RPGM - Completed - The World's Egg - For Those Who Dream [Steam] [Hasoyua]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    The Bubblegum Goth!

    The World's Egg: For Those Who Dream is yet another magical girl porn game which can't entertain you. Its story is boring, its gameplay is irritating and way too long, its characters are as interesting as rocks. Only thing it has to offer is art with its variety of kinks - not too much of it, though. Definitely not worth the effort of playing it through, but if you do - speedrun it. Try not to have a lot of fun while playing it (sarcastic face).

    + Quality of art
    + Good lits of kinks (futa, transformation, bestiality, hypnosis, etc)
    - Unintertaining story
    - Awful and stretched out gameplay
    - Characters are as memorable as if they'd never existed
    - Nothing to do outside of sorties (not like you'd want to, but still)
    - Good luck surviving it to unlock the gallery
    --- Why would you turn RPGM game into visual novel if you've failed to make everything I've listed above - is mystery

    My rating: 26/80, or 2/5. I'd be happy to give this game 1 star, really, but my rating system made it impossible. Probs that's why it exists, not like you care lol

    Further below is a more thorough review where I check every aspect of the game and rate it. It contains spoilers to the game so make sure to play the game first before reading this.

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  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is just too removed from my usual taste, and clearly not my cup of tea. With that said, I never felt like it was a bad game or a waste of time, so it could be a good recommendation for you.

    Let me go over some of the more important points:

    - The heroine looks good - By that, I mean that she is a nice combination of "hot and cute". This is a game about a magical girl (even if they don't say it), and I think they got her design right. Not too sexual, not too silly. Do note, that I'm not a fan of magical girls in general, so this is a strong positive.

    - Translation - What I know about MTL wouldn't fill the head of a pin, all I care about is if I can understand what is going on, and this translation gets the job done. End of argument, and no serious problems in this parameter.

    - Combat - Dull, slow and unrewarding. I have seen worse, but this title is largely uninspired in its RPG mechanics . It gets better as more equipment and skills get unlocked but it also gets annoying rather quickly.

    - Exploration - The exact same thing as above. What you have is text based progression, where combat, a trap, resources are acquired, or a stat change will occur after you click "proceed", with little to no visual diversity to spice things up. There's a reason why RPG's have maps with loot, npc's, monsters and events. It's so your brain doesn't notice the repetition factor, and the same patterns aren't immediately recognized. In this game the feeling of mechanical gameplay settles in no time flat.

    - Story - First let me say that you can't trust people who claim this or that adult game has a great story. You have to take those claims and apply some context to it. In this case the story is indeed better than similar games, but the usual artifices are there, and you can expect to be baited and receive hints to facts, while having important information obscured from the get go, leaving you wandering. It's the traditional who are the good guys, and the bad guys, along with what's actually real when "mind-bending" is involved. All I'm saying is, know the genre and lower your expectations, not everything is MGQ Paradox.

    - Tentacles and other tags - Not a lot to say here, other than I CAN recognize good content when I see it (magical girl celesphonia, dead end aegis, into the nightmare...) Basically this title is good, but won't get up there with the others. Again I'm not much of a fan of slimes or tentacles, but this parameter is still a positive, and I was interested enough to read what was going on in those H-scenes. They are good, and that's very important.

    - Lots of options - To customize your combat and exploration speed. Options are great, it's another positive. Always give the player options is my motto.

    - No sound - This is the deal breaker for me. I'm not giving an adult game a good score without some voice acting, and I find it as important as a good presentation, don't care about budget or resources. I can't stress this enough, because even crappy, cheap voice acting is better than none, and the H-scenes get much better if you are hearing something. Probably my biggest problem with the title.

    - It's a limited corruption game - Developers like Acerola, Shimobashira Workshop or Oneone1, have released corruption games that are superior to this one by just looking at sheer quantity (not gonna argue on quality, to each their own). Different prices, playtimes and audiences apply sure, but i can't be impressed by this after having seen stuff that I'm fairly certain is much better.

    Overall it's not a bad game and I'm probably judging it too harshly or being high maintenance on something that I played for free. I believe a 6/10 is appropriate given the scope of the game. Like I said in the beginning I didn't felt like I wasted my time with this one, but I wouldn't buy it, and that says it all.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    version completed

    story 5/5. really good. some unexpected things, interesting story. i dont want to spoil anything but it's cool.

