RPGM Tower of Trample [v1.18.0.4 + Standalone Floor 10] [Bo Wei/Koda]

4.30 star(s) 55 Votes
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Aug 6, 2020
- Imagine unironically complaining about standard QTE difficulty when you have a built-in option to tone down QTE difficulty specifically made for players with disabilities.

Imagine unironically complaining about QTE difficulty when so far the hardest QTE you might be forced to deal with is Lv4 and you can only face harder ones by purposely seeking it as a challenge OR screwing up SO MUCH that it's all on you.

- There's nothing "random" about damage dealt andreceived in this game. Even damage rolls have a specific variation percentage for each and every move used by Ethan or by the enemies. You pretty much don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Hate to be the one to say this, but GET GOOD, bro.
Fine, but i am a WASD kinda guy so this arrow business is hard to nail not to mention i mostly use mouse when i can. I suppose you need practice( which i don't care) for arrows because they are on the opposite end of things i am used to and i am pretty good at WASD and mouse QTE's. See ya. Imagine wasting your life to nail the arrow key QTE's just for this game, no offense though.

Well, good for you that you are already good at something so redundant, BRO.

Sylph Phoenix

Sep 24, 2018
Fine, but i am a WASD kinda guy so this arrow business is hard to nail not to mention i mostly use mouse when i can. I suppose you need practice( which i don't care) for arrows because they are on the opposite end of things i am used to and i am pretty good at WASD and mouse QTE's. See ya. Imagine wasting your life to nail the arrow key QTE's just for this game, no offense though.

Well, good for you that you are already good at something so redundant, BRO.
You and your other personality need to get your story straight on whether offense is intended or not

- Imagine unironically complaining about standard QTE difficulty when you have a built-in option to tone down QTE difficulty specifically made for players with disabilities.
I remember setting up that options menu and thinking "yeah but who struggles with the QTEs, Koda's having me waste my time" but bamboozled again I guess
Oct 30, 2017
Imagine wasting your life to nail the arrow key QTE's just for this game, no offense though.

Well, good for you that you are already good at something so redundant, BRO.

Implying sharp reflexes and hand-eye coordination have their benefits and uses strictly limited to Tower of Trample, and not pretty much everything in my daily life. lol

Again: every criticism you addressed is factually wrong. It can be proven by checking game data. There is a vast room for criticism in this game, just not your flawed one. Start addressing your skills as a player. It's not the devs' fault you particularly suck at this game, man. :sleep:

So far, ToT is a hella easy game. By level 18, aside from EX Mode, you're pretty much unstoppable.
Since old school days, there were lots of QoL updates that pampered and spoiled newcomers. Doing certain things in-game now grants you extra exp and extra levels that you would have to grind back then.

There is already a player, 991J, who escaped freaking CROW's captivity being merely Level 8. :rolleyes:

PS: if you're a "WASD guy", just use your left hand to deal with the arrows and treat it like WASD when you're grabbed. Although that sounds like a lame excuse, I'm giving you the benefit of doubt in good faith. Try this advice and see if things work better for you.
(The point is not getting grabbed, tho.)
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Game Developer
Sep 22, 2017
If I want to add my two sense into things, I honestly don't have much of a feel for the wardens the more I thought about it. Coming to ToT for the plot and characters is kind of odd (after a while I grew to understand lily's popularity as the exception rather than the rule) Most of the wardens (as well as boda's other characters from other games) are very simplistic canvases with a gimmick that more often than not separates them. Besides background and battle gimmicks, there's not much difference between Scarlet, Maggie, and Amanda for instance. I kind of realized this a bit once I decided to work on a ToT fan project of my own as I was looking at their games for inspiration on doing these characters right until I realized how basic they are. Besides the fetishes they indulge in and their attractive character designs, you hardly find someone saying something like "Oh Tiffany is a fun/interesting character" despite being the main focus in her game. They are largely personifications of their fetishes with varying results with them either moreso becoming generic (Khulan is savage amazon that's hinted to be cannibalistic for example) or needs an expansion to take them to new heights (Lady Cobra). The bashing of these characters may come off as I want more deep and complex characters and while I'd like that, simple characters can also work the plot and premise is simple and works conceptually "Go save your friends from a mysterious tower that becomes more and more nonsensical as time goes on" However like what Gearless said the plot more often than not tries to be more ambiguous by adding weird asspulls or giving bad explanations in an attempt to world build. and to be honest, I'm beginning to think that what 7th floor is supposed to be doing was executed too soon since it's an entire building inside of a building maybe a floor that establishes the potential of this tower a little more would have been a better choice before going to the logical conclusion. As the question now if and when 7th floor comes out will be "how are they going to top that in the next floor" (Assuming that this floor turns out to be the best thing that Boda has ever made up to that point which I have doubt in). I fear that spectacle/feature creep might be what kills Tot if the delays and constant side projects haven't already.

