I played this for 6 hours. I like grindy games. I did not like this.
--- The good---
-- SCOPE--
There have gotta be like 20+ women, tons of systems, twelve stats, big map, 50 levels to the dungeon, tons of job options. It's genuinely impressive.
Decent, simply because RPG maker has nice default assets. Some weird music choices though - the school has this RPG maker horror music that makes no sense for the setting.
---The bad----
--GAMEPLAY - RPGmaker. The most basic, stock RPG maker systems have been hammered into this game with no thought for balance or entertainment. It seems to have been forgotten that a system should be more than pressing space repeatedly to be fun. You don't even get a combat ability beyond "HIT IT" until level 6.
This game is made to waste your time. I've gladly played shitty HTML games where you press the same button 500 times and they pale in comparison to this slug of a game.
Here's one example: all potions require 100 monster essence. You can get this by killing monsters, which each give you ONE. So you spend 30 in game days killing monsters until you finally scrounge enough for a lockpicking potion. You mix it, wait five real world minutes for it to brew, and are rewarded with 1/100 lockpicking points.
It's all like that.
Even the levels in the dungeon are designed to make you have to walk the longest possible distance, so you can hit as many random encounters as possible. You'll be trying to get down to floor 4 but you have to zig zag through 17 miles of slime infested passage seemingly designed like the small intestine.
This all might be somewhat better if it weren't for the fact that the game has no
There isn't one. It starts with a fairly detailed, poorly written intro. So you expect corny but still fun story but there just isn't one. You press the talk to woman button and get +1 friendship out of 1000. There's no teasers for what's to come, no feeling of gradual corruption or growing intimacy, just a button which raises a number and presumably a video if you get the number high enough.

The end experience is fighting a game that actively wants you to waste time, then being rewarded for your grinding with the same png of a fox ladies face you saw 6 hours ago. Maybe there's a hidden gem in this game but if you have to grind for 6+ hours to start finding the good part of a game it's not a good game. It's the video game equivalent of eating raw flour and hoping it will become a cake in your stomach. Don't play unless you hate having time to do fun things.