HTML - Time Shifter [v0.9.9] [HotLoad]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Freundin aus Denken

    A pretty UI tied to a boring game. Decent actresses that after a long time still don't have more than like 20 seconds of action. Feel like the dev should make the UI for somebody else's game. Weird focus on stuff like porn or hentai tapes in favour of actual scenes. Don't let yourself get fooled by all the pretty stuff it lacks substance as of now and it's not like the version is THAT new.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm a big fan of HTML games. I can totally get past the actress' changes in appearance and hair color. (the dev didn't make the movies, they are just utilizing content for the narrative) I've been playing this one for a while. I liked the lay out, the old magazines thing was fun too. But not being able to change the MC's name or relationships, tanks this for me. I've never made a game, i don't have any skills, i have nothing but praise for the amazing folks here that can. Just my thoughts.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    absolutely horrendous game
    do something
    loading between decisionmaking
    "... hours later notification"
    find pornmagazine1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    watch porn magazine
    next pic, next, next..

    go to the neighbors
    not enough reputation

    broken images & too much paywalled content
    dont be fooled by the goodlooking ui, the game is trash
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of version 0.4.9

    This game is a bit all over the place, to put it simply.
    I've played it for the first time around 1 year ago and was thoroughly invested by what the game did right.
    The UI is amazing for a game of this type and very optimized, everything is in it's right place and visible at a glance. There are points where there's a bit too much clicking involved (would be great to have a couple of shortcuts to access the map and other frequent locations or actions) and once you start unlocking stuff the bedroom gets really cluttered with buttons that could really just be hidden: why keep 4 different buttons to access porn mags when you can hide them behind one single "porn mags" button?

    Cast is really good and diverse, props to the dev for crediting girls and scenes! Scenes are, however, "locked" behind the date interaction which is fine in itself but ultimately comes to the same loop for all girls: finish [insert girl] main quest (that doesn't have scenes), unlock dating, date a few times to see all [insert girl]'s scenes, forget about her.
    You do unlock "additional" events after unlocking dates, but those events are sparce, easily missed since they have a specific place and time or utlimately are just a couple lines of dialogue.

    Dialogue is, all in all, pretty good. All the girls have distinct personalities and coupled with the good UI, this really makes them pop. I'm sure if you're more into the dating sim/getting to know girls you'll really enjoy this one.

    There is a bit of grinding involved, which can be mostly skipped if you're a patron, but nothing too annoying or bothersome. Since all events repeat each week, you're not missing out on anything if you invest the firts days on grinding out the stats (also getting them to level 3 will cover pretty much all the content that is around at the moment).

    If you're here for the plot though, you'll have a rough time. The main plot is really interesting, but it's practically not even started since it stops pretty much as soon as you get into the real game. You get a bit of exposure about what's happening, but that's it.
    One thing that bothered me about the plot is that it's completely detached from the actual dating sim part of the game: all the girls - FOR NOW - have absolutely nothing to do with the main plot and it all seems side content even though it's clearly the main focus of the game.

    Overall it's a good experience, gotta give props for the effort put in the UI and dialogue for sure. But the lack of a plot and the uselessness at time of side events really make you realize that there still isn't much to do here. Will be keeping an eye on this one, I hope the next updates will be worth revisiting.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The premise has some potential but there simply isn't much here yet and it seems like the game is trying to start off do a whole lot of different things instead of focusing on trying to do one thing well first and then building on it. The result is a game that feels like you're clicking around through an empty ghost town with little direction. Maybe eventually there will be enough content to justify the open world tag but as of it's still a long way away, at this point it's basically just a disjointed virtual scavenger hunt you can click around in to find some random porn clips.

    This game doesn't need a random aquarium to look at in your room or collectible cards to gather, it needs a basic quest system and an actual story to explain why the player should give a shit about clicking around and exploring this world.

