VN - Ren'Py - Thirsty for My Guest [S4 Ep.28.5] [monkeyposter_7]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Soth

    Played Season 1 and loved this!

    Enjoyable light hearted story with lot`s of hot girls you will meet along the way and you don`t get punished for bedding them all. Quite a few humorous moments as well.

    The renders and anims are HOT in this game! the stepdaughter Jenna, your girlfriend Audrey and another clubbing girl Torrie, all have some very hot renders and sex scenes. It would give a Walking Dead a stiffie!

    I didn`t expect much from this, to be honest, and fell in love with it - well in love with Jenna the main girl. She is so sweet, naieve and freaking sexy!

    No NTR bullshit or forced sharing, it`s a breath of fresh air. Don`t just take my word...TRY IT.

    Five stars from the Mac.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the game despite its flaws. The story is decent, although it could use a bit more direction. Animations are good and most sex scenes in the second part of the game feature multiple position choices like in top VNs. Humor is hit or miss, but it did make me laugh a few times.

    Renders for the first half of season 1 are a bit dated and get better from then on. Girls looks could use a bit more variance, most of them are on the bimbo side.
    Shame that Aubrey was kinda cut off from most of the game, I enjoyed her character, hope to see her story explained in further updates.

    Overall, there are obvious flaws, but the game was enjoyable for me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    To give my honest feedback on this last update. I would have to say it is fairly low. The best scenes are the bathroom scene and finally learning more about Vanessa. I really liked getting more of her backstory finally. As for the Audrey to Renne change I hate to say it but Renee looks much better. The next plus was helping Ryonna's son stand up to the bullies and the reward after. The problems with the update are pretty much every scene other than those listed.
    My overall rating for the game so far is excellent with of course not using ep as my total base for the game.

    The bickering and put downs to be expected yes but it went overboard. The RLM parody would be a touchy subject for many here in the states not to mention making poor Goldy look like a total idiot and I happen to like her cause well I love redheads. the creepy guy in the alley I know it had a point for them to be saved possibly opening the door to forgiveness so I see the point of it but it dragged on too long and the who crap with shevas act then RLM was too much and spoiled the whole scene.

    So this update had it pluses but I think for many the negatives we are seeing stem from the scenes mentioned. Other then the whole Audrey crap we all went through I think overall monkey has done a great job so far but yes this update seems like he is tired and needs a break to step away. I know these vn's take a lot of work and long hours.
    I do not make vn's myself but I do make game worlds and various mods for other games. I am on break now trying to avoid burnout. I kinda had that vibe from monkey with the laptop scenes cause that's pretty much how I have gotten and talk about my own work. I hope I am wrong Monkey but if I am right take a break and if people bitch because the next update takes too long ignore them. I have something right now I have been working on for 6 months and I am sick of staring at it so i know how it can be. These are my thoughts alone and my constructive criticism and not trying to be just another complainer as I think you have done great for the most part.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Publius Clodius Pulcher

    ✗ The models aren't great, Felicia looks like a 50 years old dressed as cheap street whore, Goldy's face looks gremlin-ish, and Tammy with that fake silver hair looks like a stripper hiding from the cops. The models that look "just fine" are not remarkable at all.
    ✗ Renders are low quality, but they seem to be improving slowly.
    ✗ Progression with Jenna is tedious and slow as fuck in a world full of always available sluts, which makes her a blue-balling ice queen by comparison. Since she's just another fuckdoll with no personality, that just makes her a pain in the ass and not a prize to look forward to.
    ✗ The story has as much focus as a ferret on cocaine.
    ✗ Audrey leaves in the middle of the story no matter your choices with her, which is completely bonkers and has no credible explanation at the moment.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Episode 14 review (no spoilers):

    Well, this is one botched development of a game... The developer seems absolutely lost, game doesn't take any path. It's just some random events happening for no reason and they don't make sense. At this point I can't help but wonder, why make a game at all? The renders are okay, and some people seem to like them, but the story is a complete disaster. It would be more time effective to just make art, or maybe something in a form of a comic, so you wouldn't need to waste time on this filler content that is just awful.

    Very early on, the game was taking a decent shape. It wasn't excelling in any part, but it was enjoyable. As you progress further on, you start feeling like it drags, and in the second season it becomes downright annoying. Nothing makes sense, people don't make sense, everything is in complete disarray. Scenes don't "glue" themselves together at all anymore, it just becomes a bunch of short stories. This can all be tracked through the development process, as the developer had help with the writing, and then the co-writer left the project at episode 11. It seriously hit the project, it lost any sort of flavour it had left. Now, there seems to be another co-writer helping the development right now, but it just doesn't work at all.

    There is a decision that the developer makes, that can't be described as nothing but self-destructive. It's a huge spit in the face for the people supporting the project, you simply can't do it as a developer, doesn't matter if even a tiny fraction of your supporters agree with your decision. That was the sole reason as to why I don't trust this game anymore and will not be following it from this point onward.

