Unity - Completed - The World of Gangs [Final] [Cosemen Gaming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Art
    Simple Map
    Good Story
    Nice control

    Overall, I loved the game. No complaint I could think of, I was looking for other games by the same developer but could not find any here. I hope they publish more because it was perfect imo.

    My final rating is 5/5
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Penniless Degenerate

    Knowing some Chinese myself, I entered the game expecting a good time, since there's not much "Wuxia" porn games out there and I find it quite innovative. But after my first hour of gameplay, I'm just left baffled how did they messed it up so badly.

    The story goes, it's the world of ancient China but instead of warlords, it's martial arts monks trying to get ahold of some powerful sword carved out of a stone that fell from the sky so they can rule over the continent, but that doesn't matter since it doesn't get brought up again.
    Instead, you're some pervy apprentice who studies under some martial arts clan alongside a girl on a mountain, and constantly get harassed by some thug who roams around the plains. Basically think of one of those Isekai fantasy light novel, but instead of magic, it's all martial arts and swordplay.

    The regular gameplay and fight screen are what you seen on the preview, poorly pixelated characters walking and fighting each other.
    At first I don't mind all that much, since I have played a fair share of RPG Maker games like Princess of Decay and Black Soul with simplistic overworld sprites makes up with their strength elsewhere, but this game doesn't because its only strength was its art.

    You can just mash through the fight even though they built a system around it with skills, grid, yet no stats or equipments for it. Is it even a RPG that way?

    The characters barely emote despite there being bust sprites whenever they talk, they don't bring up much of their character nor is there much funny or interesting banter. It gets boring really quickly even when you get what they're talking about because it's about as interesting as some guy pretending he knows Chinese literature, because that's what this game's dialogue basically is. It's really visually unimpressive despite already building up for it.

    There's barely any instructions on what you're supposed to do or supposed to go, the actual story doesn't have any development over the course of the game, and neither does the characters. Do you think it's because of bad translation? No, I played the game in Chinese, and it's about the same.

    The game tells me to find [person A] then [person B], yet it doesn't bother to tell me where they're located, which fucking direction I should take, or even give me a goddamn map. The store page proudly advertise the game's storyline and world exploration as its selling point, despite the game being very linear and there being less exploration, more so "the developer expect you to walk your character into the event area they planned" since there's not even an interaction button, making it somehow more of a walk sim than fucking RPG Maker games.
    Like, how the fuck is that possible?????

    The sound design is awful, I can take games with no voice actors or even no sound whatsoever, but I cannot take games that reuse stock sounds over and over.
    The in-game music is like a 10 seconds MIDI loop with some unfitting instruments over them, such as steel drum being paired with flute and wooden bell, like surely that won't get annoying at all. While the longer background songs sound as if they came out of WarioWare games with their weird rhythm and goofy sound effects. Like, am I supposed to be horny over what's basically some microgame boss theme?

    Only the first sex scene between the protag and main girl is animated, and even then it looks rough; her ass keep shaking for no reason on my end, and the way that they move is a bit... weird in a way I can't describe, it's a bit puppet-like. They either realized that halfway making the first scene that they're not all that good at animating even with Live2D, so they gave up on that and made all the other scenes static.

    I mean, there's plenty of games with static sex scenes that look good, it's not much of a problem. But the thing is, they have the balls to put an gif of said animated scene on the Steam page as if the whole game is animated in a bit of false advertisement.
    The static scenes aren't even that good, they look pretty good and sexy on surface, but the dialogue just goes on and on as if the developer thought they're gonna be the next Confucius or some shit that makes it lose substance, nor does the motion blur in the image gives you much impression that there's movement. There's total of 12 scenes, all with a great artstyle, yet they're somehow all lackluster like this. It's just, disappointing, man.

    At times, there's even unnecessary addition to the scenes. Like how there's suddenly a rimjob at the end of the boobjob prostitution sequence, and the game specifically tells you and visually shows you how the girl has shitstain on her tongue.
    Do I really need to know that in a scene I didn't even ask for?