The whole porn vs. plot vs. gameplay is a difficult balance but it has been done well to a certain degree everyone brings up MGD and MGQ but there is Cornelica Town of Succubi and Succubus Prisoner: House of Lewd Demons (balances gameplay and porn) for instance. So I'd rather Boda find a balance, inject more plot (with good writing), or just make hentai comics since people have already said it before. If you're just going to make a porn gallery simulator padded with puzzles (Hallow Mansion) or extremely basic combat where you are forced to progress down the path of submission (Always in Debt) then you can just go to E-Hentai and create your own interpretations of how Ethan has gotten into these scenarios. Hell to an extent that's what I'm doing with my fan project and I assume that that's what Femdom forest is doing.

Time to address the "it gets harder the more you indulge in your fetishes"

The only time I ever felt like Tot got harder the more you indulged your horniness (and curiosity) was with Yvonne, Khulan, Lily, Swan, Crow, and Jessica. However, you can kind of turn off Yvonne's fire kick while her bringing out her boots for you to sniff are rare occurrences that I usually have to stall out until she uses it (soooo there goes Yvonne (still my fav warden though)). Khulan has that food pot that you will more than likely not touch after finding out what it does and since you can reverse the effects, the consequences are no longer consequences (I certainly didn't after dodging the getting shit on scene in battle). People bring up Cobra but you can get those stats back. Plus at least for me, I only sacrificed some levels just to get better rewards since you only get a low rank at her base power. and I'm not 100% sure those stolen stats carry on to her EX battles (correct me if I'm wrong). Cobra should be the pinnacle of this design but really isn't as that title is given to the non-floor wardens Swan, Crow, Jessica, and Lily. These 4 are the pinnacle since besides reloading a save or outright cheating, indulging in your horniness/curiosity has permanent consequences that you cannot reverse and are actually noticeable. I think an alternative solution would be to lock you from progressing up the tower should you submit to the wardens (like in domina) would have been a better alternative. Speaking of alternatives:

If this were a different team, I'd suggest a dominant path. While I was on the fence on the idea like most in this forum. It honestly gives more variety to the game. While I definitely don't want something like the warden licking Ethan's toes, something as simple as one scene (maybe a sixtynine scene with Khulan for example) for each warden or even something as small as different dialogue can go a long way. In fact a game posted in ToT's discord server (That wasn't made by Boda) toys with how this maledom can work. Maybe make Ethan sexually innocent and maybe toys with the defeated wardens in an attempt to feed his sexual curiosity. I liked Warrior Guild's Dominance and submissive meter because of the idea behind it. The more dominant and the less you do to humiliate yourself in the name of your dick, the more respect you get from your peers or the stronger their drive to defeat you and knock you down a peg becomes. Plus it wouldn't hurt to hide/block a scene or two behind a dominant or submissive path (Warrior Guild does it with the audience characters so it's possible within the realm of Boda). It would kinda bring the roleplaying aspect into the RPG. Become a Dominante man who frees the wrongfully imprisoned and takes the seductive evildoers as his prisoners, a boy who wants to save his friends and overcomes adversity but is often tempted by the scary temptress, or a submissive slave that should be behind the bars of his mistresses. While I can get why people don't want maledom in their femdom focused game it adds a choice besides submitting to the mistress or not but miss out on so many additional benefits like moves being hidden behind submission paths even though you're supposed to be at a disadvantage for doing these things.
I would go far as to say that these characters work because they are simple and stereotypical personification of a sub-fetish of femdom. And their relationships to MC works because he's the stereotypical good protagonist with all the qualities that come with it.