    Everything else I didn't talk about, the music, sound effects, art, animations, don't matter at all, because they're just bland. It's nothing exceptional in anything, it's just okay. No value added nor removed.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game in the earlier updates. The girls were hot, with a decent variety of personalities and their own stuff going on. Maybe the models were a little barbie-doll like for my preferences, but that's not the deciding factor in this review.

    The deciding factor for me about this game, and the reason I won't continue playing it, is the developers treatment of Audrey. Personally, she was my favorite of the girls, had great chemistry with the MC. But then the developer decided with no explanation other than "personal reasons" that the character needed to be removed from the game. Really nice fuck you to the fans and supporters who liked Audrey.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game should be called The best of Rupaul or something like that. Vanessa and Goldy look good, maybe Lauren also, alghough Goldy has some hip displacement and some necrotic tissue on her labia.
    But the rest kind of look like men with cheap surgery.

    Animations look good, cause they are fluid, but nothing out of this world.
    The rest is average. Dont pursue Jenna cause she is a plot prude. She looks 26 and behaves like a 13

    Theres some merit in aligning all the routes there, thats why the 3 star. I would give less considering last episode is a seàrate game and its a 1star.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Side characters that actually have personality instead of just being a way to get variety in sex scenes, great renders and animations, and choices that seem like they will impact how the story plays out rather than just "be a douche and get a game over or say the right thing". Also some fourth-wall breaking, which you either love or hate, I personally love it.

    EDIT: revisiting the game a couple of years later, the only thing it has in common with the original version is the character models. this game is so far gone from what it started as, with a few fourth wall breaks referencing adult VNs in general, to having barely any plot advancement with the fourth wall breaks seeming to address complaints by people who have played the game, wasting the time of people who are here to experience the story started in the early versions and avoid drama that comes with forums.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Animations 5/5 and 3.5/5 and 10/5
    Characters 5/5
    Story 4/5
    Music choices 5/5 and 10/5

    This is a nice game. The story is constantly changing / evolving, so it's hard to tell where it's going, yet not, or maybe somewhere in-between; don't much care as long as the game is still breathing. The characters are well written with varying personalities, and well rendered. My favorite being Lauren. The music is well chosen and fits the game perfectly, but the 10 goes to the club music.

    The animations are decent, but get a 3.5 due to the physics of the posing for the earlier episodes and a 5/5 later on, with one 10-star exception. The Doggystyle animations are a flat out 10, and my opinion, the best doggystyle animations on this site, whether penetration or rubbing.

    Worth a playthrough. Keep it up.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. There are hot chicks, many content, including animations, the story is good and many choices to be maded. I also liked the personality of the girls.

    The only issue i got: the problem of having to reject one girl to take the other. I liked Felicia, but couldn't pick her because i prefered Vanessa..

    So, basically, i would need to play all the game from almost the begining just to see the Felicia route, and not many people are up to this. In another words, the renders of Felicia, for me, were a waste of the dev time because after playing trough this version i didn't see any of them.

    I would like also to see more content of the policewoman, the is, IMO, the hottest, but just showed one time..

    I liked playing this game and hope the dev continue the good work. Sorry for my bad english, i'm not a native speaker.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    3,5 out of 5

    rendering quality is quite good
    few but decent animations
    large boobs are fine but this is a bit too much imho
    many girls

    story is boring, sometimes lenghty dialog
    only too slutty dresses
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a big game, but an OK game.

    - The Story is okay, I like Stories with choices.
    - The Girls are mostly okay, but I ask myself: why all the giant breasts? Why not more realistic?
    - Why is there no option to break up with Audrey the moment she starts to look like a cheap, ugly 2€-Whore?

    Edit: just saw Vikki ... OMG ... Ex-Girlfried of the MC? This is the ugliest model in the game ...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of my favorites. It has a panoply of beautiful girls each with very different characters. There are a ton of temptations for the MC. Some spontaneous decisions to let his dick lead the way also lead to relationships crashing. But, mostly not and that's what saves are for. Try a crass move enjoy and rewind.

    The story begins and sort of revolves around the unexpected arrival of and subsequent relationship to a (family)guest in the life of an otherwise single guy. It's not a complex narrative, it is more geared to creating scenarios for the mc to hook up or otherwise have fun with whichever female happens to be closest at the moment. Well, that's oversimplifying it a bit. The storyline brings a lot of action his way. With a diverse set of kinks. But, options to play it sweet are available, meaning there are romance options if the player wants to pursue them.

    The main draw for me personally is the wide array of female characters. Some playful, some with prickly temperaments, others with emotional damage. All gorgeous. The mc can be an asshole or not. Players choice.

