Tool QSP Tools for QSP


New Member
Sep 28, 2018
and the link is 403 forbidden, also the problem im having is that the program is reading the characters as garbage, like when you open a txt file and dont have the region enabled
That's weird, try to open the link from (3rd point). Which parser are you using? I've tried the Renpy and QSP parsers and they work fine.


Jul 18, 2017
That's weird, try to open the link from (3rd point). Which parser are you using? I've tried the Renpy and QSP parsers and they work fine.
got the key, and what happened is a while back i had the program working after i figured out i had the txt2gam set up on qgen wrong but one day instead of translating properly, the cmd prompt log started reading garbage instead of russian(cyrillic) characters , i am using the snapshot ver as i lost the zip with my old version of the tools in a drive failure


Jul 18, 2017
after opening the txt after translation is seems it is translating some of the text but replacing others with null
heres a small excerpt from the log
2019-02-25 22:24:33 INFO AbstractLegacyParser:51 - >Неудача -< was not translated
2019-02-25 22:24:33 INFO AbstractLegacyParser:51 - >Кабинет< was not translated
2019-02-25 22:24:33 INFO AbstractLegacyParser:51 - >Банкбездолга< was not translated
2019-02-25 22:24:33 INFO AbstractLegacyParser:51 - >Банкбездолга


New Member
Sep 28, 2018
got the key, and what happened is a while back i had the program working after i figured out i had the txt2gam set up on qgen wrong but one day instead of translating properly, the cmd prompt log started reading garbage instead of russian(cyrillic) characters , i am using the snapshot ver as i lost the zip with my old version of the tools in a drive failure
Did you try to download the version attached here on the forum and extract it somewhere else? If it stopped all of a sudden I would guess that something got corrupted somehow.


Jul 18, 2017
i got it from the link in the op, and im not 100% sure but i think the last time it worked was before i upgraded to wincrap 10


Nov 12, 2017
Sonuvabitch. I've got a project going right now where I am machine translating Punisher 0.7e and then replacing the machine translation with, not a better translation (I don't know fucking Russian, unfortunately) but an embellished more sadistic version of the text, corrected to much more readable English. I've spent the better part of a week moving from nothing with the help of Wulfgar, to learning how to rip, translate, put back in text, then fix duplicate locations. I was about to throw my damn hands up and ask for help here because I finally fixed the location issues, only to open the game and two screens in have the game screw up on me. I was in the process of posting when I went back to see exactly what the error was in order to hopefully get someone to make sense of it with me so I could move forward, only to realize after staring at it for 5 minutes that I've fucked with this enough that I actually understood, between Wulfgar and this forum, how to read the error message, which directed me to where the translator added some extra articles in front of my damned Time variables. Got that fixed, and I don't know if I feel frustrated and tired, or proud and tired. I'm bound to fuck this up again, seeing as I've got a long road ahead of me, so expect my crazy ass back here to ask questions soon, because I'm a moron when it comes to staring at all this code.
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Deleted member 584847

Hey guys.

Sorry to bother you :/ Everytime I discover something about QSP and Qgen, I also discover something new, in addition to Qgen, that is "nessessary" to make a game, wether some tools or simulink or matlab or.... I have zero idea what these are for. Is it possible to make a game like girl life just with qgen? Ive managed to find and download some english version of Qgen and when I open it I see a long column with locations on the left side and inside these specific locations there are three "squares" to write to. (description, execute on visit and base actions).
if so, could someone pretty please help with a link for coding/commands tutorial so I can start experimenting..?
if no (and I actually do need some additional programs), could someone pretty please explain (in short) what,where,how to use? Ive checked some threads about qsp here on f95 but these links are very unclear to me, linking to other different threads and back to the previous one, each with some files to download and its really very confusing.
in fact I'd be very greatful for any kind of information :/

thank you.


Jan 24, 2019
Always getting the same error message when importing a translated or non translated TEXT2GAM file.
Even tested out by just exporting and re-importing resulting in the same error message.
Can anyone help out with the translation of this error message ?


