RPGM Tower of Trample [v1.18.0.4 + Standalone Floor 10] [Bo Wei/Koda]

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Active Member
Jun 12, 2017
First he said he was going to deliver the update soon, then he said he was going to separate the update in 2 parts and give us first half the mistresses, then it was just Lady Cobra and finally turns out he will give us just a demo for her... Ofc all of this with his signature delays.
I love this game and i defended the devs sometimes in the past but this is just infuriating. I hope they lose revenue for this
and then what he actually releases is teaser pictures.
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Oct 16, 2017
First he said he was going to deliver the update soon, then he said he was going to separate the update in 2 parts and give us first half the mistresses, then it was just Lady Cobra and finally turns out he will give us just a demo for her... Ofc all of this with his signature delays.
I love this game and i defended the devs sometimes in the past but this is just infuriating. I hope they lose revenue for this
It's like dealing with Rick from Pawn Stars, but worse.


Sep 12, 2017
Wait, wait, wait, wait, waitwaitwaitwait. Not only is it delayed AGAIN. But were not even getting the full content for ONE girl? Just a fucking DEMO? We waited 6 months for a DEMO?

Wow, just fucking WOW. This really proves it. Even I doubted that we would only get some re-used cgs and half an hours worth of content but this is just shameful, absolutely mindbendingly lazy, and outright lies. This is all were getting out of the "massive" update that was promised 4 months ago. He spent 4 months for just this.

Honestly guys this is it. They have given up on this project and are merely posting shit every few months to keep people subscribed to their patreon. Hey, free 2k a month for absolutely no work.
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Dec 6, 2018
I mean, it's not rocket science. The update Koda described along with the rampant feature creep he details sounds like it involves anywhere from a mini expansion (2-4 weeks) to a full blown expansion (4-8) weeks for each of the six villainesses. Worse yet, he was working on them concurrently until he announced the various 'splits.' The entirety sounds like it will take at minimum 8+ months using previous expansions as a reference before we see the entirety of the update 'promised' in april. The splitting up of the content is a good thing, by the way; it's what a responsible dev would have done to keep releases more consistent rather than a six month monster update, and this is why project management is an extremely important asset to prevent waiting 5+ months with no tangible results to show for it.

Why Koda keeps giving release dates, and why everyone keeps falling for them I'll never understand. But the update was never going to be finished when Koda gave the timer, and the demo is the result of these useless release dates and placating the desire for immediate content.


Jul 24, 2018
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck guess what its probably a duck!!
If Koda delays 20 times in a row if Koda doesn't answer for his words\promises probably this person is a scamer !!!
I really don't know how patrons tolerate this kind of attitude....

Wise man said you can sell honor but you can never buy it. Same with reputation.
This Koda person has none of both.

PS i dont know what relationship is Bo with Koda but as we know for last 5 months Bo was working on floor 7 and what was Koda doing? literally nothing. So maybe Bo should consider dumping lazy coder for better one - the one who can keep his word at least? It would speed up game management greatly.Plus It would be in interest of all patrons and game fans.
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Sep 12, 2017
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck guess what its probably a duck!!
If Koda delays 20 times in a row if Koda doesn't answer for his words\promises probably this person is a scamer !!!
I really don't know how patrons tolerate this kind of attitude....

Wise man said you can sell honor but you can never buy it. Same with reputation.
This Koda person has none of both.
You know, I usually find you to be a troll and an asshole but this time I absolutely agree. I imagine Koda has canceled the game months ago but wanted to keep subscribers for as long as possible. They made 8 thousand dollars for only a demo's worth of content. If that is not a scam idk what is.


Jul 24, 2018
You know, I usually find you to be a troll and an asshole but this time I absolutely agree. I imagine Koda has canceled the game months ago but wanted to keep subscribers for as long as possible. They made 8 thousand dollars for only a demo's worth of content. If that is not a scam idk what is.
Thanks took you long enough to see thou=) Actually im not a troll nor an asshole its just my way to tell ppl truth.We all have different points of view on this forum . But if you remember i was talking about this problem of Koda not be able to deliver content + his chains of delays that he scams ppl and patrons a year ago. Also i said that this game wont reach floor 10 ever. Ppl called me troll for that. >_> I hope now some of you will be able too see who you were defending and where the game is going...
PS but i really whanna see floor 10 while im still alive =) This dream can be reached if Koda dude is to be replaced by fair dev who loves and cares about his work\game.I think maybe not us (forum guys) but patrons can push Bo to this step if not i think nothing is going to change for better with the content release here...
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Sep 6, 2018
Koda made us forget the bo now he is becaming a punchpag for bo. 6 month with no content also he doesnt even have a release date. probably 7floor will be relased at august and what koda's doing just side work not that much important but he collected all the anger which is much more important than a coder at bo's case
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Mar 30, 2018
Did you guys imagine that this is a prank and this update looks like a small update for Cobra but actually she show you in it a way to go to 7F and Bo's update started there?
What a wonderful world it would be...
PS: Let me dream please


Jun 25, 2018
The discord is fine with it and koda even said "I only care about the end result And I decided it's easier for me if I release what I have tonight get flamed by people who think this is literally all we did for 6mo and then finish up at my own pace while everyone leaves me alone than delay a few days at a time or w/e" and "I'm hoping when people play it they'll feel "this is almost really cool but feels too scarce" because then they'll know how I feel. I'd like to have it done by the end of the weekend I'm also hoping people see it and think"wait since you did X for Cobra, you can probably do Y for [Villainess], right?"and the answer is probably yes" "I'm also leaving all the files in so if people wanna spoil themselves a bit that's fine"

He also posted these pictures of puppy ethan

own (1).png unnown.png unown (1).png


Active Member
Jun 17, 2018
I don't think Koda is a scammer, just incompetent and irresponsible.

scoobzz if you actually think people are surprised every time Koda announces a new delay then you must have some awful observation skills. People are angry as they should be every time someone messes up in the same way 15 consecutive times, it's a ridiculous situation no matter what the error.

Just imagine a friend borrows something from you and they tell you they'll give it back next week, and then they forget and they say they'll give it to you the week after, and then... you get the point. A normal person will be angry and confused at such a development, especially if it goes on for 15 weeks straight. Someone who doesn't do anything and tries to rationalize their friend's mistakes over and over and over, just doesn't respect himself enough and is being taken advantage of more than likely.

Whatever, we'll get the demo soon and will be able to judge Koda's work for ourselves.
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Jun 17, 2018
>"stop the delays, just release what you have"
>releases what he has in a public build, so that people can see work is being done
>"wow so lazy, shove the demo up yours"
I don't understand the shitshow that this has become, ngl. If anything, he should've done this from the beginning. Just release weekly/monthly builds on a regular schedule, regardless of their progress. Shows your progress while potentially letting people help out with finding bugs. It could even be a $5 tier; those who want to support further will support further, and those who don't will nab it from here anyway. If spoilers are still a worry, just be stricter towards keeping game talk (especially spoiler-related) to respective channels.


Sep 12, 2017
>"stop the delays, just release what you have"
>releases what he has in a public build, so that people can see work is being done
>"wow so lazy, shove the demo up yours"
If your audience demands you show your work after 6 months of work and all you have complete is a demo for one girl with a paltry amount of content, then you are lazy and incompetant. The amount of people defending Koda's bs is amazing.

"People will see at the end of the day all the amount of content. All the great and wonderful content." We have seen what he has, and found it wanting. You defending it just makes you look pathetic.
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4.30 star(s) 57 Votes