    The game is fantastic. Especially if you have a preference for big(and huge) boobs, girls with Daddy issues and incest(although still no patch for MC relationship with his "guest") It will surprise you to hear this dev is the most prolific dev I know. His updates usually contain(including animations) thousands of renders. He puts out maximum game content and on a regular basis. Updates are always between 4 and 6 weeks apart. I think at some point Monkeyposter7 will have a breakthough moment. Hope so anyway. He deserves it imo.

    Help him out if you like the game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game I do have a few gripes with certain character first off I can't stand this Goldy. Bitchy, emo "The world owes me a living" type of person. She's basically an "influencer" a waste of space that thinks they're better than everyone, but still has their hand out.

    2nd one has to be & I apologize but its Jenna, she's not a bitch like Goldy but is one of those sitting alone in a room listening to some tw*t like Avril Lavigne while staring out the window thinking about how "hard" her life is. (I am probably just deflecting as I had an ex like her. I litterally faked my own death to get out of that relationship. Only to run into her 4 months later in a supermarket lol)

    Anyway other than those 2 the remaining characters are great, even the Protagonist has a bit of depth to him, (Lets be honest the Protagonists in most of these kind of games are as deep as a puddle & twice as shallow) I wouldn't mind a bit of conflict, like I keep hearing about this VIckie person (The protags ex) but we haven't met her yet & I am on episode 5. a game needs to have some drama besides teen angst & just a plain bitchy c*nt to keep you invested. Bring on the bitch ex I say
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Couldn't give 3.5 stars so I rounded down to 3. This game spends a ridiculous amount of criticizing aspects of other VNs, while lacking the ability to see the flaws in itself. Some characters are extremely annoying i.e. Goldy with her non-stop bs, the gay shopkeeper, etc. Why does Audrey feel the need to be a mother to Goldy if she's just a roommate? No one would put up with that behaviour. There's no transitions b/t renders (unless animated) so they feel jarring. Some models don't behave the way they say they're feeling i.e. Jenna is self-conscious about her breasts but everything she wears shows them off. She's always sad about one thing or another, and that repetitive conversation of "you know you can talk to me" gets frustrating af. How does the black cop have the audacity to try to blackmail Audrey into sex, but is actually a submissive cuck to his wife? Look, I can go on and on about these inconsistencies. At the end of the day, this is a porn game, and the models look good and the sex scenes are quite well done. If you're looking for ANYTHING more, you won't find it here. If you pretend this is a sex comic rather than an adult VN, it's easier to enjoy it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game, cool graphic, simple plot, slow start, but nice end. It's good example of classic navel with minimal choice and just enjoy of story and girls. It can be better, but it's already better then many novels.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 15555

    very underrated game here, this is a 5 star game, atleast for me.
    The writing is pretty good
    The is story is enjoyable.
    The renders and animations are good.
    The girls are pretty cute and all of them have different personalities, the most i love from all that is the romance and the way they show her feelings for the mc.
    The mc is not some dumb idiot or brat.
    The content is kinda vanilla / romance, something that not many game have.
    If you like all those things from above im pretty sure you will enjoy this game, the dev is certainly worth supporting too ;)
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game, it has several things I look for in adult games: a slow-burn romance, sex scenes fairly near the start, multiple good looking and likeable women to satisfy you while you work that slow romance. The animations are pretty good and the story while isn't special it also isn't boring.
    I deducted a star from the rating because of the unrealistically huge boobs almost all characters have. Medium/small breasts are very nice too! And they don't break the immersion so much like watermelons do. I don't understand why most devs don't understand and embrace this udders trend.
    Anyway good work overall and thanks for this entertaining game!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This game was starting well, that good old corruption, but suddenly things change drastically and the story becomes different, it seems like they gave up on one development to embark on another that I hadn't enjoyed. Overall, I don't know if this game was good or if many consider it bad, but as I hadn't enjoyed the development of the story and found everything uninteresting, I ended up not enjoying the game. The low rating doesn't mean it's bad, it just means my opinion. You can download and play and maybe like it.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Our story have some interesting details and characters while its not original or well written.
    + We have loots of girls/women and hot scenes with them.
    + Our animations are well maked.

    Bad Points
    - While story itself and characters stories are interesting they are not well written at all and plot is literaly empty.
    - DEV have some problems with girls. I dont know why but he transformed one of characters of game to common whore. In first episodes she was looking good but after some episodes (cant remember exact episode) he changed her look to common whore. Now she looks like cheap whore and it doesn't makes any sense at all... If you want add this type of women to story you should add new woman instead of changing one of girls fans already know and like with original look.
    - Render quality need improve. Generaly it looks good but sometimes renders or more like characters renders/drawings looks pretty bad...
    - DEV makes realy short updates with lots of blueball scenes and its annoying.
    - With every update DEV lowers his quality of writings and makes cringy relationships and character developments for game...
    - After some episodes game main story becames pretty dull and boring.

    For The End
    This was not bad game, in first versions i realy like this game and though its have potencial to became great game. But with every update game lost that potencial and became poor... Its pretty sad but thats how it is now...