Oct 27, 2020
PS: if you're a "WASD guy", just use your left hand to deal with the arrows and treat it like WASD when you're grabbed. Although that sounds like a lame excuse, I'm giving you the benefit of doubt in good faith. Try this advice and see if things work better for you.
Every thing you said was correct. I think when he says he's a WASD guy, and he's better at WASD QTEs but not at the arrow ones, he meant that (according to me) it is more difficult to distinguish different "direction arrow symbols" than differentiate "W A S D" during a grab situation. Also any wrong press reduces the time, which you know, adds to the challenge and the temporary stress.
(Again, my view)
Feb 2, 2020
Ok now we have people writing entire thesus's on why tot is actually been shit all along? yeah koda and bo are dodgey but the core game was always fine for what it was but I think katalist handles it a bit better in terms of fights by having the submission moves be locked behind a first win this way you have more time to appreciate the characters. I always enjoyed TOT for the scenarios and themes of the ladys. Swan is a smelly doctor who drugs you, jester fucks with you mentally and tricks you, lily is a brat and so on...

Even some of the ladies that seem the same arnt really however I think ladies dedicated to one or two fetishes might be more intresting like what magic femdom does. These other games that get brought up imo have boring art styles or just have one or two cg's with a specific enemy where as with TOT and bo's other stuff theres alot less people to fight but a fucking hell of a lot of scenes with them as well as variations on the writing depending on what youve done before or after (which I find intresting)

A dominant path already psedu exists but maybe having the girls get more pissed off as you win without fucking up would be intresting and would make your eventual downfall to whoever you decide to lose on or just mess up accidently to all that more humilating but an actual dedicated dominant path would be stupid for a primarily femdom game with a guy who makes these games cause he has a huge femdom fetish (im mainly on about bo here) and yes while warriors guild has one id argue that its more of a fake sense of domination as you dont really thrust your power onto anyone and more so just get to ask for things.

Most people just want tot to have more girls with more content in the hopes it can one day be finished with a gallery and maybe some other bonus updates. TOT not only caters to a niche but does that niche in a way thats intresting to people on the more extreme side of these fetishes. Most people just want to nut and play a rpg with lewd woman and not have some ridiculously long plot or whatever. The only plot TOT has is rose and the other friends in the tower but its pretty obvious how the game was going to go. We were going to get some more floor girls until floor 10 then maybe after that a few more and some more side rooms and stories and then we would get a rematch with Karen on her true floor where we would be able to actually damage her and then on the final floor would be rose who I imagine would proberly have been the leader all along or some spy for the tower. A litteral red spy. then youd fight her or submit to her blah blah good ending go home with however youve saved blah blah bad ending you are now property of one of the ladies.

Deleted member 769451

Does anyone have a walkthrough for 1.17.3? I have no idea if I've done all the content and I have no idea how to progress with each Mistress


Jan 26, 2021
Fine, but i am a WASD kinda guy so this arrow business is hard to nail not to mention i mostly use mouse when i can. I suppose you need practice( which i don't care) for arrows because they are on the opposite end of things i am used to and i am pretty good at WASD and mouse QTE's. See ya. Imagine wasting your life to nail the arrow key QTE's just for this game, no offense though.

Well, good for you that you are already good at something so redundant, BRO.
You know why I prefer arrow business over WSAD?


