Hey guys, lets make the wait more interesting

What do you think the game overs will be for the girls that don't have one yet?

Or rather, what you wish them to be

I will go first, this one is for you Zazzaro, I know you would hate most of these

1. Scarlet - a straight forward dominatrix-slave ending, he will be her toy in a dungeon somewhere for the rest of his life
2. Eliza - since her gimp suit ending won't happen since it was given to Yvonne, I will go with something else

Maybe we can have two routs, one where Ethan repents and becomes her stocking slave, maybe always wearing a full body suit so that it keeps torturing him and one where you don't repent and maybe get a really dark ending like getting locked up in that cell like that old man Eliza tells you about until his final day where he submits to the goddess

3. Cobra - Again, two endings. One where she grows tired of you and mummifies you in her pantyhose and leaves you like that, buried. And another where she like turns you into a constant battery of power so that she can use you as a slave and as a level supply.
4. Lily - I don't know why, but because of her power complex, I can see Ethan becoming like a throne for her or something in her Dojo. Like a reminder for the rest.
5. Karen - Two endings again

One where she uses that special technique she mentioned, and I can see her as well using you as a peace of the decorations in her room. That would be great. Another, really dark one like Khulan and the one I mentioned above, maybe she uses her sword on you or something?
What do you guys think?

P.s regarding the recent update maybe becoming an April update, I think Koda should give us an expansion for one of the characters this will be the longest wait so far. I don't mind honestly but I just cannot wait

But then again I am a free loader so as long as I get to play the game I don't care what they do with it, the stuff so far has been amazing