Edit: Found the solution to this problem, i forgot to set the path to the correct TXT2GAM exe.
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Apr 8, 2018
People are always looking for the tools to modify or translate QSP games so I decided to put everything in one spot
QGen - Use to create/modify the qsp files. You practically change anything you want with this tool. Just be careful not to break the game and ALWAYS BACKUP THE ORIGINAL!

Qsptools by ttant - Don't get it confused with qgen. This tool allows you to translate Ren'py, QSP, and AXMA games. You're also able to remove/ change passwords to QSP tools, and modify dictionaries from translated games.
Here are directions to use qsptools from by paz.
How to use ttant's QSPTools.

Note #1: The process is generally the same, but depending on the type of game a few extra steps may be involved.
Note #2: It is assumed you have all the prerequisites where needed (qspgen, txt2gam plugin, etc.)

QSP Games
  • 1 Open the .qsp file with QSPGen
    *1a Make a backup copy of the .qsp file just in case.
    *1b. Go to Utilities -> Game Info and make a note of total locations amount (so you can compare after import to see if everything went smoothly as a preliminary check).
  • 2. Go to Export -> Text file in TXT2GAM format (TXT2Gam 1.1 ) and save it anywhere you like.
  • 3. Open QSPTools and select QSP as the parser.
  • 4. Click on "Browse", locate your saved txt file from step #1 and click on "Open"
    *4a. If you have a dictionary XML file from a previous version, click on "Load" in the Dictionary row and load it.
  • 5. Click on "Translate" and wait until translation is finished (you can tell either by the progress bar, or the command line output that stops scrolling)
  • 6. After translation is done, the translated .txt is saved automatically
    *6a. You may want to press "Save" on the dictionary to save it for future use (Caution: you need to include the .xml extension when typing a filename, e.g. mydict.xml)
  • 7. Back in QSPGen, go to Import -> Text file in TXT2GAM format, locate the translated .txt and click "Open"
  • 8. Save the .qsp file in QSPGen. If no errors were raised, your QSP is 99% translated and ready to use.

-- "Help, I had an encoding error while translating and it stopped" - Don't worry, it's somewhat easily bypassed.
  • a. Save a dict with strings up to that point so you won't need to translate them via Yandex again to save time.
  • b. Copy the offending string from the console, and paste it to google translate or yandex translate or similar.
  • c. Locate the offending string inside the exported .txt file, replace it by hand and save it.
  • d. Start again from step #4 and don't forget to load the dictionary you saved in the beginning.
  • e. Rinse and repeat if more encoding errors arise.

-- "Help, QSPGen bitches about duplicate locations" - This is kinda rare but can happen.
  • There is no set in stone way of fixing it, but opening the translated .txt file and look of duplicate pairs of locations, should give you a hint about how to fix that.
    (Usually just renaming one of those pairs works)

-- "Help, The translated game does not work" - Make sure that:
  • a. The location total in original and translated .qsp files is the same. If not, probably some commenting messed up the import. Search in QSPGen for "--- " strings (without the quotes).
    Normally none should exists as it's the location separator for TXT2GAM files. If some exist you need to manually fix it.
  • b. The top-most location in the original .qsp or the left-hand side in the QSPGen is the same as the translated .qsp. If not, drag it to the top, save and retry.

LUA Games
  • 1. Open QSPTools and select LUA as the parser.
  • 2. Click on "Browse", select the root directory (the uppermost directory where .lua game files are present) and click "Open".
    *2a. If you have a dictionary XML file from a previous version, click on "Load" in the Dictionary row and load it.
  • 3. Click on "Translate" and wait until translation is finished.
  • 4. After translation is done, the translated .lua files are saved automatically.
    *4a. You may want to press "Save" on the dictionary to save it for future use.
  • 5. The game is now translated and ready to play.

RenPy Games
  • 1. Open QSPTools and select RenPy as the parser.
  • 2. Click on "Browse", select the root directory (the uppermost directory where .rpy game files are present), it's almost always the /game directory, and click "Open".
    *2a. If you have a dictionary XML file from a previous version, click on "Load" in the Dictionary row and load it.
  • 3. Click on "Translate" and wait until translation is finished.
  • 4. After translation is done, the translated .rpy files are saved automatically.
    *4a. You may want to press "Save" on the dictionary to save it for future use.
  • 5. The game is now translated and ready to play.

