RPGM - Thirsty Pathogen [v0.2a] [Silent Pyramid]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Gentlemen we may have something here, now I do not know what the future holds for the game but solid fundamentals are there in place for this to be a really really good game.

    Good points I would say are the setting a post apocalyptic world may not be something new and ground breaking but always given a very good basis of introducing elements of gameplay such as scavenging for resources, and battling enemies throughout so it does not become a keep holding space to get to the next scene game. Secondly the characters look generally nice good modeling, realistic bodies, nice renders so good job in general.

    Only negative point would be that the level of leeway of "what a coincidence that we suddenly stumbled into this" cause I think there will be easier ways to tell the story than that but thats just me.

    Overall good game looking forward to what the future holds.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.2a

    I really like the foundation for this game. Not a ton of content right now, but there's enough to keep you entertained for a bit. Good artwork, and I like how the corruption mechanic is going so far.

    I do have ONE complaint, though: there's a puzzle at one point that requires you to find the year something happened for a password... using a search engine, outside of the game. Not a huge fan of that, since it's not really a puzzle, but rather a filter that forces you to open your browser. Immediately after this bad puzzle, however, there is a pretty cool one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    draws (cg) and design: really good.

    sounds effects: well done.

    characters: well done.

    story: basic, but well done.

    gameplay: a bit slow, but fun.

    conclussion: in general, is a good game all around, you can feel effort and care from the beggining, the puzzles are not hard, and there is a nice variety. everything looks and feels like it should.

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.