RPGM - To Kill a Fairytale [Demo v0.9B CR] [Itsallyourfault]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Demo v0.9B CR
    It's left a good impression on me. A bit rough around the edges, but recent updates have been an improvement. I'll leave an early review.

    My main critiques are:
    1) It is a little too easy to entirely miss major things. I still have no clue where one of the merchants is even after beating the demo twice. Going into the game blind will be entirely confusing. Those messages on the ground in souls games gave some sort of hint at least. This game gives far too few. "Oh some merchant sells fertility tablets" What merchant? WHEREABOUTS?
    I think the only hints that actually had a decent followup was the fairy telling you about the hard-to-see merchant in the village and a mention about Red Hood from the tea party gang.

    2) Enemy variety is poor. I think there's 9 normal enemies discounting the card enemy variants. 8 if you discount the generic png slime enemy that mainly shows up in the opening. That's not super terrible except for the fact you'll be mostly seeing the same 3 enemies. The rabbit, the tea cup, and the clock. I can see more enemies will be added within the files but the starting areas as of now are really bleh.

    3) The penguin fucking sucks because its shot seems to scale with level and if you don't keep up on HP it just one-shots you, and unlike the other enemies with guns, it gives no warning that it's about to shoot either. Just fuck you, you're dead. That's what you get for letting it have a turn.

    4) I have no idea how to get rid of sinner's echoes. Thanks, even though we all know the queen was in desperate need of correction.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Great premise, being inspired by the H game Black Souls and having so many unique elements on your own is fantastic. Dialogue options that affect the narrative, the Majora's mask timer, and the classic make babies or kill the waifu options. Lots of charm in the art design and atmosphere of the game. Unfortunately, this H game also carried over how Black souls did it's H content, and to be frank, it sucks.

    The vast majority of the game will be spent RPG grinding, being generally lost, reading the parody of Wonderland and unlocking choices through repetition of day cycles. The H content, centered around a large harem cast, is solely based on finding and fulfilling whatever requirements they have for a single, sometimes two H scenes. As enjoyable this title is narratively and for the classic RPG gamer, the H content is purely an afterthought. Black souls to it's credit, committed to creating a massive amount of HCG to try to make up for it. I don't know if this title will as well, but even so, knowing the H content being the main reason people would have picked up this title, it's a real shame they never bothered to at least give some H mechanics unlike it's inspiration.

    Play this title if you enjoy a mature classic RPG spin off with Alice in Wonderland parody vibes. Use a gallery save if you want the H content as you simply won't be able to get a fap off in between all the gaming.