    What there is for description and dialogue definitely suffers from some English second language issues with grammar and phrasing. The UI isn't terrible but it feels like there is an extra 'continue' step to do just about everything that should just be removed, when you click to do something just do that thing, don't make the user hit continue on a screen that tells them they are doing the thing they just clicked. Some weird small details like the park having a '1st floor' are already.

    Issues that one could overlook in a game with a more interesting story or better game play mechanics, but with how little content is in the game at present such issues stand out even more.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Just played it: there's a lot of potential here! Time Travel can be tricky to pull off but I'm hoping when we return to the present that all of our fucking has consequences. I don't mind so much that there's a lack of choice and that this is more VN style, but I hope that if we're going to be made to complete bits before travelling through time, that at least the content we're railroaded into has a tangible impact.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    There is a basis for something here but that is it for now. There is pretty much nothing right now and clicking away just wastes time. Just a foundation with a decent UI and great image selection mainly for magazines and.... that's pretty much it
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Well made time wasting clicker with good visuals, good interface but not much story. The MC has no hardship to overcome, it's all just a matter of clicks.. thousands of clicks. What can be improved: Decrease menu depth. I have to click 4 times to visit the gym! Change the way sex scenes are displayed - loading 4 videos in a row on a single page can be painful. Put some MC story into it.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Game started super promising, with a solid premise, good choice of models, decent content for early releases, and one of the best UIs in any html game on the ever. However, since then we've received minimal content (that isn't locked behind a paywall) and the game doesn't seem to be driving towards any certain direction. Super disappointing.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This game feel too grindy for the small amount of content. The sandbox mechanics and the UI design are good. While I understand having special rewards for supporters such as cheatcodes, in this game there are whole packs of content restricted. I don't think this is how free html porn games should operate. I've also encountered my fair amount of bugs.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    It's very boring, and there's very little content for updates. Above all, every update is full of bugs and errors.
    The most unbearable thing is that you can't continue saving the previous version, you have to start all over again.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Grindy and not much content added since the initial release(just keeps "cleaning up story lines", which means adding more words but no content) hell he even deleted some of it so if you have the 2.0 release you might have MORE content than 3.11. Also now that the dev has started to gain subscribers he's leaning into paywalls even more than before. The original 5 stars were for the initial idea/implementation, this isn't worth it anymore.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Not the most successful interface and its proportions, a frequent occurrence in this kind of games. Small text, you start zooming in - it gets bigger, but interface elements run into each other and the size of windows with videos and pictures suddenly decreases.

    Flat elaboration of the narrative, dialogues, characters ... they are at the level of second-rate comics.

    Enhance Edition, I understand when a developer gives part of the unique content for an additional fee in one form or another, but it's hard for me to understand when he closes entire layers of this content for the player.

    No any anal and orgy sex in porn on our PC in standard edition, seriously? You know, there is such a site, PornHub, and there are about 310,000 videos with anal sex for free, I specifically went to check, the author offers to buy an extended edition for access to few of it? Or does he offer exclusive videos with his own participation in high quality, which he has not published anywhere else?
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit for version 0.9.8:
    The dev has removed the option to load working saves if you close the game, making it unplayable if you return to it and doesn't play through it in one sitting.

    This is a review of version
    The start was changed with version 0.3, I liked the prior version, but whit this the dev has just decided to not bother with code checking, bugfixing and playtesting.
    Game breaks from the start, after the intro you go through the first event in your room and then most characters are seemingly gone.
    Your mom and sister isn't in the house anymore.
    Events with other characters duplicate, most locations have nothing to do there.
    In the prior version you could go to classes in the school, that isn't the case anymore.
    You can still increase the stats, so that's something, but all story related content is removed in this version or is bugged so you can't access it.

