VN - Others - Completed - Total Nudity School Training [Final] [4H]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I hadn't played this sort of game before, so I wasn't expecting the lack of gameplay, it is more like a story book. The story itself seemed fine, and though I didn't understand some of the Japanese-isms, I suspect that people who are familiar with the genre would have no issue with this translation.

    The story begins with a cute romance of the two main characters while they are at school. I had thought they were getting transferred to a university, but I think it might be some type of college, which meant that the characters were younger than I am comfortable with. The romance at the start is cute and I liked the building relationship, but it very quickly gets turned on its head in the college where the main character turns into an incredibly creepy and unlikable person. I stopped playing once I realised that they weren't at university, so I don't know how it progresses from there.

    The art is very good. Some images are pixellated and some aren't, even within the same image, which is weird and takes you out of the scene a little, but I was able to ignore it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    As far as I can tell its a straight VN no choices just tons and tons of text. Art work is bang average, vary dated. But if you like the JAV side of things then it may be for you.

    I played until the first bit of training held ctrl for ages to see if anything opened up but its was just page after page of text. Wouldn't be surprised if there where +100 bit of dialogue to get through to get to the first h scene.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    At first I thought "A game focused on female exhibitionism? THIS LOOKS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE". After playing it, I can see I was right. It's not bad, but it's not a game, the only thing I can choose to do (so far, at least, after quite some time playing) is to save.
    The writing is good enough, but pretty much every scene is inconsistent with the premise. If you enjoy exhibitionism, it can be pretty enjoyable, especially since there aren't that many games that go all out with exhibitionism like this one.
    There is some male nudity but so far it's been minimal and censored, while female nudity isn't, so it's not too bad.

    Kinda creeped out about how they talk about rape as if it's just catcalling or some mild inconvenience that just sort of happens though. "oh well, boys be boys, not their fault" sort of mentality. Just thought it was worth commenting in case someone else also feels uncomfortable with that. Some scenes get a little creepy too but hold ctrl to skip.