Thread takeover


Game Developer
Jan 4, 2018
I was hoping to take over the production of a game that has been abandoned and I was wondering if I needed to do anything in regards to taking over the thread as well as the files? I'm looking to take over the Imperium game thread in HTML games. Its been abandoned for over a year.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Taking over an existing thread is probably not going to happen. You can't just go in and "take" the property belonging to another person.

If I were you, I would make a new thread and call it "Imperium fan project" or something along those lines. You do not look good if you are just swooping in and taking over for something made by another. Make it clear to people that this is not associated with the original dev and that you are making your own fan-version, because the original was never completed.
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