No idea and I didn't see anything in game files regarding to unreleased storyline. I'll just assume the end of merchant's side story is with fully corrupted MC with vaginal mating press/anal/BDSM, maybe in form of ending. But it's just a theory at this point. I'd also guess this will be added at the time of release. They really need to concentrate on more level stuff than anything else, IMO.
There's tons of unused upgrades though.
Some of them are (info taken from 0.45 game data) :
Stone Skin - Reduce damage taken by 30%
Teleport - Teleport to a location slightly away from the player after taking damage. ("ダメージを受けた瞬間、プレイヤーから少し離れた位置に瞬間移動する。")
Split - Upon death, summons two different versions of itself when it die ("死亡の時、自身の2つの別バージョンを召喚する。")
Beam - Occasionally, a random beam attack that crosses the screen appears. ("畫面を橫切る光線攻撃が時折発生する。")
Invincible - occasionally enters a state of immune damage ("時折、全てのダメージを無効化する狀態になる。")
Vampirism - Attack will steal HP ("攻撃によりHPを吸収する。")
Bombing - Occasionally throws 3 explosives in a random direction, causing small-scale explosion damage when they touch a platform or player. ("時折、ランダムな方向に3つの爆弾を投げ、それらがプレイヤーあるいはプラットフォームに接觸すると、小範囲で爆発しダメージを與える。")
Healing - Hp will automatically recover. ("回復")
Corpse Explosion - Gradually spreads to the monsters in the room, causing them to delay for 1 second and then explode when they die, and the self itself carries the self-destruct effect. ("部屋の中のモンスターに徐々に伝播し、感染した死亡すると1秒後に爆発する。本體自體は自爆効果もある。")
Titan - Increase HP by 50%