The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.004 Alpha...
Not really much to this one, as it appears to be a prototype for a VN/game rather then the intro to one... Obviously it is a parody of Teen Titans...
The visuals are alright, and I found it funny that the authors added a Prototype make all the characters nude button... Of which there are 3...
The script is super short and I didn't see any spelling/grammar errors... The plot involves a male protagonist who just arrived at the tower... There isn't much dialogue or monologue for the first 2 characters, but the one in his room has a bunch of stuff to talk about... Really there is no current plot to speak of... Just some character introductions, a bit of sex talk, and that's it...
Overall, there isn't much to say since this is a prototype alpha game, which is attempting to poke fun at the Teen Titans... Will I revisit it, probably not, since I never watched much Teen Titans when it was prevalent... And I didn't get the humor, if there really was any (beyond the 3rd characters sex talk about the boy Titans, which was intended to be funny only in the sense that it was sex talk about Teen Titans, which I didn't find funny really)... If it actually gets more content, then perhaps folks who enjoy Teen Titans might enjoy this one? Have to wait and see...