    H-scenes 5/5. a lot of battlefuck and defeat H-scenes. some story scenes.
    many sex scenes have "animation" in a sense that it has a couple of frames. imo it's just enough. most of the art is beautiful. (by the end some of it has lower quality). my only issue is that i think story scenes were a bit too few. you unlock story scenes in the "real world" at 50 and 100 contamination. each level unlocks 3-3 scenes... all in 3 different places (so altogether 6 scene + 1 bonus). and i didnt like the transformation sex scenes, imo they are boring, but i know there are ppl who like those here.

    gameplay: hm. maybe 4/5. you can reduce grind multiple ways. reduce difficulty, or upgrade travel speed. plus "grind" is not that bad since it has battlefuck. early-mid game you can easily be permafucked even if you try decently hard on normal dif. (unless you run away from mission too much). which i like. i dont like when you have to braindeadly let your hero get abused. here getting away from restraint is not easy too. i dont know the chance but it's done just right difficulty-wise.

    english is nearly perfect. it's not MTL anymore in this patch.

    this game is very good imo easily fappable, but by the end i was more interested in story not the sex scenes. and by the end you kinda instakill enemies so they dont have a chance to molest you.

    there are a couple of defeat-gameover scenarios where you can be abused freely while you could try to escape but it's impossible so it gives you a decent level of helplessness.

    it has some transformations, some short pregnancies, so it has everything for every taste (but transformations/pregnancies/defeat-gameover-action i think starts around chapter 5-6, before that the gameovers are more simplistic)
    but after gameover you can instantly get back to action before it happened so you dont lose progress. very well made game.
    Likes: Daioh
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good CG, don't care for the gameplay though.
    I went down the rabbit hole of playing all of Hasoyua's previous games. I really like how all the games are connected.
    This latest entry is the prequel. I think the next work should bring back the overworld from the first three games before key of egg
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is by far my favorite Hasoyua game. Story is linear, fights are not too hard but game can get grindy. Also, this is the hottest MC in their titles imo.
    Now if you wanna avoid grinding side stages, I recommend you to upgrade your physical and magical attributes equally. Also before going to last stage buy bunch of MP potions.
    Only downside of this game is it's MTL but still I'd put this game in my top5 h-RPG.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: Starts blatant, but with a twist in the middle of the game; nevertheless, still turns out to have a tedious ME3-like final ending. There are also "bad ends" when you loose to specific monsters.
    Gameplay: Text-based roguelike with random events, erotic traps and common molester monster encounters; not my cup of tea, but people may find a nostalgic charm in it.
    In between of the roguelike part, you search for events through the inconvenient menu.
    Visual style: CGs are fine, although censored.
    UI is plain and simple, which could be really much better if the dev spent 1-2 days to draw anything unique.
    Monster Sprites are mostly generic.
    Overall: The dev didn't put enough efforts into their game -- flagrant lazy design, including NPC redundancies, overcomplicated menu, and zero branching in the final story. The final score is somewhere between 2-3, but closer to 3.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Mr Nothing

    To be concise, this game has a lot of good ideas (and some weird ones) but the core gameplay is far from perfect.​

    • First of all, I've played on the MTL translation, and even if I could understand the story at start, the fact that enemies speak litteral gibberish and that english isn't my first language made it really hard for me to follow everything.
      The story isn't bad, I can even say that they had a lot of good ideas.
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      Even if it takes heavy inspiration from other works, it's still pretty ok.

    • I can't say as well for the gameplay. It's basically the same as the other game of the studio. You click on a button to go forward in the level, and each time, a random thing happen. From enemies appearing to H scenes, there is a large quantity of things that may happen, but it stays basically the same for every level, so it becomes quickly boring and you just want to skip to combats/bosses. Speaking of combats, it's exactly the same as any RPG with magic and close combats, and you have a tree of unlockable passive stats and exploration or combat skills.

    • The H scenes, which are why we're all here, are all pretty fun to see, but same as the exploration system, they are repetitive. For each new enemy range, there's 2 game overs, one for the ass, one for the vagina and one for the boobs. There's also few additional ones when you wander in the human world based on your pollution level.
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    • To me, the game lacks 3 things :
      1. When we clear a chapter, we don't have a feeling of progression because we don't know anything about the universe, the bad guys or the ones we're helping. The story should be centered around a guiding thread to be more interested in the story.

