Unity - Completed - The Witch's Warehouse Management 2 [v1.0] [MARU HANI DOU]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I really expected a lot more animations, a lot more variety, especially in animations, but things like costumes and side effects that did sexy things would have been nice. And as for the number, like I said, I expected a lot more animations, and above all that the 6 animations that are in the game did not appear every few levels and that you did not have to jump on the trap on purpose, I don't know, that it was better integrated into the puzzle ...
    On the other hand, the puzzles are good and the pixel art is nice I suppose, but as a porn game it is meh and to be generous.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    An average, non-offensive puzzle game with H-content haphazardly taped on.

    There's really not a whole lot to say about this title since it's just one of those box pushing puzzlers. The game adds new mechanics throughout the stages to make things more challenging, and I found them to be fun additions. Only exception to that rule is stage 45, which can take a a big one up the rear end. Requiring frame perfect movement in a stage filled with contraptions that automatically push your boxes out from where they belong is a disaster bound to happen.

    The H-content is...something else entirely. There's five numbered titles that appear throughout the levels and stepping on them gives you an H-animation that looks like it was rendered in 240p. The art style is really nice, but the disconnect from gameplay and fap material super awkward. It's like the creator looked at the finished game and said "now how can I squeeze tentacles in here?" before slapping on the few short scenes. Point being, don't play if you're looking to get your nut off.

    If you're like me and have the mind of an old fart that enjoys these sorts of puzzle games, I'd recommend giving this title a go. Otherwise, you're not missing much if you pass it up.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty ok Sokoban puzzle game with some tacked-on meh porn animations and an equally tacked-on story.
    If you enjoy Sokoban games I'd say give it a go, otherwise don't bother with it as the porn scenes aren't worth it on their own.