This is not a thread to post your gripes about Patreon's rules. I get that their rules suck. I fucking hate their rules too. But that is not what this thread is about. This thread is very specifically about the use of one specific contrivance as a means of establishing incest as part of a game's story as opposed to the many other options available. Patreon's rules have nothing to do with that. Any further attempt to derail this thread to bitch about Patreon's policies will be reported as off topic.
Let's get something out of the way right off the bat. I'm adopted. This is not a dig at being adopted.
That said... if the characters in your game do not share a blood relation... then it's not incest. (ok ok ok, it can be, read the edit below) I don't care what the law says. I don't care if your adopted friend thinks it would still be weird to screw his mom. It's not incest. It's two people who have known each other since one of them was a child having sex with each other... nothing more.
Real talk now: there is one and only one meaningful way in which two people who are blood related is any more taboo than any other two people having sex: alleles. Incestuous sex, over enough generations, leads to birth defects and deformity because of the alleles being paired with identical alleles over and over causing what would otherwise insignificant and unnoticeable abnormalities to become a very noticeable deformities that cripple those burdened by them for life.
Frankly, I'm not actually opposed to incest. (Oh shit!? He actually said it! Oh shit!) Sure, go ahead and freak out. Whatever. I tend to think if two people are consenting and mature enough to understand the risks... have fun. But I'll admit the taboo nature of it is hot as fuck. And that's what games like this are for... living out those taboo fantasies you can't risk in real life.
It instantly stops being hot when I read the words "my step-sis" or "my adopted mom". It just loses all that extra appeal. And then what I'm left with, often enough, is poorly drawn/terribly rendered yet short scenes between mountains of RPG-esque grinding. No thanks. I can get vanilla porn on Pornhub in HD without the extra effort, butter faces, and ridiculous blimp tits (seriously, if you can hide three monkeys and a wallaby under her boobs and her never figure out where the screeching is coming from... they're too fucking big).
So please. Please please please. Next time you get the itch, right after introducing the characters as "my mom" and "my sis" and "my brother", you get the urge to have a scene where the MC finds out he/she is adopted... don't. Just fucking don't. For the love of hotness... don't.
EDIT: I'd like to clarify that It's not really about the adoption. I did a very poor job of being clear on that above. I was fresh off being cock blocked by yet another game pulling this crap on me.
It's about games that don't establish the familial relationship well or at all before diving into the sexual, incestuous one and, at the same time, throw out the blood relationship too. You can make the relationship taboo by establishing the familial ties, the blood ties, or both. When you establish neither, the taboo part seems silly instead of erotic. And that's what I usually see when incest-focused games go the step-sibling/adoption route. The thing is, it's really freaking hard to establish that familial relationship before the incest starts unless the game has something other than incest to carry it in the mean time. Hence why I focus on the step-sibling/adoption contrivance above.