Others Completed Partial The Underground Cash-In Counter in a Girls School 2 [v1.61][max1]


Mar 30, 2019

Synopsis: Your father is suddenly hospitalized and you are asked to take over management of his business, a prostitution ring set up in an area surrounded by girl's and women's schools. The game includes management of the girl's working schedule and conditions, as well as locating and bringing onboard new talent.

Alternate Names: 女子校裏換金所2, Girl's School Cash Back Exchange 2


Censored: YES

Version: v1.61 (2022-04-29), v1.6 (2022-04-05) should also work

OS: Windows 8 or later, Japanese locale or emulator required

Language: Japanese -> English


Unpack the patch into the main game directory, overwriting files when asked. You should end up with "patch.xp3" in the same folder as the game exe "女子校裏換金所2.exe" if you have unpacked to the correct location.

All UI and most regular character text is hand translated. Girl and customer dialogue/commentary is MTL (via DeepL).

Though tagged as a partial, the translation should cover anything gameplay-related and most common atmosphere/fluff items. I elected not to translate a few items that I never found necessary to play or enjoy the game (girl and customer mass stat screens, ranking summary screen, the "sexfile" screen).

In addition to the translation, I have added a few elements not present in the original game. First, many ui elements now have mouseover tooltips to describe/remind their purpose. Second, I have added a mechanism during game start to edit the skills/etc of your initial staff, click the staff portrait to open the editing window. (The original "reroll" mechanism for staff is still present which you may use without limitation. The constraints I added for skills only apply once you start editing.)

Finally, please be aware that much of the game's text was intermixed with game logic and code. I have done my best to be careful and not introduce any bugs, and test wherever possible, but the complex and random nature of the game makes complete testing impossible. Please let me know if you encounter any crashes. Including screenshots, instructions and your save files will make it much easier to respond to bug reports.


Attached to post: 女子校裏換金所2_trans_patch_20220501.7z

Alternate link: ( https:// *************/ P1R0gbe2y6/_2_trans_patch_20220501_7z )

Preview Images:

ss_roster.jpg ss_rooms.jpg ss_work.jpg


I reserve copyright to the english text and gameplay elements I have added, to the fullest extent allowed by law in any applicable legality.

I give permission for original authors of the game (circle max1) to use the contents of my patch in any way they wish, including, for example, as the basis for an official english release of the game. I would request that they include my handle "Josba" in the game in some form, in such a case.

Other distributors of the game, legal or illegal, may integrate and distribute my patch as well. I require them to include both my handle "Josba" and a link to this forum post (on f95zone.to) in both the distribution itself as well any announcement/post of links/etc to download/access the distribution.

If I do not respond to requests or bug reports within 6 months, others may consider that they have my defacto permission to fork and distribute an new version of this patch.


Aug 17, 2016
Hmm this only seems to work with the 1.61 version, any idea where i can get that ? :(


Mar 30, 2019
Yes, unfortunately, I had to edit a lot of the game's code to get the translation working, and the dev made significant changes to the code between versions, so the patch has to end up tied to a specific version.

I have put in a request over on Anime Sharing asking someone to upload the latest version, but so far no one has responded. If you have an account over there, you could add your support to .
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Aug 17, 2016
The most i could find is a 1.6 version, does someone maybe have an update file to 1.61 ?


Mar 30, 2019
1.6 should work as well, though I haven't tested it as thoroughly.

As far as I could tell, from 1.6 to 1.61 there were no changes to code, only some small changes to the dialog files. And those files are overwritten when the patch is installed anyways. So, assuming I didn't miss something, installing the patch should effectively upgrade 1.6 to 1.61 in the process.


Dec 17, 2021
how to view what's happening inside a room? i toggle the "vid" on and off but there's nothing showing up.
or maybe i'm missing something?
edit: ah nvm tis on the side

thanks for the translation btw
Last edited:


Mar 30, 2019
how to view what's happening inside a room? i toggle the "vid" on and off but there's nothing showing up.
or maybe i'm missing something?
Sounds like you got it figured out.

In case anyone else has this problem, to get the animations of the girl working to display you have to select "Vid" in the bottom middle (it might be enabled by default, don't recall, but that's how you toggle it). Then select the result from a particular session/period to view in the lower right. I've circled both in the image below:


New Member
Jun 2, 2018
I just wanted to thank you for this. Been so long since I saw this game and tried it, but the language barrier is just too large in games like this. Again, thanks.
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