Unity - Completed - Tower Dragon [Final] [SamuraiDrunk]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Bad game design. There is nothing showing you if bad jump will return you to the bottom. And i mean THE bottom as there is always single line that if you fall on, you are back to the beginning. Also it appears that map was made first and then made to accommodate screen because some platforms are placed out of view and at the same time interfere when you jump below them causing you to fall. Yea that was when i quit
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Good art, terrible gameplay. Isn't a good jumper game by any means as it's purposefully optimized to be as much of a troll as possible, setting up specific jump traps that if you fall for, and there are many, send you straight back to the bottom through fall paths designed to facilitate such. Literally only saved by the art, and even then only if you download the gallery unlocked version as the gameplay itself is irredeemable. Claims Jump King as the main inspiration, even claims to be easier, falls far short of both.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The art looks decent from what I can see in the screenshots, however the gameplay is aids so I never got to see it in game. Terrible jumper game where a tiny mistake sends you all the way back to the beginning. Not worth the effort required to try and see the porn. Why do porn devs make games designed to make you frustrated when you play them?
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    A Jump king clone with a gallery slapped on the back end. That's it.
    If you're here for the seggs, just download the gallery unlocker. It's pretty good seggs too. but you could have slapped this on the back end of any other game with the same effect i.e. a racing game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I spent that long on beating this game... and I'm tired bosses...
    Not a bad game mind you, but if you are easy to anger don't play it. But if your someone looking for just enough rage to push you onward... (looking at you soulsborne fans.) Than try it out.

    Art: 4/5 (I enjoy watching dat ass bounce)
    Gameplay: 2.5/5 (Not bad just... fuck the ledges fam, fuck em)
    Story: -/5 (You jump and reach the dragon... then tame the dragon)

    All in all: Download the gallery one and save yourself the trouble, or don't and suffer like me. I ain't ya maw.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Eh, I'll give it a three. This game at least knows what it's supposed to be and it's complete.
    It's of course a Jump King inspired ero-game, and of course a rage game. While I play some of the games here for the unironically good gameplay, I'm personally not a fan of the gameplay. Although, I think the gallery is alright. Would it have been worth the gameplay? Probably not.