    I would not recommend this game whether you can read English or Chinese, because it's awful in both ways that should be avoided.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game could'be been 4 stars with just more effort put into gameplay design and the sex side of things. It's also RPGmaker style game made in Unity engine, so don't be fooled by the tag. Yes, assets looks new and fresh, but that's it , it's the same game you've played before 100s of times.

    Nice looking maps and environment detail(city stands out especially), but mostly pointless exploration in form of useless items. Only good stuff you get from chest is the last map(prison), the rest you gotta clear maps of enemies(padding). Also, you are supposed to learn martial arts(as in, new skills) by exploring and doing some side stuff, but I never saw any effects in battles.

    Which brings us to the combat - it could've been good, with chinese-theme combat effects and skills,various AOE effects corresponding to 3x3 grid, but due to extremely casual nature, it's boring. There is no balance in this (i oneturned final boss on Normal), you don't get xp - only better gear, you also don't have mana or stamina bar and regen between fights for free. So you just go around stomping fights by cycling your skills on cooldown and breaking out occasional ultimate attack once bar fills up with 0 challenge.
    I could've even given +1 star for it, because I didn't even had to use cheats to breeze, and monsters are visible and not respawnable, but severe lack of skip,auto or speeding up functions brings it down again.

    As for the meat of the game - sex scenes: while NTR and corruption lovers can find some enjoyment here, the scenes mostly disjointed nature leaves a lot to be desired. With custom Unity-sprite work it could've been so much better with some lean into NTR side of things, and some work on the script between the scenes.
    But as it stands, you just collect sex scenes on the map with your party as a meta entity, and get glimpses into fmc's depravity in form of 13 sex scenes (only 1 out of 14 is vanilla at the very start. Yeah, bad news for antiNTR and pure route enjoyers, they only get some happy ending text, no art), as they get induced into sex by other male party member(and one alchemist guy at the routes fork), and then go full nympho mode on the townfolk. "Eventually" is implied, but not felt , because you collect scenes in random fashion when you look around, and only get told in the scene that "some days/week passed" or whatever.

    MTL is meh, 3/5 chinese MTL. You can tell it's MTL most of the time, but it's easy to follow the plot and what people are saying, so I'll give it a pass.

    As it stands, I'll give it 2 stars, just because of great and uncensored eastern style art.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I give this "terrible" because of the erotic-part.
    the english is bad and the scenes pop up without much context and buildup.
    I don't enjoy watching a girl get raped out of nowhere. we don't know how she got there and why, we don't get choices, and the scene itself is pure shit.

    art is really good, and animation (not perfect) is nice.
    gameplay is not great but okish and a bit different from other similar games.
    map/world-map could be better, its lots of running around looking where to go, no hints and its not that intuitive.

    and sex, as I already mentioned is really bad. I don't get aroused just annoyed.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: 2/10
    There is no exp system, no leveling system. Just gear and skills. You can get gear from fully clearing an area of mobs (they don't respawn). The combat is "unique" in a way that it is different from all RPGM or other games, but extremely bad looking/ lacks tactical depth, you just hit enemy till they die, spam skills that do most damage, done. Only bosses "might" kill/ team party kill you, but you can bruteforce the game with almost no equipment. (Played on normal difficulty, there are 2 difficulties easy and normal).

    Story 2/10
    Generic fantasy story about searching for a thing, killing/defeating bad guys and having a "happy ending".

    CG/Art 6-7.5/10
    It's quite nice, not all scenes are animated. I think only 1 scene is animated (the first one?) There are only 14 CGs for the whole game though. The game lacks severely in terms of CG quantity but their quality is pretty decent.

    Length: Pretty short
    With a bit of reading for the earlier parts, and skipping for the latter parts I completed the game in 1:45 - 2 hours.

    Translation: The translation is NOT MTL
    IT seems to be translated by an English-speaking person much better than the edited AI translation of dazedanon but the translation is not perfect, there are some "weird" sentences/words due to the nature of translating from Chinese (probably the translator is ESL, CFL).

    The game is worth for the CGs but playing through it: I recommend to save your time and unlock the CG if the kinks are to your liking.