I work 3 different jobs to earn my money. And no, I have no issue with delays. It's called being patient, usually comes with being an adult.
Shit happens. They are not professionals, they don't make much at 2 bucks a month. Even if they get $2000 a month between two people, that's not nearly enough so they likely either work or attend schools. If you have such an issue then maybe make a pledge and support them. Who knows? Maybe they'll wirk faster that way.
I am happy to pay $2 a month and so are most people on Discord. Bo and Koda are cool dudes and IMO, they usually deliver on quality content. Like I said, it's real life, shit happens.
Shit happens. They are not professionals, they don't make much at 2 bucks a month. Even if they get $2000 a month between two people, that's not nearly enough so they likely either work or attend schools. If you have such an issue then maybe make a pledge and support them. Who knows? Maybe they'll wirk faster that way.
I am happy to pay $2 a month and so are most people on Discord. Bo and Koda are cool dudes and IMO, they usually deliver on quality content. Like I said, it's real life, shit happens.