-- "Help, there are no .rpy files, just .rpyc" - You need to convert them by using unrpyc (a google search should point you to the github link).
-- "Help, there are no .rpy files, just an .rpa" - The game is archived, you need to unpack it by using unrpa (a google search should point you to the github link).

HTML Games (Mostly works for AXMA games, not Twine, and probably not ones with embedded images to my experience.)
  • 1. Open QSPTools and select HTML as the parser.
  • 2. Click on "Browse", select the .html file you want translated and click "Open".
    *2a. If you have a dictionary XML file from a previous version, click on "Load" in the Dictionary row and load it.
  • 3. Click on "Translate" and wait until translation is finished.
  • 4. After translation is done, the translated .lua files are saved automatically.
    *4a. You may want to press "Save" on the dictionary to save it for future use.
  • 5. The game is now translated and ready to play.
i try to open qsp tools but it is not going to open i extract the folder then i click on launcher but its not going to open when i click on luncher just for one second like doc prompt open then noting else i don't know why


Jul 20, 2017
i want to translate qsp game and on step 7 "Import -> Text file in TXT2GAM format , locate the translated .txt and click "Open" i get "error 193: unknow error c1"


Active Member
May 31, 2017
Hi all, Im having an issue getting QSP to run on Win 10. It gives me this error, "QSP\Qqsp-1.9.0-win64\Qt5Widgets.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. Error status."

any advice?

Pif paf

Engaged Member
Jr. Uploader
Feb 5, 2018
Hi all, Im having an issue getting QSP to run on Win 10. It gives me this error, "QSP\Qqsp-1.9.0-win64\Qt5Widgets.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. Error status."

any advice?
Have you tried to download and install with turned off antivirus scanning?


Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
Is QGen the only way to fix/edit dialogue in qsp games?
Depends on what you mean. You can use TXT2GAM to split the whole game into textfiles and then edit them like that but you'll still need to reimport into QGen. Probably worth looking at what Xorgroth has done on his Son of a Bitch translation project and how he dealt with splitting files in the GitLab repo


Dec 31, 2017
Depends on what you mean. You can use TXT2GAM to split the whole game into textfiles and then edit them like that but you'll still need to reimport into QGen. Probably worth looking at what Xorgroth has done on his Son of a Bitch translation project and how he dealt with splitting files in the GitLab repo
I've found many sentences in english with bad grammar. What has me stumped is, some key words I put in QGen search relating to sentences in-game are not showing up. It's as if it's hidden or something.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
Depends on what you mean. You can use TXT2GAM to split the whole game into textfiles and then edit them like that but you'll still need to reimport into QGen. Probably worth looking at what Xorgroth has done on his Son of a Bitch translation project and how he dealt with splitting files in the GitLab repo
I got some tools setup to split the TXT2GAM files into a folder. Need Python installed and keep the txt2gam file in it's original encoding. Though it's a pain if the location names have spaces or any special characters other than _ it's a pretty simple script and doesn't account for most special characters.
I've found many sentences in english with bad grammar. What has me stumped is, some key words I put in QGen search relating to sentences in-game are not showing up. It's as if it's hidden or something.
QGen search is a pretty simple search engine. Have to put in what you want and hit find next and it will cycle through all the files until you find what you're looking for. Also can be kind of pain since it will keep all the locations open after you search them. Honestly might be easier to just export to txt2gam and then search through that file. You'll need the txt2gam file though.


Dec 31, 2017
I got some tools setup to split the TXT2GAM files into a folder. Need Python installed and keep the txt2gam file in it's original encoding. Though it's a pain if the location names have spaces or any special characters other than _ it's a pretty simple script and doesn't account for most special characters.

QGen search is a pretty simple search engine. Have to put in what you want and hit find next and it will cycle through all the files until you find what you're looking for. Also can be kind of pain since it will keep all the locations open after you search them. Honestly might be easier to just export to txt2gam and then search through that file. You'll need the txt2gam file though.
YES!, This really helps everything is really laid bare. Tyvm for this.
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