I have joined this forum for a reason and this is to discuss various kinks. But to my horror there is less content and too much whine at the end of this thread.
Another thing that crossed my mind is quality control. I am a member of several different forums and the mods there will read your first post before your content is allowed to be visible to other forum members. This scrutiny will be extended to two or three further posts. Why is this a good thing? The mods can minimize with this procedure the arrival of trolls to their forums. Another thing which can be avoided in this manner is people being highly disrespectful to others by lacking punctuation, syntax or using gutter language in a frequent manner. I don´t care if this is a porn, politics, sports or other public forum. There are rules to follow so that all people have a good time and don´t have to scroll through pages which nothing of value but complaints or other stuff which is not directly tied to the game´s content. It just gives you more trouble to deal with.
I again state my point: This is JUST a video game. Yes, a lot of delays are bad but people take this as an excuse to litter this thread with their moaning. If this will not drastically improve in the next pages then it would be prudent to close the thread. No one is keen to wallow in a sea of negativity.
And I can only shake my head in utter disbelief by the way some people act. It is out of sheer entitlement. Most people
haven´t paid a single cent to play the game and those patrons spent $2/month which is a paltry sum. If you have financial problems refrain from risky endeavours such as being a patron or supporting kickstarter projects. It is just not the same as going to the supermarket and buying a sack of potatoes. Don´t be naive. You knew the risks in advance, deal with it.
I agree with you about the whining, yet some of the points raised in this thread are fair and I hope Bowei or Koda (who sometimes pokes his head here) get a chance to read them, among all the flame.
I know it's an exaggerated analogy, but it's like with the Soviet Revolution: among the yells of the mass there were some constructive and crucial criticisms that the Tsars decided to ignore and which led to their fall.
People here are angry, but if you look at the true reasons of that you can clearly see that it's a lack of communication efforts/skills by the developers. The worse thing is that it's a deliberate choice by them, something that they clearly stated many times.
You can't expect to have a happy audience if you're developing a very successful public product (doesn't matter if it's a porn game or a physics encyclopedia) and you ignore the criticism about your lack of transparency, especially if you're unable to properly deliver in those few times you decide to speak to announce a release. Don't announce it at all then, or be more vague, like somebody suggested. Change the description on your Patreon page and have a clear idea of what you want or don't want to do. Don't make your public feel betrayed multiple times, it's a perfect recipe to get a loss in credibility and you don't want that, especially in this context.
I love this game and I want to see it becoming even better than now, and it hurts me to see all this flame. It's a bitter moment in a love story and it can easily be fixed. But change doesn't happen without effort, something that the developers are not showing at the moment (I'm still speaking about communication, the game itself is fine imo).
That said, I also agree that it's just a game, it's about fapping and it's almost free, therefore it's not worth giving these issues more importance than what they deserve. I hope that Bowei and Koda notice the reasons of the malcontent and do something about it, but, most of all, I hope to get a chance for some great faps whenever Yvonne's expansion gets released! :closedtongue: