All jokes aside (which gave me quite a laugh), I seriously think he hasn't done any decent work until very recently. And this is just one example of why I think so.
The amount of different promises and deadlines he gave just this single day is concerning, let alone the additional split of content (now 1/4 part). It starts with 'it might just be Lily + Cobra content', just to proof he actually does something, while referring to extremely patient and loyal fans as 'thirsty'. Same post he mentions inactive people can just wait a week to let him finish content from any additional girl. Shortly after he says it might just be pushed to june if 'really impossible'(??). Later, still the same day... 'I am hoping to release Cobra's content at the end of the month...' and 'others will be rolled out later too, probably with a week or two between them'.
While I do believe he will definitely release something this month, it's unfortunate how many changes and new expectations are made in the meantime, which he might fail to commit to. Dont get me wrong, we're used to delays so the expectations dropped, but even while giving some type of progress report, he's already creating more expectations to eventually not deliver. I do still respect him as a person and any work he puts in, but its the behaviour which im disappointed about.