      2. As I said, the gameplay is always the same, aside from the H scenes. It would have been better to have customised dialogues or more ways to go around, like a place to rest and come back to if we need to replenish our HP/MP, or different ways which could lead to different events, or a way to turn back and see if we forgot something.

      3. The characers always insist of "you will be forever changed if this enemy catches you" but it could have been better if each boss we lose to gave us a permanent effect
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    TLDR : The game is fine, don't commit too much to the gameplay and try to unlock every sex scenes, most of them are pretty good.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    If you want see a game like this done well, look up Magical Girl Celesphonia. Egg of the World tries to be a magical girl game with corruption elements but it misses out on so many easy wins.

    The storytelling and the setting are painfully lifeless. You can move around a dozen locations and find absolutely nothing to do at any of them, and they never change as you progress the game. While one of the scripted sorties does actually unveil a pretty cool plottwist about 2 hours in, the game quickly returns to lifeless grinding after.

    The "sorties" are repetitive. Be prepared to do 13+ "search" encounters and then a boss fight for every sortie--and then be prepared to do it all over again, because every boss "escapes" or "adapts" after the first time you kill it, requiring you to run the entire sortie again. Be prepared to have to navigate the UI and repair your clothes or heal yourself every 5-10 encounters, because losing clothing durability or health can both game over you.

    Leveling up seems to mean nothing except more skill points, and everything you can buy with skill points seems to give you a boost of 5% or less. Weapon attacks feel weak (especially compared to going for a caster build). All of this makes combat painfully unfun--yet fighting seems to be the only thing the developers cared about developing.

    The translation options currently in this thread are atrociously translated, which makes it difficult to enjoy or follow the very limited story in this game.

    The erotic content is about average. Some scenes decently fulfill some kinks like impregnation, inflation, etc. But they seem thematic to their sortie, rather than recurring and progressive throughout the game. While it's decent, there are several games that do this better, such as the one I mentioned.

    Overall, unless you're desperate for a magical girl game and have already played the others on this site, I wouldn't recommend Eggs of the World.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    If you've played this studio's previous game, Key of Egg, then you pretty much know what to expect here. The core gameplay loop involves doing a simplistic dungeon crawl where you may find items, encounter enemies, or get molested by the dungeon's flavor of monster.

    The game systems are pretty much identical to Key of Egg, except here they're stripped down to their bare minimum. Gone are the time management elements, and what I especially miss is the mechanic where intaking semen gives you more SP to improve your character. It made doing a virgin run a legitimate yet satisfying challenge since you had to purposefully use a weaker character to try and finish the game.

    Overall, this game is still a solid package, but it adheres to the same formula as the studio's previous works while stripping away what I thought were the most unique gameplay elements.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game got both good and bad :

    For the bad, it's a bit of the same as the other games in this series. The exploration mechanic may make sure that you don't lose yourself in the game but it ends up being a chore as it is the same from beginning to the end with the exception of being bigger in the endgame and prolonging your suffering while you grind. I think the skill point and acquisition of skill is good but it end up forcing to farm level and point at certain clutch point in the higher difficulties.

    On the other side, for the good part about it, it got great variety of ennemies and cutscenes and the CG are quite numerous for a game that can be finished in very little time in the easiest difficulty. It's also a great idea to get varied "bad status" that give some taste to the game. The bad end gameplay also is a good idea to give some taste to the CG over just giving you the scene and the bad end as a lot of games do, especially for the ending that transform the player. The equipment are also diversified enough to give some choice in the beginning on a way to grow you character which pairs wall with the skill selection mechanic (even if the end game is just having the biggest number you can as everything is unlocked ^_^')

    To continue, I love some well done player tf in a game, so I very much enjoyed the end game. It also fit well in the "lore" the creator is making despite being a jumbled mess due to the MTL translation.

    To conclude I'd say it's a very crunchy game to play but a bit short lived if played on the easiest settings cause it doesn't have lot of "replayability" as some other games do. And it tend to get grindy in the harder difficulties.

    Still a solid 8.5/10 if the translation was better, would recommend.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The simple logic of leveling the character and passing the plot. It is clear what needs to be done to open all the content of the game. I like games where you gradually corrupt the heroine and send her into awkward situations. Nice game.