    The worst for me is that the dev states in the last to "bug fixes" that it has been solved, but the exact problem is still happening.
    Saying that something is fixed, when it isn't is just a huge middle finger to the player from the dev.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Generic is probably the best praise I can give right now.
    Things i liked
    - UI was decent enough, not great but not too many layers and clear to navigate (no guessing where what leads you etc)
    - Time passing is unintuitive but fair. I have no idea when the game decides to progress time, but its not a single action so thats already better then many others

    Things I didnt like
    - I grinded out the stats first, but at least early events seem scripted and i have no idea what stats even do.
    - The actions of the main character are wildly inconsistent. Guy harasses the stepsister intend on dragging her away (excuse me what ? ) and you get knocked out with a single punch. While I am not expecting realism its still annoying. Especially since nothing come of it which leads me to the next part
    - guy is harassing a girl, situation could be construed at least as violence + sexual harassment, confrontation happens and the school administration gets on your ass instead,.

    Generally it just the same generic shit. The Player against the world, with every other boyfriend being a dick and you the only chad good enough for all the women, with the establishment and all others arrayed against you.
    like i said. generic and thus sadly boring as fuck
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Cant believe this gets so hi a rating. There is no grind but also no story. A plot is just slightly hinted at then you click around until you get to see very short porn clips (barely better than GIFs). The models are hot but the writing reads as if the author has a 4th grade level of writing.:

    "Shall we fuck now?"
    "But your my brother!"
    "You know you've always wanted me"
    "Yeah, thats true"
    "You fuck your sister"
    "Oh, that was the best I ever had!"
    "Arent you glad you fucked me?"
    "You spend the night with your sister"

    ...and on and on and on until you run out of content, which you arent notified of.

    And dont forget all the "Available Next Update" notices you'll run into. This game just isnt ready for prime time yet, at best it's an Alpha test of the game mechanics :(
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice porn content, fun play through, but feels flat. The story needs to utilise the set up which you'd expect to be the driving point of the game.

    Games in development really need some kind of tracking so I know when I'm hitting the end of content with a character. Also stops me grinding stats I don't need. It's not too bad, but when you give me a quest update I want to be able to look and see what quests are ongoing and if there are more available. It's not a game where I needed any hints, but progress tracking for when you hit the end of these updates.

    It feels a bit weird that we've set up this cool time travel plotline for so far absolutely no reason. What's the difference between this game and just starting as any ordinary college guy? Nothing so far.

    The dialogue is superficial and a little off. First date, and girls are saying I love you? And every one of them? We haven't really had any romance, we've just met them.

    Despite those criticisms, the game looks and feels quite polished. Choice of girls is great. A lot of girl next door types, which I love. Gives the game a better feel than when everyone is the same big stars in every game. Easy enough to get around and find content. Potential to be too grindy with the intelligence/charisma/strength levels but not so far and that could always be rebalanced if it's an issue in future.

    Well worth a run through the current content. As always, games like this have so much potential. No major UI issues or terrible spelling or grammar to get annoying, just needs something to make it stand out.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The idea of the game is good, so far the story is interesting. The models are hot 'n sexy :)
    If in the future the plot has the power of the mc that he can choose to come back and forth in time to see what is his choices outcome then i will visit again the game.
    On the other hand some element of the story is annoying, like the older self is already a learned man so he actually doesn't have to learn theoretically.. it's just a grinding for points and time consumer..
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome interface
    hot actress (realy hot)
    interesting main plot

    not enough content

    This is an interesting game with a lot of potential.
    But now the game needs a lot of different new content character, location, etc
    I'll be back in a few updates
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4854126

    Really saddens me to give this a 3/5, but it is what it is worth.

    The game itself has a solid framework; great interface and great flow between scenes. A bit of work needs to be done on the js and css to make it properly responsive, but other than that, that alone is 5/5.

    But the game suffers from the quick and off-tempo stories. Characters go from 0 to 100 real quick. The sister's story is actually decent, but the mother's story goes from "You're my son, what are you doing!?" to "Let's fuck because you said 3 nice things about me." This defeats the point of a porn game where immersion is key. Certain characters are just "Repeat this action to gain X points and then we fuck".

    Tl;dr; Solid framework, but game is a cheap quick and to the sex game with no depth.