, //// just means it'll ignore that line)
Hope that helps,