Nothing personal, just couldn't help myself from making that joke.
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Jul 19, 2018
I posted this in the domina thread but I'll try my luck here too:
This might be slightly off topic but I was trying to remember this older game that had a similar premise to domina. It was a full open world RPG and had different demonesses/succubi who you had to defeat to save the world. One of the girls I remember was a scythe wielding girl who's game over scene was her making you cum one last time while taunting you for betraying mankind and all that jazz. Would really appreciate it if somebody told me the name since I can't find it at all. I've scoured all 46 pages of the femdom tag here on f95 lol. It also had 2 twins who would have their scenes together. Can't remember any more details atm

Edit: I think I actually learnt about the game from this thread a while ago when someone posted a list of recommendations when we were dealing with the crippling delays but I guess mods removed discussions from that time for being off topic


Jan 26, 2021
I posted this in the domina thread but I'll try my luck here too:
This might be slightly off topic but I was trying to remember this older game that had a similar premise to domina. It was a full open world RPG and had different demonesses/succubi who you had to defeat to save the world. One of the girls I remember was a scythe wielding girl who's game over scene was her making you cum one last time while taunting you for betraying mankind and all that jazz. Would really appreciate it if somebody told me the name since I can't find it at all. I've scoured all 46 pages of the femdom tag here on f95 lol. It also had 2 twins who would have their scenes together. Can't remember any more details atm

Edit: I think I actually learnt about the game from this thread a while ago when someone posted a list of recommendations when we were dealing with the crippling delays but I guess mods removed discussions from that time for being off topic
Succubus Covenant?


Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
The shoe game.
"The shoe game" is way too specific, of course ToT is going to be the best at something only it does. If you were to say "minigames" then I'd tell you that Lilith in Nightmare has it beat by a long shot, with consistently good minigames being introduced every step of the way, whereas ToT had like one good minigame in the shoe game and then complete dogshit afterwards in Yvonne's and Eliza's floors, followed by good minigames again in Claus' floors, and then zero new minigames in 4F, 5F, 5.5F, 6F, 6.5F and Jester's floor. And no, new main combat mechanics aren't minigames.
I would go far as to say that these characters work because they are simple and stereotypical personification of a sub-fetish of femdom. And their relationships to MC works because he's the stereotypical good protagonist with all the qualities that come with it.
But it's not like Boda inteded to create such simple and one-dimensional characters, it obviously wasn't an artistic choice of theirs, they were just lazy and/or bad at writing so that's the best they could come up with (Eliza is straight up ripped from another game, for example). To you they may feel a perfect fit for some reason, but they're still objectively bland characters.
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Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
- Imagine unironically complaining about standard QTE difficulty when you have a built-in option to tone down QTE difficulty specifically made for players with disabilities.
Imagine unironically complaining about QTE difficulty when so far the hardest QTE you might be forced to deal with is Lv4 and you can only face harder ones by purposely seeking it as a challenge OR screwing up SO MUCH that it's all on you.

View attachment 1032310

- There's nothing "random" about damage dealt and received in this game. Even damage rolls have a specific variation percentage for each and every move used by Ethan or by the enemies. You pretty much don't have a clue what you're talking about, man. :unsure:

For example: Blaze Palm intentionally has a higher damage variation than Fire Punch.
It gives a possibility to deal more damage and win a seemingly losing battle when you're sure you won't seal the deal by using moves with a more consistent damage.
If you think I'm lying, just go peek the damage formula in the game files. Do your research.

Criticism is valid when it is based on factual evidence. You're pretty much shooting nonsense.
Aside from the fact that sometimes RNG can screw you up indeed, everything you said is factually wrong.
And there's this: you wouldn't have to deal with RNG if you didn't get grabbed in the first place.

Hate to be the one to say this, but GET GOOD, bro.
You can change QTE difficulty? Since my arm shoulder syndrom I can barely use my right hand anymore for shit like this.


Jul 30, 2018
I posted this in the domina thread but I'll try my luck here too:
This might be slightly off topic but I was trying to remember this older game that had a similar premise to domina. It was a full open world RPG and had different demonesses/succubi who you had to defeat to save the world. One of the girls I remember was a scythe wielding girl who's game over scene was her making you cum one last time while taunting you for betraying mankind and all that jazz. Would really appreciate it if somebody told me the name since I can't find it at all. I've scoured all 46 pages of the femdom tag here on f95 lol. It also had 2 twins who would have their scenes together. Can't remember any more details atm

Edit: I think I actually learnt about the game from this thread a while ago when someone posted a list of recommendations when we were dealing with the crippling delays but I guess mods removed discussions from that time for being off topic
Probably this game?
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4.30 star(s) 55 Votes